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Part 1 - General Provisions
§ 40-7-101. Persons by Whom Arrests Made - An arrest may be made either by: Code 1858, §...
§ 40-7-102. Offense in Presence of Magistrate - When a public offense is committed in the presence of...
§ 40-7-103. Grounds for Arrest by Officer Without Warrant - Code 1858, § 5037; Shan., § 6997; Code 1932, §...
§ 40-7-104. Time of Arrest by Officer - Arrests by officers for public offenses may be made on...
§ 40-7-105. Assistance to Officer Acting on Warrant - Every person shall aid an officer in the execution of...
§ 40-7-106. Notice of Authority and Grounds for Arrest — Telephone Call - Code 1858, § 5038; Shan., § 6998; Code 1932, §...
§ 40-7-107. Authority of Officer to Break In - To make an arrest, either with or without a warrant,...
§ 40-7-108. Resistance to Officer - Code 1858, § 5040; Shan., § 7000; Code 1932, §...
§ 40-7-109. Arrest by Private Person — Grounds - Code 1858, § 5042; Shan., § 7002; Code 1932, §...
§ 40-7-110. Arrest by Private Person — Time - A private person may make an arrest for a felony...
§ 40-7-111. Arrest by Private Person — Notice of Grounds - A private person making an arrest shall, at the time...
§ 40-7-112. Arrest by Private Person — Notice of Intention to Make Arrest — Use of Force to Enter Dwelling House - If the person to be arrested has committed a felony,...
§ 40-7-113. Disposition of Person Arrested by Private Person - Code 1858, §§ 5041, 5045; Shan., §§ 7001, 7005; Code...
§ 40-7-114. Pursuit After Escape - If a person arrested escapes or is rescued, the person...
§ 40-7-115. Breaking in to Retake Escaped Prisoner - To retake the party escaping or rescued, the person pursuing...
§ 40-7-117. Theft of Property Valued at More Than $500 in Retail or Wholesale Establishments — Arrest by Peace Officer Without Warrant - Any peace officer may arrest without warrant any person the...
§ 40-7-118. Use of Citations in Lieu of Continued Custody of an Arrested Person - NOTICE: FAILURE TO APPEAR IN COURT ON THE DATE ASSIGNED...
§ 40-7-120. Release Citations for Misdemeanants - NOTICE: FAILURE TO APPEAR IN COURT ON THE DATE ASSIGNED...
§ 40-7-121. Body Cavity Searches — Warrant Requirement — Waiver — Liability - Waiver of Warrant Requirement and Consent to Search Body Cavities...
§ 40-7-122. Fee for Booking and Processing of Persons Subject to Arrest or Summons - In addition to any other fees the sheriff is entitled...
Part 2 - Uniform Law on Fresh Pursuit
§ 40-7-201. Short Title - This part shall be known and may be cited as...
§ 40-7-202. Part Definitions - As used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires:
§ 40-7-205. Certification of Law to Other States - It is the duty of the secretary of state to...