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§ 33-6-401. Emergency Detention - IF AND ONLY IF THEN
§ 33-6-402. Detention Without Warrant Authorized - If an officer authorized to make arrests in the state,...
§ 33-6-403. Admission to Treatment Facility - IF AND ONLY IF THEN
§ 33-6-404. Certificate of Need for Emergency Treatment and Transportation - IF THEN
§ 33-6-408. Admission of Person Already at Treatment Facility - If the person has been certified as subject to admission...
§ 33-6-410. Admission of Detainee to State Facility - If the chief officer of a state hospital or treatment...
§ 33-6-411. Admission of Detainee to Private or Local Facility With Contractual Relationship With State - IF THEN
§ 33-6-412. Admission of Detainee to Other Private or Local Facility — Payment for Services - IF THEN
§ 33-6-414. Detention for Twenty-Four (24) Hours if Judge Not Available - If the judge is not available and all other provisions...
§ 33-6-415. Treatment Not to Render Defendant Unable to Participate in Probable Cause Hearing - Pending the probable cause hearing under § 33-6-422, no treatment...
§ 33-6-416. Order of Admission — Notice to Next of Kin or Representative - If the court orders the admission of the defendant for...
§ 33-6-417. Release or Transfer Prior to Hearing - If the defendant is released under § 33-6-705 or this...
§ 33-6-418. Procedure for Probable Cause Hearing - Probable cause proceedings under § 33-6-422 shall be conducted in...
§ 33-6-419. Notice to Court of Legal Representation — Appointment of Counsel - The defendant's attorney shall notify the court of the representation...
§ 33-6-420. Waiver of Hearing - If the defendant consents in writing to a waiver of...
§ 33-6-421. Filing of Certificates of Need - The chief officer shall file with the court, by the...
§ 33-6-422. Finding of Probable Cause — Involuntary Commitment for Care for Up to Fifteen (15) Days - If, after the hearing is waived or is completed and...
§ 33-6-423. Release of Defendant if Findings Not Made by Court - The court shall order the release of the defendant from...
§ 33-6-424. Release of Defendant if Chief Officer Determines Certificates of Need Not Supported by Facts - If the chief officer determines that the defendant's condition does...
§ 33-6-425. Detention Not to Be at Jail or Other Criminal Custodial Facility Unless Defendant Under Arrest for Crime - No defendant shall be detained at a jail or other...
§ 33-6-426. Certification by Physician Required - If a person who is not a licensed physician executes...