2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 420 - Youth Correction Facilities; Youth Care Centers
Section 420.890 - Certification of adjudicated youth foster homes.

(2) A person may apply for a certificate of approval to operate an adjudicated youth foster home by submitting an application to the youth authority on a form furnished by the youth authority.
(3)(a) Upon receipt of an application under subsection (2) of this section, the youth authority shall cause an investigation to be made of the applicant and the applicant’s home. The youth authority, in accordance with rules adopted under ORS 420.892, shall determine whether to issue a certificate of approval to the applicant. The certificate must be in the form prescribed by the youth authority and must state the name of the foster parent, the address of the premises to which the certificate applies and the maximum number of adjudicated youths to be maintained in the adjudicated youth foster home at any one time. The certificate applies only to the premises designated in the certificate and a change of residence automatically terminates the certificate. The certificate is effective for one year.
(b) After notice and opportunity for hearing as provided in ORS 183.310 to 183.482, the youth authority may deny an application for a certificate of approval under paragraph (a) of this subsection. A person whose application for a certificate of approval has been denied may appeal the decision to the Court of Appeals in the manner provided in ORS 183.480 for the review of orders in contested cases.
(4)(a) After notice and opportunity for hearing as provided in ORS 183.310 to 183.482, the youth authority may revoke, deny an application to renew or attach conditions to a certificate of approval issued under subsection (3)(a) of this section for a violation of any provision of this section or ORS 420.892 or of the rules adopted under ORS 420.892.
(b) A person whose certificate of approval is revoked, not renewed or is made subject to conditions by a decision of the youth authority under paragraph (a) of this subsection may appeal the decision to the Court of Appeals in the manner provided in ORS 183.480 for the review of orders in contested cases. [1995 c.422 §131n; 2005 c.374 §2; 2021 c.489 §130]
Note: See note under 420.888.

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 11 - Juvenile Code, Human Services

Chapter 420 - Youth Correction Facilities; Youth Care Centers

Section 420.005 - Definitions.

Section 420.011 - Admissions to youth correction facilities; assignment of persons within custody of Department of Corrections; temporary assignment; return to Department of Corrections custody; rules; records.

Section 420.017 - Diversion plan; administration; rules.

Section 420.019 - Implementation of diversion plan; intergovernmental agreements; rules.

Section 420.031 - Wardship over adjudicated youth at youth correction facility; legal custody of adjudicated youth.

Section 420.045 - Parole; discharge; revocation of parole.

Section 420.048 - Notice required when adjudicated youth transfers to new school or school district.

Section 420.060 - Employment agreements; definitions.

Section 420.065 - Adjudicated youth’s compensation; disposition of compensation.

Section 420.074 - Employment status of adjudicated youth.

Section 420.077 - Petty cash fund.

Section 420.081 - Population limits; controlling admissions; rules.

Section 420.085 - Juvenile corrections population forecast.

Section 420.090 - Juvenile Corrections Population Forecast Advisory Committee.

Section 420.240 - Work release program; rules.

Section 420.245 - Administration by Oregon Youth Authority.

Section 420.255 - Surrender of compensation; rules.

Section 420.260 - Participant in program not agent of state.

Section 420.265 - Unauthorized absence.

Section 420.275 - Benefits and protections afforded to persons in custody of Oregon Youth Authority.

Section 420.505 - Application by adjudicated youth in youth correction facility for admission to hospital or facility; examination of applicant; limitation on involuntary retention at institution.

Section 420.815 - Placement agreements with persons or families.

Section 420.821 - Visiting of foster homes by staff members.

Section 420.855 - Definitions for ORS 420.855 to 420.885.

Section 420.865 - Commitment to youth care center.

Section 420.870 - Standards for approval of youth care centers.

Section 420.872 - Interference with disclosure of information.

Section 420.875 - Application for state support of center; required reports.

Section 420.885 - Audit and payment of claims.

Section 420.888 - Definitions for ORS 420.888 to 420.892.

Section 420.890 - Certification of adjudicated youth foster homes.

Section 420.891 - Interference with disclosure of information.

Section 420.892 - Certification standards; rules.

Section 420.905 - Definitions for ORS 420.905 to 420.915.

Section 420.910 - Arrest and detention of escaped, absent or paroled adjudicated youths.

Section 420.915 - Procedure upon apprehension of escapee, absentee or parole violator; rules.

Section 420.991 - Penalty for youth care center interference with disclosure of information.

Section 420.992 - Penalty for adjudicated youth foster home interference with disclosure of information.