Note: 410.074 was enacted into law by the Legislative Assembly but was not added to or made a part of ORS chapter 410 or any series therein by legislative action. See Preface to Oregon Revised Statutes for further explanation.
Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Volume : 11 - Juvenile Code, Human Services
Chapter 410 - Senior and Disability Services
Section 410.010 - State policy for seniors and people with disabilities.
Section 410.020 - Implementation of state policy.
Section 410.030 - Legislative findings on long term care options.
Section 410.040 - Definitions for ORS 410.040 to 410.300, 410.320 and 410.619.
Section 410.050 - General policy.
Section 410.060 - Policy for persons with disabilities served by department.
Section 410.065 - Comprehensive plan for long term care system.
Section 410.072 - Determination of annual budget levels for type B area agencies; rules.
Section 410.100 - When department to administer area agency programs.
Section 410.120 - Senior and Disabled Services Account.
Section 410.180 - Long term care reimbursement audit manual.
Section 410.190 - Representation of entities in contested case proceedings before department.
Section 410.210 - Area agency advisory councils; membership; duties.
Section 410.250 - Duties of type A agencies.
Section 410.270 - Operation of type B agencies.
Section 410.280 - Duties of type B agencies.
Section 410.290 - Conditions for designation as type B agency; plan of operation.
Section 410.295 - Authority of type B agency to regulate adult foster homes.
Section 410.300 - Transfer of state employees to type B agency; conditions.
Section 410.320 - Governor’s Commission on Senior Services.
Section 410.330 - Legislator members; expenses.
Section 410.410 - Definitions for ORS 410.410 to 410.480.
Section 410.420 - Use of funds for specified services.
Section 410.422 - Oregon Project Independence Fund.
Section 410.430 - Eligibility for authorized services.
Section 410.435 - Expansion of Oregon Project Independence; rules.
Section 410.440 - Priorities for services.
Section 410.450 - Determinations of eligibility; rules.
Section 410.470 - Fees; collection; records; use.
Section 410.480 - Required record keeping; audit.
Section 410.490 - Duties of department; rules.
Section 410.495 - Registry for adult day care programs in state; rules.
Section 410.505 - Definitions for ORS 410.505 to 410.545.
Section 410.520 - When assessment to occur; exceptions.
Section 410.525 - Disclosure of fees; waiver of assessment; additional assessment services.
Section 410.530 - Department authority; delegation; advisory committee; rules.
Section 410.595 - Legislative intent and findings.
Section 410.598 - Training and testing for home care workers and personal support workers; rules.
Section 410.600 - Definitions for ORS 410.595 to 410.625.
Section 410.602 - Home Care Commission; membership; rules.
Section 410.603 - Developmental Disabilities and Mental Health Committee.
Section 410.604 - Duties of commission; executive director.
Section 410.605 - Private pay home care worker program; rules.
Section 410.606 - Referral of qualified individuals on home care registry.
Section 410.607 - Home care and personal support worker classifications and payment rates.
Section 410.612 - Collective bargaining.
Section 410.614 - Rights of home care and personal support workers.
Section 410.619 - Home care and personal support workers not state employees; exception.
Section 410.625 - Authority of commission; budget.
Section 410.710 - State policy on persons with disabilities.
Section 410.730 - Self-Sufficiency Trust Fund; rules.
Section 410.732 - Disabilities Trust Fund; rules.
Section 410.740 - Oregon Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Services Program; advisory committee.
Section 410.851 - Policy on patient-based reimbursement system for long term care facilities; rules.