2021 Tennessee Code
Chapter 25 - Fees of Officers
§ 40-25-134. Judgment for Costs

The judgment for costs may be rendered at the time of conviction, or, upon motion, at any time subsequent to conviction, and execution awarded accordingly.
Code 1858, § 5578; Shan., § 7610; Code 1932, § 12237; T.C.A. (orig. ed.), § 40-3336.

Structure 2021 Tennessee Code

2021 Tennessee Code

Title 40 - Criminal Procedure

Chapter 25 - Fees of Officers

§ 40-25-101. Application of General Provisions as to Fees

§ 40-25-102. Express Authorization Required

§ 40-25-103. Fees to Officers Acting in Lieu of Named Officers

§ 40-25-104. Costs Adjudged

§ 40-25-105. Prosecutor Not Entitled to Fees

§ 40-25-106. Witnesses Living Near Court

§ 40-25-107. State and County Expense Fees for Misdemeanors

§ 40-25-108. Loss of Fees by Clerk's Neglect

§ 40-25-109. Fees on Unserved Process

§ 40-25-110. Fees Lost by Escape of Prisoner — Exception

§ 40-25-111. Payment for Transporting Prisoners — Limitation on Charges

§ 40-25-112. Limitation on Sheriff's Fees

§ 40-25-113. Certification of Items in Bill of Costs

§ 40-25-114. Discretion of Court

§ 40-25-116. Certificate Required for Payment

§ 40-25-117. Refund of Expenses Collected From Defendant

§ 40-25-118. Certification of Fees for Boarding Juries and Prisoners Under Indictment

§ 40-25-119. Contents of Bill of Fees

§ 40-25-120. Taxation of Final Costs to State

§ 40-25-121. Collection and Refund of Costs for Which State Not Liable

§ 40-25-122. Seal Not Required on Certificates

§ 40-25-123. Payment of Costs by Defendant — Suspension of Costs and Litigation Tax for Indigent Defendants

§ 40-25-124. Costs Where Several Defendants

§ 40-25-125. Costs on Peace Warrant

§ 40-25-126. Taxing of Costs of Malicious or Frivolous Prosecution

§ 40-25-127. Taxing of Costs on Abandonment of Prosecution

§ 40-25-128. Taxing Prosecutor Where Defendant Has Made Settlement

§ 40-25-130. Circumstances When State or County Liable

§ 40-25-131. State Liability

§ 40-25-132. County Liability

§ 40-25-133. Costs Included

§ 40-25-134. Judgment for Costs

§ 40-25-136. Certification of Bills of Costs Against State or County

§ 40-25-137. Audit and Payment of Bills of Costs

§ 40-25-138. Warrants Payable to Person Entitled to Fees

§ 40-25-139. Payments to Correct Errors on Bills of Costs

§ 40-25-142. Payment to Federal Authorities