2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 660 - Apprenticeship and Training; Workforce Development; Volunteerism
Section 660.302 - Findings and policy.

(a) A robust and effective workforce system is necessary to produce a highly skilled workforce, to advance more Oregonians into family wage jobs and to help Oregon businesses compete in a global economy.
(b) Oregon’s economy is strongest when all workers are self-sufficient and all businesses can find the talented workforce they need to grow.
(2) The Legislative Assembly declares that:
(a) It will be beneficial to consolidate state-level coordination, employer engagement and oversight responsibilities within the State Workforce and Talent Development Board and to align state investments in workforce development, economic development and education to meet the needs of identified key industries in this state.
(b) It is the policy of this state to promote the coordinated provision of education, employment, economic development and job training to:
(A) Develop a workforce system that is flexible, accountable, outcome-focused and data-driven;
(B) Meet the needs of employers for skilled, committed and innovative employees;
(C) Deliver an effective, efficient, highly integrated and responsive workforce system;
(D) Offer services;
(E) Ensure equity in program access, services and outcomes for populations that have historically experienced high levels of unemployment, underemployment and poverty;
(F) Provide greater economic security and grow a more inclusive and dynamic economy;
(G) Support the economic health of local communities throughout this state with workforce solutions that meet community needs and advance the prosperity of Oregonians and Oregon-based businesses;
(H) Build on the WorkSource Oregon network of state workforce agencies, local workforce development boards, public and private secondary and post-secondary institutions of education and other public and private partners to deliver a comprehensive, robust and outcome-oriented array of services to unemployed and underemployed individuals and to businesses seeking employees;
(I) Support the achievement of Oregon’s 40-40-20 goal in conjunction with the education system and private industry to ensure that more Oregonians may access opportunities to gain skills and earn credentials to support their employment goals; and
(J) Support the continuing economic health of the maritime sector in Oregon and provide opportunities for Oregonians to acquire family wage jobs in the maritime sector. [2014 c.49 §1; 2017 c.185 §24; 2017 c.297 §2; 2017 c.738 §2]

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 16 - Trade Practices, Labor and Employment

Chapter 660 - Apprenticeship and Training; Workforce Development; Volunteerism

Section 660.002 - Declaration of policy.

Section 660.006 - Application.

Section 660.010 - Definitions for ORS 660.002 to 660.210.

Section 660.020 - Necessity for written agreement; transfer of agreement to another employer.

Section 660.060 - Contents of agreement.

Section 660.110 - State Apprenticeship and Training Council; members; confirmation; compensation and expenses.

Section 660.120 - Duties and powers of council and division; rules.

Section 660.126 - Apprenticeship standards; rules.

Section 660.135 - Local joint committees; members; meetings; authority of individual employed to assist committees.

Section 660.137 - Duties of local apprenticeship and training programs.

Section 660.139 - Applicant indentured to family business or current employer.

Section 660.142 - Pay rates for apprentices and journeyworkers; exception.

Section 660.147 - Registered apprentice required; exceptions.

Section 660.149 - Evaluation of registered apprenticeship programs.

Section 660.155 - State joint committees; rules.

Section 660.157 - Standard courses of study for apprentices and trainees.

Section 660.158 - Interstate agreements regarding courses of study.

Section 660.162 - Adoption of policies, standards and programs by Higher Education Coordinating Commission; rules.

Section 660.167 - Adoption of policies by council.

Section 660.170 - State Director of Apprenticeship and Training; commissioner authority to employ others.

Section 660.205 - Certification of program completion for certain apprentices; card; rules; fee.

Section 660.210 - Tort liability of committees, officers, employees and agents; limitations; punitive damages excluded.

Section 660.220 - Outreach to veterans by Bureau of Labor and Industries; rules.

Section 660.300 - Definitions for ORS 660.300 to 660.364.

Section 660.302 - Findings and policy.

Section 660.312 - Education and Workforce Policy Advisor; duties; rules.

Section 660.318 - Duties of Higher Education Coordinating Commission; rules.

Section 660.321 - State Workforce and Talent Development Board.

Section 660.324 - Duties of state board; state plan for workforce development system.

Section 660.327 - Duties of local workforce development boards.

Section 660.330 - One-stop delivery system; service providers.

Section 660.333 - Use of funds; one-stop delivery system services.

Section 660.334 - Agreements to create entities to perform workforce development activities.

Section 660.336 - Reports on performance of local training providers and programs.

Section 660.339 - Participant records; confidentiality; when records available for inspection or release; rules.

Section 660.340 - Oregon Employer Workforce Training Program; rules.

Section 660.343 - Oregon National Career Readiness Certification Program; rules; annual report.

Section 660.346 - Integrated workforce delivery system; occupational prioritization; rules.

Section 660.348 - Comprehensive assessment of public workforce system.

Section 660.349 - Grant program for collaborative pilot projects providing high school students experience and education in architecture, construction trades and engineering; rules.

Section 660.353 - Oregon Youth Employment Program; rules.

Section 660.355 - Definitions for ORS 660.355 to 660.364.

Section 660.358 - Green jobs growth initiative plan.

Section 660.364 - Financial incentives and comprehensive strategies to promote green economy and green technology and innovation.

Section 660.500 - OregonServes Commission.

Section 660.505 - Commission membership.

Section 660.508 - Commission officers; meetings.

Section 660.511 - Advisory and technical committees.

Section 660.515 - Commission duties.

Section 660.518 - Additional duties.

Section 660.520 - Rules establishing standards and guidelines.

Section 660.523 - Solicitations of moneys by commission.