The board of workhouse commissioners shall, at the close of each quarter, at least two (2) days before the meeting of the county legislative body, submit the book kept by the superintendent and the minute book of the board to the county mayor, for settlement and comparison with the audited account kept in the county mayor's office; and, if found correct, the county mayor shall endorse on the books “examined and approved” and sign the books officially.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Title 41 - Correctional Institutions and Inmates
§ 41-2-103. Sentence to County Workhouse
§ 41-2-105. Labor Prescribed for Prisoners
§ 41-2-108. Sheriff as Superintendent
§ 41-2-112. Fine Accompanying Sentence to Workhouse
§ 41-2-113. Sentence to Workhouse in Lieu of Jail
§ 41-2-117. Workhouse Sentence Beginning After Term in Penitentiary
§ 41-2-124. Work Contracts With Other Counties
§ 41-2-125. Contracts With Department of Transportation
§ 41-2-131. Grounds for Refusal to Release Prisoner
§ 41-2-132. Contracts With Other Governmental Agencies for Accepting Work Release Prisoners
§ 41-2-133. Institution of Work Release Programs by Counties — Costs
§ 41-2-135. Petition to Come Under the Work Release Program
§ 41-2-136. Grounds for Removal From Program
§ 41-2-137. Failure to Return From Work on Time as Evidence of Intent to Escape — Penalty
§ 41-2-138. Monthly Report to Sentencing Judge
§ 41-2-139. Liability of Participating Prisoners for Program Costs
§ 41-2-140. Disbursement of Wages — Duty of Warden
§ 41-2-144. Inmate Incentive Program
§ 41-2-151. Interlocal Agreements for Joint Operation of Workhouses