(a) The youth;
(b) If any can be found, to a parent or guardian of the youth or to any other person responsible for the youth; and
(c) If the victim requests notice, the victim.
(2) The notice shall state the time, place and purpose of the hearing. If a parent, guardian or other person cannot be found and personally notified prior to the hearing, a written notice of the hearing shall be left at the residence, if known, of a parent, guardian or other person. [1993 c.33 §172; 2007 c.609 §14]
Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Volume : 11 - Juvenile Code, Human Services
Chapter 419C - Juvenile Code: Delinquency
Section 419C.001 - Purposes of juvenile justice system in delinquency cases; audits.
Section 419C.005 - Jurisdiction.
Section 419C.010 - Extradition.
Section 419C.020 - Notice to parents or guardian of youth; when given; contents.
Section 419C.025 - Appearance by telephone or closed-circuit television.
Section 419C.053 - Transfer to court of county of youth’s residence.
Section 419C.056 - Transfer of jurisdiction by court in county of youth’s residence.
Section 419C.058 - Transfer of jurisdiction to tribal court.
Section 419C.080 - Custody; when authorized.
Section 419C.091 - Custody not arrest.
Section 419C.097 - Notice to parents, victim.
Section 419C.100 - Release of youth taken into custody; exceptions.
Section 419C.106 - Report required when youth is taken into custody.
Section 419C.109 - Initial disposition of youth taken into custody.
Section 419C.142 - Notice of detention hearing.
Section 419C.145 - Preadjudication detention; grounds.
Section 419C.150 - Time limitations on detention; exceptions.
Section 419C.153 - Detention review or release hearing.
Section 419C.156 - Detention of runaway from another state.
Section 419C.173 - Evidentiary hearing.
Section 419C.200 - Court-appointed counsel for youth; waiver.
Section 419C.220 - Appointment of surrogate.
Section 419C.223 - Duties and tenure.
Section 419C.225 - Authorized diversion programs.
Section 419C.226 - Youth courts.
Section 419C.230 - Formal accountability agreements; when appropriate; consultation with victim.
Section 419C.239 - Requirements of agreement; disclosure.
Section 419C.242 - Revocation and modification of agreement.
Section 419C.245 - Right to counsel; waiver.
Section 419C.250 - Who may file petition; form.
Section 419C.255 - Facts to be pleaded.
Section 419C.261 - Amendment and dismissal of petition.
Section 419C.270 - Application of criminal procedure laws.
Section 419C.273 - Right of victim to be present at proceedings; advice of rights; notice.
Section 419C.274 - Notification of victim regarding waiver hearing or second look hearing.
Section 419C.280 - Consolidation.
Section 419C.285 - Parties to delinquency proceeding; rights of limited participation; interpreters.
Section 419C.303 - Form of summons; content.
Section 419C.306 - Effect of summons; to whom issued.
Section 419C.312 - Alternate service.
Section 419C.323 - Proceeding when summoned party not before court.
Section 419C.343 - Depositions.
Section 419C.349 - Grounds for waiving youth to adult court.
Section 419C.352 - Grounds for waiving youth under 15 years of age.
Section 419C.358 - Consolidation of nonwaivable and waivable charges.
Section 419C.361 - Disposition of nonwaivable consolidated charges and lesser included offenses.
Section 419C.370 - Waiver of motor vehicle, boating, game, violation and property cases.
Section 419C.372 - Handling of motor vehicle, boating or game cases not requiring waiver.
Section 419C.374 - Alternative conduct of proceedings involving traffic, boating and game cases.
Section 419C.378 - Motion for finding that youth is unfit to proceed.
Section 419C.380 - Evaluation; payment for evaluation.
Section 419C.382 - Duties of Oregon Health Authority; rules.
Section 419C.386 - Filing of report.
Section 419C.388 - Objection to report; hearing; findings.
Section 419C.392 - Effect of findings.
Section 419C.394 - Program to provide restorative services.
Section 419C.396 - Provision of restorative services; report; review hearing.
Section 419C.398 - Removal of youth from placement for purpose of receiving restorative services.
Section 419C.400 - Conduct of hearings.
Section 419C.405 - Witnesses; subpoena.
Section 419C.446 - Probation; requirements.
Section 419C.450 - Restitution.
Section 419C.453 - Detention; when authorized.
Section 419C.460 - Process for unlawful possession of controlled substances.
Section 419C.461 - Disposition for graffiti related offenses.
Section 419C.472 - Suspension of driving privileges.
Section 419C.473 - Authority to order blood or buccal samples.
Section 419C.475 - Authority to order blood-borne infection testing.
Section 419C.478 - Commitment to Oregon Youth Authority or Department of Human Services.
Section 419C.486 - Consideration of recommendations of committing court; case planning.
Section 419C.495 - When commitment to youth correction facility authorized.
Section 419C.501 - Duration of disposition.
Section 419C.510 - Advisory committee to study dispositions; recommendations.
Section 419C.520 - Definitions.
Section 419C.524 - Notice and filing report prerequisite to defense; timing.
Section 419C.531 - Notice to victim; opportunity to be heard; request for reconsideration.
Section 419C.535 - Appointed counsel; representation of state in contested hearings before panel.
Section 419C.538 - Conditional release.
Section 419C.540 - Discharge or conditional release after commitment.
Section 419C.542 - Hearings before juvenile panel of Psychiatric Security Review Board.
Section 419C.550 - Duties and authority.
Section 419C.558 - Duties and authority of guardian.
Section 419C.570 - Parent or guardian summoned subject to jurisdiction of court; probation contract.
Section 419C.573 - Court may order education or counseling.
Section 419C.610 - Authority to modify or set aside orders.
Section 419C.613 - Notice of modification.
Section 419C.615 - Grounds for setting aside order; procedure; appeal.
Section 419C.616 - Effect of prior proceeding on petition under ORS 419C.615.
Section 419C.617 - Time limitation for certain adults seeking relief under ORS 419C.615.
Section 419C.620 - Circumstances requiring report.
Section 419C.623 - Frequency and content of report.
Section 419C.626 - Review hearing by court; findings; appeal.