2021 Tennessee Code
Part 1 - Miscellaneous Provisions
§ 49-7-111. Military Career Information

If an institution of higher education provides access to the campus or to student directory information to persons or groups that make students aware of occupational or educational options, the institution of higher education shall provide access on the same basis to official recruiting representatives of the military forces of the state and the United States for the purpose of informing students of educational and career opportunities available in the military.

Structure 2021 Tennessee Code

2021 Tennessee Code

Title 49 - Education

Chapter 7 - Postsecondary and Higher Education Generally

Part 1 - Miscellaneous Provisions

§ 49-7-111. Military Career Information

§ 49-7-117. Child Sexual Abuse Courses

§ 49-7-121. Annual Source Reduction, Recycling and Waste Management Plan

§ 49-7-126. Campus Residential Houses — Fraternities and Sororities

§ 49-7-128. Fulfillment of Obligations as President Emeritus

§ 49-7-130. Reimbursement for Airplane Travel Limited to Standard Coach Fare

§ 49-7-131. Eligibility for Employment or Promotion After Serving on Presidential Search Committee

§ 49-7-132. Approval of Expenditures by State Building Commission

§ 49-7-134. Reduction in Work Force

§ 49-7-135. Policies on Smoking at Public Institutions of Higher Education

§ 49-7-138. Preference for Admission to State Residents

§ 49-7-140. Confidentiality of Gift Records

§ 49-7-144. Disclosure About Transferability of Credits

§ 49-7-145. Development of Student Disclosure Form

§ 49-7-146. Disciplinary Violations for Use or Possession of Alcohol, Controlled Substance or Controlled Substance Analogue — Notice to Parents

§ 49-7-147. Remedial and Developmental Courses — Coordination With Two-Year Institutions

§ 49-7-148. Comparative Education Concepts

§ 49-7-150. Reverse Articulation or Reverse Transfer Agreements Between Universities and Community Colleges

§ 49-7-153. Interest and Career Inventories

§ 49-7-154. Confidentiality of Application and Materials Submitted With Application for Position of Chief Executive Officer of Public Institution of Higher Education — Records of Finalists

§ 49-7-157. Adoption of Policies That Substantially Burden Students' Free Exercise of Religion Prohibited

§ 49-7-163. Possession and Storage of Firearms or Firearms Ammunition in Accordance With § 39-17-1313 — Prohibition Against Disciplinary Action

§ 49-7-165. Protection of Records Related to Alternative Investments