A person offering to vote in a primary may also be challenged on the ground that the person is not qualified under § 2-7-115(b). Such a challenge shall be disposed of under the procedure of §§ 2-7-123 — 2-7-125 by the judge or judges and the other election officials of the party in whose primary the voter applied to vote, with a total of three (3) to decide the challenge.
Structure 2021 Tennessee Code
Chapter 7 - Procedure at the Polling Place
§ 2-7-107. Delivery of Election Supplies
§ 2-7-109. Ballot Boxes — Locked During Voting
§ 2-7-123. Challenges to Right to Vote — Oath of Challenged Voter
§ 2-7-126. Challenge on Ground of Party Membership
§ 2-7-127. Closing of the Polling Place
§ 2-7-128. Duties After Closing the Polls
§ 2-7-129. Unused Paper Ballots — Disposal
§ 2-7-134. Return of Keys at Close of Election
§ 2-7-137. Items to Be Locked in Ballot Box After Certification of the Completed Tally Sheets
§ 2-7-138. Delivery of Locked Ballot Box and Supplies or Equipment to County Election Commission
§ 2-7-139. Removal of Supplies From Polling Place Prohibited