2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 571 - Nursery Stock; Licensed Agricultural Crops
Section 571.281 - Grower and handler license; records; inspection; nonconforming crop; fees; rules.

(b) The department may identify by rule activities related to growing or handling hemp in addition to those described in ORS 571.269 and may require licensure to engage in those activities. The department may issue, renew, suspend, revoke or refuse to issue or renew a license required pursuant to this subsection.
(2)(a) Only a grower or handler licensed under this section may produce agricultural hemp seed. For a grower or handler to produce agricultural hemp seed, the grower or handler must be licensed by the department as an agricultural hemp seed producer.
(b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of this subsection:
(A) A grower licensed under this section that retains agricultural hemp seed for the purpose of personally propagating industrial hemp in a subsequent year is not required to be licensed by the department as an agricultural hemp seed producer; and
(B) A grower or handler licensed under this section that produces Cannabis seeds that are incapable of germination, or a handler licensed under this section that processes Cannabis seeds that are incapable of germination into commodities or products, is not required to be licensed by the department as an agricultural hemp seed producer.
(3) An applicant for a license under this section must submit to the department, in a form and manner prescribed by the department, the following information:
(a) The name and address of the applicant;
(b) The name and address of the industrial hemp operation of the applicant; and
(c) Any other information required by the department by rule.
(4) The department shall adopt rules specifying the period of time for which a license issued under this section is valid. A licensee may renew a license under this section in a form and manner prescribed by the department.
(5) A license under this section is a personal privilege and is not transferable.
(6) A grower or handler licensed under this section must keep records as required by the department by rule. Upon not less than three days’ notice, the department may subject the records to inspection or audit during normal business hours. The department may make an inspection or audit for the purpose of ensuring compliance with:
(a) A provision of ORS 571.260 to 571.348;
(b) A rule adopted under a provision of ORS 571.260 to 571.348; or
(c) An order issued by the department pursuant to a provision of ORS 571.260 to 571.348 or a rule adopted under a provision of ORS 571.260 to 571.348.
(7) In addition to any inspection conducted pursuant to ORS 561.275, the department may inspect any crop during the crop’s growth phase and take a representative composite sample for field analysis. If a crop contains an average tetrahydrocannabinol concentration exceeding the concentration specified by the department by rule, the department may detain, seize or embargo the crop as provided under ORS 561.605 to 561.620, subject to any process established under ORS 571.345.
(8)(a) The department may charge licensees the following fees in amounts reasonably calculated by the department to pay the cost of administering ORS 571.260 to 571.348:
(A) Application fees;
(B) License and license renewal fees;
(C) Administrative change fees; and
(D) Fees for other services.
(b) Moneys from fees charged under this subsection shall be deposited in the Industrial Hemp Fund established under ORS 571.278.
(9) The department may adopt rules establishing public health and safety standards and industry best practices for growers and handlers licensed under this section. [Formerly 571.305; 2021 c.542 §23]
Note: See note under 571.260.
Note: Sections 42 to 45, chapter 542, Oregon Laws 2021, provide:
Sec. 42. (1) The State Department of Agriculture may enter into an interagency agreement with the Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission to allow representatives of the commission to carry out inspections of industrial hemp crops under ORS 571.281 (7).
(2) The department and the commission may adopt rules to carry out this section. [2021 c.542 §42]
Sec. 43. (1) Pursuant to rules adopted by the State Department of Agriculture under subsection (2) of this section:
(a) Law enforcement officers may accompany the department to an industrial hemp operation for the purposes of providing protection for the department’s representatives; and
(b) Public employees and officials who are responsible for the enforcement of state and local laws may accompany the department to an industrial hemp operation in order to carry out inspections that the public employees or officials are authorized to perform.
(2) The department shall adopt rules to carry out this section. [2021 c.542 §43]
Sec. 44. The Governor may order that the Oregon National Guard provide assistance and support to the State Department of Agriculture and law enforcement in carrying out inspections of industrial hemp crops under ORS 571.281 (7) and other duties of the department related to the enforcement of ORS 571.260 to 571.348. [2021 c.542 §44]
Sec. 45. Sections 40 to 44 of this 2021 Act are repealed on January 1, 2024. [2021 c.542 §45]

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 15 - Water Resources, Agriculture and Food

Chapter 571 - Nursery Stock; Licensed Agricultural Crops

Section 571.005 - Definitions for ORS 571.005 to 571.230.

Section 571.015 - Policy; department to maintain nursery service; duties.

Section 571.025 - State Nursery Research and Regulatory Committee.

Section 571.038 - Plant Pest and Disease Emergency Response Fund.

Section 571.045 - Exemption from licensing requirements.

Section 571.055 - License required to grow or deal in nursery stock; false representations or statements regarding licenses.

Section 571.057 - License application; contents; fee; assessments.

Section 571.059 - License fee surcharge.

Section 571.063 - Temporary nursery sale license; application; fee; rules; conditions.

Section 571.075 - Renewal of license; rules; forfeiture.

Section 571.095 - Form of license; display required.

Section 571.105 - Agent’s license.

Section 571.115 - License not transferable; moving place of business.

Section 571.125 - Suspension, revocation or refusal of license.

Section 571.135 - Shipping permits, shipping invoices and bills of lading; rules; retention; exceptions.

Section 571.145 - Inspection of licensed and unlicensed nurseries; additional inspections and special services; fees.

Section 571.147 - Department audit of books and records of licensees; suspension of license for failure to submit to audit.

Section 571.170 - Substitution or transportation of uninspected nursery stock prohibited.

Section 571.180 - Misrepresentation of nursery stock by grower, dealer or agent prohibited; tag or label required on fruit trees.

Section 571.190 - Knowingly selling, advertising or displaying damaged, misrepresented or mislabeled nursery stock prohibited.

Section 571.200 - Knowingly offering to sell, moving or storing infected or infested nursery stock prohibited.

Section 571.210 - Hold order on defective nursery stock; condemnation.

Section 571.230 - Disposition and use of moneys received.

Section 571.260 - Short title.

Section 571.263 - Oregon Hemp State Program; rules.

Section 571.266 - Exclusion from ORS 571.260 to 571.348.

Section 571.269 - Definitions for ORS 571.260 to 571.348; rules.

Section 571.272 - Regulation by department; commodities.

Section 571.275 - Commission powers regarding industrial hemp; notice.

Section 571.278 - Industrial Hemp Fund.

Section 571.281 - Grower and handler license; records; inspection; nonconforming crop; fees; rules.

Section 571.285 - Revocation or refusal of licensure; rules.

Section 571.287 - Requirement to conduct criminal records check on applicant for grower license.

Section 571.289 - Ineligibility for license; grounds for denial, revocation or refusal of license; exception.

Section 571.290 - Industrial hemp propagation.

Section 571.291 - Crop location.

Section 571.294 - Charges for sampling or testing; fee.

Section 571.306 - Transport, receipt of industrial hemp, certain industrial hemp commodities or products.

Section 571.309 - Industrial hemp product concentration, serving standards; rules.

Section 571.312 - Transfer of industrial hemp commodities and products intended for human consumption; rules.

Section 571.316 - Required reporting to department; rules.

Section 571.319 - Destruction, remediation of specified industrial hemp crop; rules.

Section 571.322 - Planting of industrial hemp crop, commitment of violation as grounds for refusal to issue license; corrective action plan; rules.

Section 571.325 - Agricultural hemp seed labeling and certification; rules.

Section 571.327 - Hemp seed sales; packaging; rules.

Section 571.330 - Laboratory testing; limitation on sales, transfers; rules.

Section 571.333 - Industrial hemp crop concentration standards; test results.

Section 571.336 - Delivery of industrial hemp to marijuana processor; processing and delivery of hemp marijuana supplements; fee; appropriation.

Section 571.337 - Processor, retailer and wholesaler transaction involving industrial hemp commodity or product; rules.

Section 571.339 - Limitations on industrial hemp transaction involving consumer; testing requirements; exception.

Section 571.345 - Remediation for unintentional violation; rules.

Section 571.348 - Civil penalty; appropriation.

Section 571.400 - Definitions for ORS 571.400 to 571.501.

Section 571.402 - Declarations; purposes of ORS 571.400 to 571.501.

Section 571.404 - Duties of State Department of Agriculture; rules.

Section 571.406 - Temporary members of Oregon Hemp Commission; terms; rules.

Section 571.408 - Ex officio members of Oregon Hemp Commission.

Section 571.410 - Required declaration of vacancy of producer, processor office.

Section 571.412 - Required declaration of vacancy of public member office.

Section 571.414 - Authority to remove member of Oregon Hemp Commission.

Section 571.417 - Payment for member of Oregon Hemp Commission; expenses; rules.

Section 571.420 - Meetings.

Section 571.423 - Powers of Oregon Hemp Commission; rules.

Section 571.426 - Authority to contract; limitations on contractors; required review of contracts; rules.

Section 571.429 - Oregon Hemp Commission authority, duties relating to moneys.

Section 571.432 - Administrative support for Oregon Hemp Commission from Oregon Department of Administrative Services; compensation for services; accounting system.

Section 571.435 - Provision and receipt of services, facilities and materials to, from other state agencies.

Section 571.438 - Exemption from certain financial administration laws.

Section 571.441 - Commission employees not subject to state personnel compensation plans; commission not subject to office space regulation; fees for administrative services; rules.

Section 571.444 - Intellectual property; rules.

Section 571.447 - Levy and collection of assessment; exemption; limitation; application for refund; rules.

Section 571.450 - Exemptions from assessments; rules.

Section 571.453 - Assessment collection requirements.

Section 571.456 - Reporting to Oregon Hemp Commission of sales, transfers of hemp by producer; payment of assessment.

Section 571.459 - Requirement to maintain records; Oregon Hemp Commission authority to inspect records, issue subpoenas.

Section 571.462 - Penalty for delayed payment of assessment.

Section 571.465 - Penalty for failure to pay assessment; civil action.

Section 571.468 - Dispute regarding amount of assessment; rules.

Section 571.471 - Financial activity of Oregon Hemp Commission.

Section 571.474 - Fidelity bond; conditions on bond; payment of cost of bond.

Section 571.477 - Cancellation of uncollectible assessment.

Section 571.480 - Maintenance of books, records and accounts.

Section 571.483 - Oregon Hemp Commission budget; meeting requirement; annual financial statement.

Section 571.486 - Requirement to comply with ORS 571.483 in order to make, incur expenditure.

Section 571.489 - Limitation on amount, purpose of expenditure.

Section 571.492 - Unforeseen expenditure; fund transfer.

Section 571.495 - Distribution of moneys upon abolishment of Oregon Hemp Commission.

Section 571.498 - Sale of hemp considered sale in commercial channels.

Section 571.501 - Penalty for violation of ORS 571.400 to 571.501.

Section 571.505 - Definitions for ORS 571.510 to 571.580.

Section 571.510 - Policy; department to maintain Christmas tree service; duties.

Section 571.515 - State Christmas Tree Advisory Committee.

Section 571.520 - Exemptions from licensing requirements.

Section 571.530 - License application; contents; license fee.

Section 571.535 - Renewal of license; rules.

Section 571.540 - Form of license; display required.

Section 571.545 - License not transferable; notice of change of business organization; additional assessment for trees not subject to fee.

Section 571.550 - Suspension, revocation or refusal of license.

Section 571.555 - Issuance of shipping permit numbers.

Section 571.560 - Inspections for pest, disease and weed control; additional inspections for special certificates.

Section 571.570 - Substitution or transportation of uninspected Christmas tree stock.

Section 571.575 - Knowingly offering to sell infected or infested Christmas tree stock.

Section 571.600 - Definitions for ORS 571.605 to 571.620.

Section 571.605 - Economic development assistance.

Section 571.610 - Technical business assistance.

Section 571.615 - Workforce training assistance.

Section 571.620 - Identification and mapping of marketable stands.

Section 571.625 - Western Juniper Industry Fund.

Section 571.650 - Definitions for ORS 571.650 to 571.660.

Section 571.655 - License required; prohibitions.

Section 571.660 - Rules; fees.

Section 571.665 - Revocation, suspension or denial of or refusal to renew license; civil penalty; rules.

Section 571.670 - Disposition of fee moneys.

Section 571.993 - Penalty for violation of ORS 571.655.

Section 571.997 - Civil penalties for ORS 571.055 and 571.525.