2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 571 - Nursery Stock; Licensed Agricultural Crops
Section 571.290 - Industrial hemp propagation.

Note: See note under 571.260.

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 15 - Water Resources, Agriculture and Food

Chapter 571 - Nursery Stock; Licensed Agricultural Crops

Section 571.005 - Definitions for ORS 571.005 to 571.230.

Section 571.015 - Policy; department to maintain nursery service; duties.

Section 571.025 - State Nursery Research and Regulatory Committee.

Section 571.038 - Plant Pest and Disease Emergency Response Fund.

Section 571.045 - Exemption from licensing requirements.

Section 571.055 - License required to grow or deal in nursery stock; false representations or statements regarding licenses.

Section 571.057 - License application; contents; fee; assessments.

Section 571.059 - License fee surcharge.

Section 571.063 - Temporary nursery sale license; application; fee; rules; conditions.

Section 571.075 - Renewal of license; rules; forfeiture.

Section 571.095 - Form of license; display required.

Section 571.105 - Agent’s license.

Section 571.115 - License not transferable; moving place of business.

Section 571.125 - Suspension, revocation or refusal of license.

Section 571.135 - Shipping permits, shipping invoices and bills of lading; rules; retention; exceptions.

Section 571.145 - Inspection of licensed and unlicensed nurseries; additional inspections and special services; fees.

Section 571.147 - Department audit of books and records of licensees; suspension of license for failure to submit to audit.

Section 571.170 - Substitution or transportation of uninspected nursery stock prohibited.

Section 571.180 - Misrepresentation of nursery stock by grower, dealer or agent prohibited; tag or label required on fruit trees.

Section 571.190 - Knowingly selling, advertising or displaying damaged, misrepresented or mislabeled nursery stock prohibited.

Section 571.200 - Knowingly offering to sell, moving or storing infected or infested nursery stock prohibited.

Section 571.210 - Hold order on defective nursery stock; condemnation.

Section 571.230 - Disposition and use of moneys received.

Section 571.260 - Short title.

Section 571.263 - Oregon Hemp State Program; rules.

Section 571.266 - Exclusion from ORS 571.260 to 571.348.

Section 571.269 - Definitions for ORS 571.260 to 571.348; rules.

Section 571.272 - Regulation by department; commodities.

Section 571.275 - Commission powers regarding industrial hemp; notice.

Section 571.278 - Industrial Hemp Fund.

Section 571.281 - Grower and handler license; records; inspection; nonconforming crop; fees; rules.

Section 571.285 - Revocation or refusal of licensure; rules.

Section 571.287 - Requirement to conduct criminal records check on applicant for grower license.

Section 571.289 - Ineligibility for license; grounds for denial, revocation or refusal of license; exception.

Section 571.290 - Industrial hemp propagation.

Section 571.291 - Crop location.

Section 571.294 - Charges for sampling or testing; fee.

Section 571.306 - Transport, receipt of industrial hemp, certain industrial hemp commodities or products.

Section 571.309 - Industrial hemp product concentration, serving standards; rules.

Section 571.312 - Transfer of industrial hemp commodities and products intended for human consumption; rules.

Section 571.316 - Required reporting to department; rules.

Section 571.319 - Destruction, remediation of specified industrial hemp crop; rules.

Section 571.322 - Planting of industrial hemp crop, commitment of violation as grounds for refusal to issue license; corrective action plan; rules.

Section 571.325 - Agricultural hemp seed labeling and certification; rules.

Section 571.327 - Hemp seed sales; packaging; rules.

Section 571.330 - Laboratory testing; limitation on sales, transfers; rules.

Section 571.333 - Industrial hemp crop concentration standards; test results.

Section 571.336 - Delivery of industrial hemp to marijuana processor; processing and delivery of hemp marijuana supplements; fee; appropriation.

Section 571.337 - Processor, retailer and wholesaler transaction involving industrial hemp commodity or product; rules.

Section 571.339 - Limitations on industrial hemp transaction involving consumer; testing requirements; exception.

Section 571.345 - Remediation for unintentional violation; rules.

Section 571.348 - Civil penalty; appropriation.

Section 571.400 - Definitions for ORS 571.400 to 571.501.

Section 571.402 - Declarations; purposes of ORS 571.400 to 571.501.

Section 571.404 - Duties of State Department of Agriculture; rules.

Section 571.406 - Temporary members of Oregon Hemp Commission; terms; rules.

Section 571.408 - Ex officio members of Oregon Hemp Commission.

Section 571.410 - Required declaration of vacancy of producer, processor office.

Section 571.412 - Required declaration of vacancy of public member office.

Section 571.414 - Authority to remove member of Oregon Hemp Commission.

Section 571.417 - Payment for member of Oregon Hemp Commission; expenses; rules.

Section 571.420 - Meetings.

Section 571.423 - Powers of Oregon Hemp Commission; rules.

Section 571.426 - Authority to contract; limitations on contractors; required review of contracts; rules.

Section 571.429 - Oregon Hemp Commission authority, duties relating to moneys.

Section 571.432 - Administrative support for Oregon Hemp Commission from Oregon Department of Administrative Services; compensation for services; accounting system.

Section 571.435 - Provision and receipt of services, facilities and materials to, from other state agencies.

Section 571.438 - Exemption from certain financial administration laws.

Section 571.441 - Commission employees not subject to state personnel compensation plans; commission not subject to office space regulation; fees for administrative services; rules.

Section 571.444 - Intellectual property; rules.

Section 571.447 - Levy and collection of assessment; exemption; limitation; application for refund; rules.

Section 571.450 - Exemptions from assessments; rules.

Section 571.453 - Assessment collection requirements.

Section 571.456 - Reporting to Oregon Hemp Commission of sales, transfers of hemp by producer; payment of assessment.

Section 571.459 - Requirement to maintain records; Oregon Hemp Commission authority to inspect records, issue subpoenas.

Section 571.462 - Penalty for delayed payment of assessment.

Section 571.465 - Penalty for failure to pay assessment; civil action.

Section 571.468 - Dispute regarding amount of assessment; rules.

Section 571.471 - Financial activity of Oregon Hemp Commission.

Section 571.474 - Fidelity bond; conditions on bond; payment of cost of bond.

Section 571.477 - Cancellation of uncollectible assessment.

Section 571.480 - Maintenance of books, records and accounts.

Section 571.483 - Oregon Hemp Commission budget; meeting requirement; annual financial statement.

Section 571.486 - Requirement to comply with ORS 571.483 in order to make, incur expenditure.

Section 571.489 - Limitation on amount, purpose of expenditure.

Section 571.492 - Unforeseen expenditure; fund transfer.

Section 571.495 - Distribution of moneys upon abolishment of Oregon Hemp Commission.

Section 571.498 - Sale of hemp considered sale in commercial channels.

Section 571.501 - Penalty for violation of ORS 571.400 to 571.501.

Section 571.505 - Definitions for ORS 571.510 to 571.580.

Section 571.510 - Policy; department to maintain Christmas tree service; duties.

Section 571.515 - State Christmas Tree Advisory Committee.

Section 571.520 - Exemptions from licensing requirements.

Section 571.530 - License application; contents; license fee.

Section 571.535 - Renewal of license; rules.

Section 571.540 - Form of license; display required.

Section 571.545 - License not transferable; notice of change of business organization; additional assessment for trees not subject to fee.

Section 571.550 - Suspension, revocation or refusal of license.

Section 571.555 - Issuance of shipping permit numbers.

Section 571.560 - Inspections for pest, disease and weed control; additional inspections for special certificates.

Section 571.570 - Substitution or transportation of uninspected Christmas tree stock.

Section 571.575 - Knowingly offering to sell infected or infested Christmas tree stock.

Section 571.600 - Definitions for ORS 571.605 to 571.620.

Section 571.605 - Economic development assistance.

Section 571.610 - Technical business assistance.

Section 571.615 - Workforce training assistance.

Section 571.620 - Identification and mapping of marketable stands.

Section 571.625 - Western Juniper Industry Fund.

Section 571.650 - Definitions for ORS 571.650 to 571.660.

Section 571.655 - License required; prohibitions.

Section 571.660 - Rules; fees.

Section 571.665 - Revocation, suspension or denial of or refusal to renew license; civil penalty; rules.

Section 571.670 - Disposition of fee moneys.

Section 571.993 - Penalty for violation of ORS 571.655.

Section 571.997 - Civil penalties for ORS 571.055 and 571.525.