2021 Tennessee Code
Chapter 25 - Fees of Officers
§ 40-25-120. Taxation of Final Costs to State

If, on the final disposition of the case, the state is held liable for the costs, the clerk shall tax only the difference between the amount previously collected and the amount due to date of final disposition.

Structure 2021 Tennessee Code

2021 Tennessee Code

Title 40 - Criminal Procedure

Chapter 25 - Fees of Officers

§ 40-25-101. Application of General Provisions as to Fees

§ 40-25-102. Express Authorization Required

§ 40-25-103. Fees to Officers Acting in Lieu of Named Officers

§ 40-25-104. Costs Adjudged

§ 40-25-105. Prosecutor Not Entitled to Fees

§ 40-25-106. Witnesses Living Near Court

§ 40-25-107. State and County Expense Fees for Misdemeanors

§ 40-25-108. Loss of Fees by Clerk's Neglect

§ 40-25-109. Fees on Unserved Process

§ 40-25-110. Fees Lost by Escape of Prisoner — Exception

§ 40-25-111. Payment for Transporting Prisoners — Limitation on Charges

§ 40-25-112. Limitation on Sheriff's Fees

§ 40-25-113. Certification of Items in Bill of Costs

§ 40-25-114. Discretion of Court

§ 40-25-116. Certificate Required for Payment

§ 40-25-117. Refund of Expenses Collected From Defendant

§ 40-25-118. Certification of Fees for Boarding Juries and Prisoners Under Indictment

§ 40-25-119. Contents of Bill of Fees

§ 40-25-120. Taxation of Final Costs to State

§ 40-25-121. Collection and Refund of Costs for Which State Not Liable

§ 40-25-122. Seal Not Required on Certificates

§ 40-25-123. Payment of Costs by Defendant — Suspension of Costs and Litigation Tax for Indigent Defendants

§ 40-25-124. Costs Where Several Defendants

§ 40-25-125. Costs on Peace Warrant

§ 40-25-126. Taxing of Costs of Malicious or Frivolous Prosecution

§ 40-25-127. Taxing of Costs on Abandonment of Prosecution

§ 40-25-128. Taxing Prosecutor Where Defendant Has Made Settlement

§ 40-25-130. Circumstances When State or County Liable

§ 40-25-131. State Liability

§ 40-25-132. County Liability

§ 40-25-133. Costs Included

§ 40-25-134. Judgment for Costs

§ 40-25-136. Certification of Bills of Costs Against State or County

§ 40-25-137. Audit and Payment of Bills of Costs

§ 40-25-138. Warrants Payable to Person Entitled to Fees

§ 40-25-139. Payments to Correct Errors on Bills of Costs

§ 40-25-142. Payment to Federal Authorities