Any peace officer may arrest without warrant any person the officer has probable cause for believing has committed theft of property with a value of more than five hundred dollars ($500) in retail or wholesale establishments. “Probable cause,” as used in this section, includes, but is not limited to, the statement of a merchant containing facts and circumstances demonstrating that the officer relied on the elements enumerated in § 40-7-116(b).
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
§ 40-7-101. Persons by Whom Arrests Made
§ 40-7-102. Offense in Presence of Magistrate
§ 40-7-103. Grounds for Arrest by Officer Without Warrant
§ 40-7-104. Time of Arrest by Officer
§ 40-7-105. Assistance to Officer Acting on Warrant
§ 40-7-106. Notice of Authority and Grounds for Arrest — Telephone Call
§ 40-7-107. Authority of Officer to Break In
§ 40-7-108. Resistance to Officer
§ 40-7-109. Arrest by Private Person — Grounds
§ 40-7-110. Arrest by Private Person — Time
§ 40-7-111. Arrest by Private Person — Notice of Grounds
§ 40-7-113. Disposition of Person Arrested by Private Person
§ 40-7-114. Pursuit After Escape
§ 40-7-115. Breaking in to Retake Escaped Prisoner
§ 40-7-118. Use of Citations in Lieu of Continued Custody of an Arrested Person
§ 40-7-120. Release Citations for Misdemeanants
§ 40-7-121. Body Cavity Searches — Warrant Requirement — Waiver — Liability
§ 40-7-122. Fee for Booking and Processing of Persons Subject to Arrest or Summons