2021 Tennessee Code
Part 1 - General Provisions
§ 37-1-158. Contempt of Court

The court may punish a person for contempt of court for disobeying an order of the court or for obstructing or interfering with the proceedings of the court or the enforcement of its orders by imposing a fine or imprisonment as prescribed for circuit, chancery or appellate courts pursuant to title 29, chapter 9.

Structure 2021 Tennessee Code

2021 Tennessee Code

Title 37 - Juveniles

Chapter 1 - Juvenile Courts and Proceedings

Part 1 - General Provisions

§ 37-1-108. Commencement of Proceedings

§ 37-1-116. Place of Detention — Escape or Attempted Escape — Shelter Care

§ 37-1-118. Subpoenas

§ 37-1-119. Petition — Who May Make

§ 37-1-121. Service of Process

§ 37-1-123. Use of Detention

§ 37-1-131. Delinquent Child — Disposition — Restitution

§ 37-1-132. Unruly Child — Disposition

§ 37-1-135. Mentally Ill or Developmentally Disabled Child — Disposition

§ 37-1-143. Out-of-State Custody and Supervision

§ 37-1-145. Out-of-State Probation Officers — Powers

§ 37-1-151. Parents' Liability for Support

§ 37-1-152. Injunctive Relief

§ 37-1-153. Court Files and Records — Inspection Limited — Exceptions for Certain Violent Offenders — Confidentiality — Expunction

§ 37-1-158. Contempt of Court

§ 37-1-165. Contracts Among Counties to Pool Juvenile Justice Supplements

§ 37-1-167. Removal From Abusive Parent or Other Party

§ 37-1-175. Temporary Legal Custody for Children With Mental Illnesses

§ 37-1-176. Providing Care, Training or Treatment in Least Drastic Alternative Way

§ 37-1-177. Person Filing for Commitment

§ 37-1-178. Discharge

§ 37-1-179. Reporting Status of Child Who No Longer Meets Commitment Standards — Retention of Custody

§ 37-1-180. Rights of Child in Hearing to Review Custody

§ 37-1-181. Judges to Conduct Proceedings

§ 37-1-183. Dependent and Neglected Child to Remain in Related Caregiver’s Custody if in Best Interest of Child

§ 37-1-185. Report on Juvenile Justice Data Collection