2021 Tennessee Code
Part 4 - Emergency Involuntary Admission to Inpatient Treatment
§ 33-6-408. Admission of Person Already at Treatment Facility

If the person has been certified as subject to admission under § 33-6-403 and is already at the hospital or treatment resource at which the person is proposed to be admitted, the person who took the service recipient to the hospital or treatment resource may then apply for the admission for the purpose of emergency diagnosis, evaluation and treatment. The application shall be accompanied by the two (2) certificates of need and shall state the reasons and circumstances under which the person was taken into custody.

Structure 2021 Tennessee Code

2021 Tennessee Code

Title 33 - Mental Health and Substance Abuse and Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Chapter 6 - Mental Health Service

Part 4 - Emergency Involuntary Admission to Inpatient Treatment

§ 33-6-401. Emergency Detention

§ 33-6-402. Detention Without Warrant Authorized

§ 33-6-403. Admission to Treatment Facility

§ 33-6-404. Certificate of Need for Emergency Treatment and Transportation

§ 33-6-408. Admission of Person Already at Treatment Facility

§ 33-6-410. Admission of Detainee to State Facility

§ 33-6-411. Admission of Detainee to Private or Local Facility With Contractual Relationship With State

§ 33-6-412. Admission of Detainee to Other Private or Local Facility — Payment for Services

§ 33-6-414. Detention for Twenty-Four (24) Hours if Judge Not Available

§ 33-6-415. Treatment Not to Render Defendant Unable to Participate in Probable Cause Hearing

§ 33-6-416. Order of Admission — Notice to Next of Kin or Representative

§ 33-6-417. Release or Transfer Prior to Hearing

§ 33-6-418. Procedure for Probable Cause Hearing

§ 33-6-419. Notice to Court of Legal Representation — Appointment of Counsel

§ 33-6-420. Waiver of Hearing

§ 33-6-421. Filing of Certificates of Need

§ 33-6-422. Finding of Probable Cause — Involuntary Commitment for Care for Up to Fifteen (15) Days

§ 33-6-423. Release of Defendant if Findings Not Made by Court

§ 33-6-424. Release of Defendant if Chief Officer Determines Certificates of Need Not Supported by Facts

§ 33-6-425. Detention Not to Be at Jail or Other Criminal Custodial Facility Unless Defendant Under Arrest for Crime

§ 33-6-426. Certification by Physician Required