(2) The director by rule shall determine reasonable standards for care and treatment of adjudicated youths housed in youth correction facilities. Within the total limit established under subsection (1) of this section, the Director of the Oregon Youth Authority shall establish and impose a maximum allowable population level for each youth correction facility. The maximum allowable population shall not exceed the design capacity for the facility and shall be further limited by the ability of the facility to meet the standard of care and treatment established by rule under this subsection, protect communities, hold adjudicated youths accountable for their behavior and improve the competency of adjudicated youths to become responsible and productive members of their communities.
(3) The director by rule shall establish criteria upon which the decision to place a youth in a youth correction facility must be based, and which, in turn, shall be based upon behaviors and characteristics of youths otherwise eligible for commitment to a youth correction facility.
(4) After conferring with the juvenile court judges, the director shall develop and implement by rule, a method of controlling admissions to the youth correction facilities so as not to exceed maximum levels determined under subsections (1) and (2) of this section. [Formerly 420.014; 2019 c.634 §21; 2021 c.489 §120]
Note: 420.081 to 420.090 were enacted into law by the Legislative Assembly but were not added to or made a part of ORS chapter 420 or any series therein by legislative action. See Preface to Oregon Revised Statutes for further explanation.
Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Volume : 11 - Juvenile Code, Human Services
Chapter 420 - Youth Correction Facilities; Youth Care Centers
Section 420.005 - Definitions.
Section 420.017 - Diversion plan; administration; rules.
Section 420.019 - Implementation of diversion plan; intergovernmental agreements; rules.
Section 420.045 - Parole; discharge; revocation of parole.
Section 420.048 - Notice required when adjudicated youth transfers to new school or school district.
Section 420.060 - Employment agreements; definitions.
Section 420.065 - Adjudicated youth’s compensation; disposition of compensation.
Section 420.074 - Employment status of adjudicated youth.
Section 420.077 - Petty cash fund.
Section 420.081 - Population limits; controlling admissions; rules.
Section 420.085 - Juvenile corrections population forecast.
Section 420.090 - Juvenile Corrections Population Forecast Advisory Committee.
Section 420.240 - Work release program; rules.
Section 420.245 - Administration by Oregon Youth Authority.
Section 420.255 - Surrender of compensation; rules.
Section 420.260 - Participant in program not agent of state.
Section 420.265 - Unauthorized absence.
Section 420.275 - Benefits and protections afforded to persons in custody of Oregon Youth Authority.
Section 420.815 - Placement agreements with persons or families.
Section 420.821 - Visiting of foster homes by staff members.
Section 420.855 - Definitions for ORS 420.855 to 420.885.
Section 420.865 - Commitment to youth care center.
Section 420.870 - Standards for approval of youth care centers.
Section 420.872 - Interference with disclosure of information.
Section 420.875 - Application for state support of center; required reports.
Section 420.885 - Audit and payment of claims.
Section 420.888 - Definitions for ORS 420.888 to 420.892.
Section 420.890 - Certification of adjudicated youth foster homes.
Section 420.891 - Interference with disclosure of information.
Section 420.892 - Certification standards; rules.
Section 420.905 - Definitions for ORS 420.905 to 420.915.
Section 420.910 - Arrest and detention of escaped, absent or paroled adjudicated youths.
Section 420.915 - Procedure upon apprehension of escapee, absentee or parole violator; rules.
Section 420.991 - Penalty for youth care center interference with disclosure of information.