When the certification of the tally sheets is complete, the officer of elections shall publicly announce the results and shall, on demand of any candidate or watcher present, furnish such person a certified copy of the results. The certificate shall include the names of all candidates appearing on the ballot, the number of votes received by each and the number of votes for and against each question, including separately the total number of votes cast for each by voting machine and by paper ballot. The certificate shall be signed by the officer of elections and the judges and may be used as competent evidence in case of a contest regardless of what tribunal is hearing the contest.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Chapter 7 - Procedure at the Polling Place
§ 2-7-107. Delivery of Election Supplies
§ 2-7-109. Ballot Boxes — Locked During Voting
§ 2-7-123. Challenges to Right to Vote — Oath of Challenged Voter
§ 2-7-126. Challenge on Ground of Party Membership
§ 2-7-127. Closing of the Polling Place
§ 2-7-128. Duties After Closing the Polls
§ 2-7-129. Unused Paper Ballots — Disposal
§ 2-7-134. Return of Keys at Close of Election
§ 2-7-136. Public Announcement of Results — Certification of Results on Demand of Any Candidate or Watcher
§ 2-7-137. Items to Be Locked in Ballot Box After Certification of the Completed Tally Sheets
§ 2-7-138. Delivery of Locked Ballot Box and Supplies or Equipment to County Election Commission
§ 2-7-139. Removal of Supplies From Polling Place Prohibited