2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 776 - Maritime Pilots and Pilotage
Section 776.115 - Powers and duties of board; rules; fees.

(1) Fix the manner of calling and fixing the places of meetings and hold at least one meeting each calendar year.
(2) Provide for efficient and competent pilotage service on all pilotage grounds, and regulate and limit the number of licensees and trainees under this chapter, such number of licensees and trainees to be regulated and limited to the number found by the board to be required to render efficient and competent pilotage service. The primary consideration of the board is public safety. If a proposed rule would result in the significant limitation of competition among licensees or pilot organizations that exist in this state on January 1, 1991, the board shall first make a determination that the proposed rule is essential to protect the safety of the public.
(3) Establish and fix the boundaries of pilotage grounds not described in ORS 776.025.
(4) In accordance with the applicable provisions of ORS chapter 183, establish by rule a licensing system for persons licensed to pilot, for persons licensed as trainees and for pilot organizations who train persons to pilot, including but not limited to provisions prescribing:
(a) The form and content of and the times and procedures for submitting an application for license issuance and renewal. The pendency of an investigation shall not affect the renewal process.
(b) The term of license of a pilot and the annual license fee, subject to the maximum annual license fee established pursuant to ORS 776.357.
(c) The requirements for and the manner of testing competency of license applicants.
(d) Those actions or circumstances that constitute failure to achieve or maintain competency or that otherwise constitute a danger to public health and safety and for which the board may refuse to issue or renew a license, may suspend or revoke a license or may reprimand a licensee.
(e) Classes of licenses that specify the size of vessels the licensee is authorized to be trained to pilot or to pilot on those river pilotage grounds for which the trainee or pilot is licensed.
(5)(a) Fix, at reasonable and just rates, pilotage fees, extra fees for vessels in distress, fees for extraordinary pilotage services, fees for a licensee or trainee being carried to sea unwillingly and reimbursement for the return to station or for the detention of a licensee or trainee, except that pilotage fees shall not be less inbound or outbound on vessels, propelled in whole or in part by their own power, than the following:
(A) Between Astoria and Portland or Vancouver, $2.50 per foot draft and 2 cents per net ton;
(B) Between Astoria or Knappton and the sea, $3 per foot draft and 2 cents per net ton;
(C) Between Yaquina Bay and the sea, $3 per foot draft and 2 cents per ton; and
(D) Between Coos Bay and the sea, $2.50 per foot draft and 2 cents per ton.
(b) In fixing fees pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subsection, the board shall give due regard to the following factors:
(A) The length and net tonnage of the vessels to be piloted.
(B) The difficulty and inconvenience of the particular service and the skill required to render it.
(C) The supply of and demand for pilotage services.
(D) The public interest in maintaining efficient, economical and reliable pilotage service.
(E) Other factors relevant to the determination of reasonable and just rates.
(6) Conduct or authorize the holding of hearings. In so doing the board or the administrative law judge may issue subpoenas pursuant to ORS 776.123, conduct investigations pursuant to ORS 776.126, administer oaths, take depositions and fix the fees and mileage of witnesses.
(7) Adopt any rule or make any order, as set forth in ORS chapter 183, for the effective administration and enforcement of this chapter.
(8) Establish rates pursuant to subsection (5) of this section, for a period of not less than two years, that continue in effect until a subsequent hearing process. Rates may include automatic adjustment provisions to reflect changing economic conditions. [1957 c.448 §4; 1981 c.88 §5; 1983 c.313 §5; 1987 c.158 §157; 1987 c.775 §3; 1991 c.234 §8; 1993 c.741 §112; 1993 c.796 §4; 2003 c.75 §110; 2003 c.619 §1; 2007 c.621 §1; 2009 c.280 §4]

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 19 - Utilities, Vehicle Code, Watercraft, Aviation

Chapter 776 - Maritime Pilots and Pilotage

Section 776.015 - Definitions.

Section 776.025 - Description of bar and river pilotage grounds.

Section 776.035 - Findings.

Section 776.045 - Deck officer requirements.

Section 776.105 - Oregon Board of Maritime Pilots; term; qualifications; appointment; quorum.

Section 776.115 - Powers and duties of board; rules; fees.

Section 776.118 - Additional authority of board.

Section 776.123 - Subpoenas.

Section 776.126 - Inspection of premises, ship or facility.

Section 776.129 - Administrative law judge for rate hearings; recommendations from other agencies; assessing costs and expenses of hearing.

Section 776.300 - Trainee license; qualifications; assignment for training; rules.

Section 776.311 - Organizations licensed to train pilots.

Section 776.325 - Qualifications of licensees.

Section 776.355 - License fees; rules.

Section 776.357 - Maximum maritime pilot license fee.

Section 776.375 - Disciplinary proceedings; administrative procedures; judicial review.

Section 776.405 - License required; exemptions.

Section 776.510 - Declaration of legislative intent relating to liability of licensees, trainees and organizations.

Section 776.520 - Tariffs limiting liability of licensees, trainees or organizations.

Section 776.540 - Security required of licensees and trainees; conditions of bond; limitation of liability.

Section 776.600 - Restrictions on licensee’s or trainee’s financial interest in boat or equipment assisting vessel piloted by licensee or trainee.

Section 776.800 - Collection of fee; remittance.

Section 776.810 - Maximum amount of fee; adjustment of fee.

Section 776.880 - Civil penalties.