It shall likewise be the duty of the department of veterans services to assist veterans, their families and dependents in the presentation, proof and establishment of all claims, privileges, rights and other benefits which they may have under federal, state or local laws, and to cooperate with all national, state and local government and private agencies securing services or any benefits to veterans, their families and dependents.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Title 58 - Military Affairs, Emergencies and Civil Defense
Chapter 3 - Veterans' Rights in General
§ 58-3-103. Removal of Disability of Minor Veterans and Spouses
§ 58-3-104. Information Furnished to Veterans
§ 58-3-105. Assistance in Obtaining Benefits
§ 58-3-107. Oaths Administered by Department Employees
§ 58-3-108. Acceptance of Aid by Department