2021 Tennessee Code
Part 1 - General Provisions
§ 37-1-123. Use of Detention

Detention shall not be ordered as a disposition under § 37-1-132, and neither a child nor that child's attorney may waive the detention-related prohibitions of that section, including as part of any pre-adjudication agreements.

Structure 2021 Tennessee Code

2021 Tennessee Code

Title 37 - Juveniles

Chapter 1 - Juvenile Courts and Proceedings

Part 1 - General Provisions

§ 37-1-108. Commencement of Proceedings

§ 37-1-116. Place of Detention — Escape or Attempted Escape — Shelter Care

§ 37-1-118. Subpoenas

§ 37-1-119. Petition — Who May Make

§ 37-1-121. Service of Process

§ 37-1-123. Use of Detention

§ 37-1-131. Delinquent Child — Disposition — Restitution

§ 37-1-132. Unruly Child — Disposition

§ 37-1-135. Mentally Ill or Developmentally Disabled Child — Disposition

§ 37-1-143. Out-of-State Custody and Supervision

§ 37-1-145. Out-of-State Probation Officers — Powers

§ 37-1-151. Parents' Liability for Support

§ 37-1-152. Injunctive Relief

§ 37-1-153. Court Files and Records — Inspection Limited — Exceptions for Certain Violent Offenders — Confidentiality — Expunction

§ 37-1-158. Contempt of Court

§ 37-1-165. Contracts Among Counties to Pool Juvenile Justice Supplements

§ 37-1-167. Removal From Abusive Parent or Other Party

§ 37-1-175. Temporary Legal Custody for Children With Mental Illnesses

§ 37-1-176. Providing Care, Training or Treatment in Least Drastic Alternative Way

§ 37-1-177. Person Filing for Commitment

§ 37-1-178. Discharge

§ 37-1-179. Reporting Status of Child Who No Longer Meets Commitment Standards — Retention of Custody

§ 37-1-180. Rights of Child in Hearing to Review Custody

§ 37-1-181. Judges to Conduct Proceedings

§ 37-1-183. Dependent and Neglected Child to Remain in Related Caregiver’s Custody if in Best Interest of Child

§ 37-1-185. Report on Juvenile Justice Data Collection