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§ 41-2-102. Jail as Workhouse - Any county not having provided a separate workhouse may, through...
§ 41-2-103. Sentence to County Workhouse - It is the duty of the judges of the circuit...
§ 41-2-105. Labor Prescribed for Prisoners - The board of workhouse commissioners shall prescribe the kind of...
§ 41-2-106. Quarterly Audit - The board of workhouse commissioners shall, at the close of...
§ 41-2-108. Sheriff as Superintendent - Whenever the jail in any county has been declared a...
§ 41-2-109. Care of Prisoners - It is the duty of the superintendent to:
§ 41-2-112. Fine Accompanying Sentence to Workhouse - When any person is sentenced to the workhouse, the judge...
§ 41-2-113. Sentence to Workhouse in Lieu of Jail - In all cases where a person is by law liable...
§ 41-2-117. Workhouse Sentence Beginning After Term in Penitentiary - When any inmate is sentenced by the courts to the...
§ 41-2-124. Work Contracts With Other Counties - Any county not desiring to work its workhouse prisoners may,...
§ 41-2-125. Contracts With Department of Transportation - The department of transportation is authorized to enter into and...
§ 41-2-126. Contract to Bail Out Prisoner — Surrender of Prisoner by Bailee — Action Against Delinquent Bailee - State of Tennessee, County of . I, , principal, and...
§ 41-2-131. Grounds for Refusal to Release Prisoner - The warden, superintendent or other person in charge of a...
§ 41-2-132. Contracts With Other Governmental Agencies for Accepting Work Release Prisoners - The warden, superintendent, prison keeper or other administrative head of...
§ 41-2-133. Institution of Work Release Programs by Counties — Costs - not less than nor more than 14,400 14,500 19,500 19,600...
§ 41-2-135. Petition to Come Under the Work Release Program - A prisoner desiring to come under the work release program...
§ 41-2-136. Grounds for Removal From Program - Any prisoner placed under the work release program may be...
§ 41-2-137. Failure to Return From Work on Time as Evidence of Intent to Escape — Penalty - In the event a prisoner placed under the work release...
§ 41-2-138. Monthly Report to Sentencing Judge - The warden of the workhouse shall file a monthly report...
§ 41-2-139. Liability of Participating Prisoners for Program Costs - Any prisoner placed under the work release program who has...
§ 41-2-140. Disbursement of Wages — Duty of Warden - The warden of the workhouse shall be responsible for the...
§ 41-2-144. Inmate Incentive Program - All counties in the state having duly adopted a consolidated...
§ 41-2-151. Interlocal Agreements for Joint Operation of Workhouses - Nothing in this chapter or any other provision of general...