2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 776 - Maritime Pilots and Pilotage
Section 776.520 - Tariffs limiting liability of licensees, trainees or organizations.

The provisions of ORS 776.510 and 776.540 hereby are incorporated into and made a part of this tariff. By reason of the option granted by ORS 776.510, the rates and charges named in this tariff do not include the cost of marine insurance insuring the licensee, trainee and any organization of pilots to which the licensee or trainee belongs, the vessel, its owners, agents or operators from the consequences of negligence or errors in judgment of the licensees, trainees or organizations of pilots.
However, upon reasonable notice to the licensees in writing from the vessel, its master, owners, agents or operators, the licensees parties hereto will procure such insurance on a "trip" basis in an amount equal to the value of the vessel and its cargo, or such other amount as may be agreed upon between the licensees and the vessel, its master, owners, agents or operators, insuring the licensees and the organizations of pilots to which they belong against all claims or demands arising from or based upon, directly or indirectly, pilotage of the vessel. The premium for such insurance shall be assessed in addition to the rates and charges specified herein.
The election of the vessel, its master, owners, agents or operators not to request licensees parties hereto to procure such insurance and thereby to elect to have the licensees parties hereto perform services on the rates and charges specified herein shall constitute a binding and irrevocable agreement on the part of the vessel, its master, owners, agents or operators to the terms and conditions of the following:
It is understood and agreed, and is the essence of the contract under which services of the licensee are tendered to and accepted by the vessel, its master, operators and owners, that:
(1) The services rendered hereunder are rendered by a licensee;
(2) The services of any individual licensee have been voluntarily accepted and are voluntarily rendered pursuant to the election authorized by ORS 776.510;
(3) Such services are advisory in nature only, the master of the vessel remaining at all times in full command of the vessel and empowered to relieve the licensee of duties;
(4) The services of the licensee and, if applicable, trainee are accepted on the express understanding that when the licensee and trainee go aboard the vessel the licensee and trainee become the servants of the vessel and its owners and operators. Except as to such personal liability and rights over as may arise by reason of the willful misconduct or gross negligence of the licensee or trainee, the master, owners and operators of the vessel expressly covenant and agree:
(a) Not to assert directly or indirectly, any personal liability against the licensee, trainee, any organization of pilots to which the licensee or trainee belongs, and any members of such organization;
(b) Not to respond in damage (including any rights over) arising out of or connected with, directly or indirectly, any damage, loss or expense sustained by the vessel, its master, owners, operators and crew, and any third parties (including cargo), even though resulting from acts or omissions of any organization of pilots to which the licensee or trainee belongs, from acts or omissions of its members, or any acts or omissions of the licensee or trainee; and
(c) To defend, indemnify and hold harmless the licensee, trainee, any organization of pilots to which the licensee or trainee belongs, and any members of such organization, from any claims whatsoever for damages, loss or expense arising out of, or connected with any acts or omissions of the licensee, trainee or organization of pilots which relate, directly or indirectly, to pilotage of the vessel;
(5) The master, owners and operators of the vessel shall not be liable to indemnify and hold harmless the licensee, trainee and any organization of pilots to an extent greater than the amount to which the liability of the vessel, its owners and operators, is limited by reason of contract, bill of lading or statute, including but not limited to, the Limitation of Liability Act (46 U.S.C. 181-189), the Harter Act (46 U.S.C. 190-195), the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act (46 U.S.C. 1300-1315), and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. 1321); and
(6) The fees charged for the services rendered by the licensee and trainee have been computed and are assessed in accordance with and based upon the above stipulations.
______________________________________________________________________________ [1959 c.404 §3; 1973 c.650 §3; 1983 c.330 §5; 1993 c.796 §18]

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 19 - Utilities, Vehicle Code, Watercraft, Aviation

Chapter 776 - Maritime Pilots and Pilotage

Section 776.015 - Definitions.

Section 776.025 - Description of bar and river pilotage grounds.

Section 776.035 - Findings.

Section 776.045 - Deck officer requirements.

Section 776.105 - Oregon Board of Maritime Pilots; term; qualifications; appointment; quorum.

Section 776.115 - Powers and duties of board; rules; fees.

Section 776.118 - Additional authority of board.

Section 776.123 - Subpoenas.

Section 776.126 - Inspection of premises, ship or facility.

Section 776.129 - Administrative law judge for rate hearings; recommendations from other agencies; assessing costs and expenses of hearing.

Section 776.300 - Trainee license; qualifications; assignment for training; rules.

Section 776.311 - Organizations licensed to train pilots.

Section 776.325 - Qualifications of licensees.

Section 776.355 - License fees; rules.

Section 776.357 - Maximum maritime pilot license fee.

Section 776.375 - Disciplinary proceedings; administrative procedures; judicial review.

Section 776.405 - License required; exemptions.

Section 776.510 - Declaration of legislative intent relating to liability of licensees, trainees and organizations.

Section 776.520 - Tariffs limiting liability of licensees, trainees or organizations.

Section 776.540 - Security required of licensees and trainees; conditions of bond; limitation of liability.

Section 776.600 - Restrictions on licensee’s or trainee’s financial interest in boat or equipment assisting vessel piloted by licensee or trainee.

Section 776.800 - Collection of fee; remittance.

Section 776.810 - Maximum amount of fee; adjustment of fee.

Section 776.880 - Civil penalties.