2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 537 - Appropriation of Water Generally
Section 537.095 - Interference between geothermal well and other water appropriation.

(1) Achieving the most beneficial use of the water and heat resources;
(2) Allowing all existing users of the resources to continue to use those resources to the greatest extent possible; and
(3) Insuring that the public interest in efficient use of water and heat resources is protected. [1981 c.589 §10; 1985 c.673 §22]

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 15 - Water Resources, Agriculture and Food

Chapter 537 - Appropriation of Water Generally

Section 537.040 - Registration of water for road construction, maintenance or reconstruction; fee; annual renewal statement; limitations; rules.

Section 537.090 - Laws applicable to geothermal wells.

Section 537.095 - Interference between geothermal well and other water appropriation.

Section 537.097 - Verification of land ownership; time limits; exception.

Section 537.099 - Water use report from governmental entity.

Section 537.130 - Permit to appropriate water required; notification to owner of certain land.

Section 537.131 - Reclaimed water.

Section 537.132 - Exemption from permit requirement for use of reclaimed water; rules.

Section 537.133 - Permittee’s right to enter on forestland; notice.

Section 537.135 - Permit required to appropriate water for recharging ground water sources; minimum perennial streamflow required for permit; exception.

Section 537.139 - Failure to obtain authorization for access to certain land.

Section 537.140 - Application for permit; contents; maps and drawings.

Section 537.141 - Uses of water not requiring water right application, permit or certificate; rules.

Section 537.142 - Water right permit or certificate not required for egg incubation project under salmon and trout enhancement program.

Section 537.143 - Limited license to use or store surface or ground water or to use stored water; rules.

Section 537.144 - Request for right to use water under limited license; fee.

Section 537.145 - Notice of filing of application to appropriate water for hydroelectric purposes.

Section 537.147 - Permit to use stored water; fee.

Section 537.150 - Filing of application; determination of completeness; initial review; preliminary determination; notice; public comments; fees.

Section 537.153 - Review of application; proposed final order; presumption that use will not impair or be detrimental to public interest; standing; protest; final order; contested case hearing.

Section 537.160 - Approval for beneficial use; agreement authorizing use of ditch for waste or seepage water.

Section 537.170 - Contested case hearing on application; final order; appeal.

Section 537.173 - Exceptions to final order; modified order.

Section 537.175 - Time limit for issuing final order or scheduling contested case hearing; applicant request for extension.

Section 537.190 - Terms and conditions of approval; municipal water supplies; release of stored water.

Section 537.211 - Issuance of permit if application approved; contents of permit; effect; rejection of application; change in permit terms.

Section 537.220 - Assignment of application, permit or license.

Section 537.225 - Full or partial assignment of water right permit; issuance of replacement permits.

Section 537.227 - Protest of application to assign all or part of water right permit.

Section 537.230 - Time allowed for construction of irrigation or other work; extension; survey; map; requirements for supplemental water right.

Section 537.240 - Federal permit; time for obtaining; cancellation; time for beginning and completing work.

Section 537.248 - Requirement to include in reservoir permit date for beginning and completing construction and for perfecting water right; extension.

Section 537.249 - Election to have proposed reservation considered as application for permit or rulemaking proceeding.

Section 537.250 - Water right certificate; issuance; inclusion of land not described in permit; recordation; duration of rights.

Section 537.252 - Certificate issued for land not described in permit; notice.

Section 537.260 - Cancellation of permit for failure of proof of completion of appropriation; issuance of limited certificate; contest of issuance of certificate; exception for municipalities.

Section 537.283 - Procedure for applications to appropriate water for hydroelectric power; rules.

Section 537.289 - Conditions to be imposed on permit of municipal corporation or district.

Section 537.292 - Conditions to be imposed on certificate of municipal corporation or district.

Section 537.295 - Cancellation of permit when holder fails to continue to qualify as municipal applicant.

Section 537.297 - Cancellation of water right certificate when holder fails to continue to qualify as municipal applicant.

Section 537.299 - Consequences of cancellation of permit or certificate if holder no longer municipal applicant; conditions to protect public health and welfare.

Section 537.310 - Acquisition of water rights for railway purposes; certificates.

Section 537.330 - Disclosure required in real estate transaction involving water right; exception; delivery of available permit, order or certificate; effect of failure to comply.

Section 537.332 - Definitions for ORS 537.332 to 537.360.

Section 537.334 - Findings.

Section 537.336 - State agencies authorized to request in-stream water rights; agreement required when supply is stored water.

Section 537.343 - Proposed final order; conditions.

Section 537.346 - Conversion of minimum perennial streamflows to in-stream water rights; special provisions for Willamette Basin.

Section 537.348 - Purchase, lease or gift of water right for conversion to in-stream water right; priority dates; split use.

Section 537.350 - Legal status of in-stream water right.

Section 537.356 - Request for reservation of unappropriated water for future economic development; priority date of reservation.

Section 537.358 - Rules for reservation for future economic development; application for use of reserved water.

Section 537.385 - Extension of irrigation season; rules; limitations.

Section 537.395 - Public recapture of water power rights and properties; no recapture of other rights.

Section 537.400 - Reservoir permits.

Section 537.405 - Exempt reservoirs; written notification to department; injury to other users.

Section 537.407 - Water right certificate for reservoirs existing before January 1, 1993; injury to other users; conversion of prior application to notice of exemption.

Section 537.409 - Alternate permit application process for qualifying reservoirs; injury to existing users or fishery resources; public interest review; rules.

Section 537.410 - Failure to commence or complete work, or to properly apply water, as grounds for cancellation of permit; irrigation districts, municipalities and public utilities excepted.

Section 537.445 - Hearing upon proposal to cancel permit or appropriation; cancellation suspended pending review.

Section 537.455 - Definitions for ORS 537.455 to 537.500 and 540.510.

Section 537.460 - Legislative findings; policy.

Section 537.463 - Applicability of ORS 537.455 to 537.500.

Section 537.465 - Application for allocation of conserved water; submission; required contents.

Section 537.470 - Allocation of conserved water by commission; criteria; percentage to state; certificates showing change in original water right.

Section 537.480 - Rules; criteria for evaluating allocation and determining mitigation required.

Section 537.485 - Priority of right to use conserved water; choice of priority.

Section 537.490 - Use of conserved water; notice of dispensation of right to use.

Section 537.495 - Receipt by state agency or political subdivision of right to use conserved water.

Section 537.500 - Legal status of conserved water right.

Section 537.515 - Definitions for ORS 537.505 to 537.795 and 537.992.

Section 537.525 - Policy.

Section 537.532 - Injection of ground water into aquifers; standards.

Section 537.534 - Rules for permitting and administering aquifer storage and recovery projects; limited license for test program; fees.

Section 537.535 - Unlawful use or appropriation of ground water, including well construction and operation.

Section 537.545 - Exempt uses; map; filing of use; fee; rules.

Section 537.605 - Registration of right to appropriate ground water claimed under ORS 537.585 or 537.595; registration statement.

Section 537.610 - Recording registration statement; issuing certificate of registration; effect of certificate; rules; fees.

Section 537.615 - Application for permit to acquire new right or enlarge existing right to appropriate ground water; plans and drawings.

Section 537.620 - Determination of completeness of application; initial review; preliminary determination; notice; public comments.

Section 537.621 - Review of application; proposed final order; presumption; rebuttal; findings and conclusions; flow rate and duty; standing; protest; final order; contested case hearing.

Section 537.622 - Contested case hearing; parties; issues.

Section 537.625 - Final order; appeal; contents of permit.

Section 537.626 - Exceptions to final order; modified order.

Section 537.627 - Time limit for issuing final order or scheduling contested case hearing; extension; writ of mandamus.

Section 537.628 - Terms; conditions; time limit for issuing final order after contested case hearing.

Section 537.629 - Conditions or limitations to prevent interference with other users.

Section 537.630 - Time allowed for construction work under permit; extension; certificate of completion; survey; ground water right certificate; requirements for supplemental water right.

Section 537.635 - Assignment of application, certificate of registration or permit.

Section 537.665 - Investigation of ground water reservoirs; defining characteristics and assigning names and numbers.

Section 537.670 - Determination of rights to appropriate ground water of ground water reservoir.

Section 537.675 - Determination of rights in several reservoirs or of critical ground water area in same proceeding.

Section 537.685 - Findings of fact and order of determination.

Section 537.730 - Designation of critical ground water area; rules; notice.

Section 537.735 - Rules designating critical ground water area.

Section 537.742 - Contested case proceeding to limit use of ground water in critical ground water area.

Section 537.743 - Program to remediate certain domestic water wells.

Section 537.744 - Domestic Well Remediation Fund.

Section 537.745 - Voluntary agreements among ground water users from same reservoir.

Section 537.746 - Mitigation credits for projects in Deschutes River Basin; relationship to water made available; rules; annual report.

Section 537.747 - Water well constructor’s license; rules; fees.

Section 537.750 - Examination for license.

Section 537.753 - Bond or letter of credit; landowner’s permit and bond; fee.

Section 537.762 - Report of constructor before beginning work on well; rules; fees.

Section 537.763 - Water Resources Department Operating Fund.

Section 537.765 - Log of constructing, altering, abandoning or converting well; furnishing samples to Water Resources Commission.

Section 537.767 - Disbursement of moneys in Water Well Abandonment, Repair and Replacement Fund.

Section 537.772 - Pump tests; report; rules for waiver.

Section 537.775 - Wasteful or defective wells; permanent abandonment of old well.

Section 537.777 - Regulation of controlling works of wells and distribution of ground water.

Section 537.780 - Powers of Water Resources Commission; rules; limitations on authority.

Section 537.781 - Applying for injunction to address violation or potential violation.

Section 537.783 - Reinjection of geothermal fluids; rules and standards; water pollution control facilities permit.

Section 537.785 - Fees.

Section 537.787 - Investigation of violation of ground water laws; remedies for violation.

Section 537.789 - Well identification number.

Section 537.791 - Request for well identification number.

Section 537.796 - Rules regarding low temperature geothermal appropriations.

Section 537.798 - Water right examiner certificate; regulation of profession; rules; fees.

Section 537.799 - Survey for issuance of water right certificate.

Section 537.800 - Waste, spring and seepage waters; laws governing.

Section 537.801 - Definitions; findings.

Section 537.803 - Application proposing use of water outside of basin of origin; contents.

Section 537.805 - Processing of application; hearing; action on application.

Section 537.810 - Diversion or appropriation of waters from basin of origin without legislative consent prohibited; terms of consent; exceptions.

Section 537.835 - City of Walla Walla, Washington, may appropriate, impound and divert certain waters from Mill Creek.

Section 537.855 - Domestic water supply district permitted to divert water out of state; conditions.

Section 537.880 - Policy; log requirement; reporting.

Section 537.885 - Licensing or registration required for drilling of geotechnical hole.

Section 537.890 - Report form; rules; fees.

Section 537.895 - Water Resources Department Geotechnical Fund.

Section 537.990 - Criminal penalties.

Section 537.992 - Civil penalties; schedule of penalties; rules.