(1) "Appropriate living arrangement" means any arrangement for an elderly person or a person with a disability in a residential setting which is appropriate for the person considering, in order of priority, the following criteria:
(a) The desires and goals of the person;
(b) The right of the person to live as independently as possible, in the least restrictive environment; and
(c) The cost of the living arrangement compared to other types of living arrangements, based on the criteria in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this subsection.
(2) "Area agency" means:
(a) An established or proposed type A or type B Area Agency on Aging within a planning and service area designated under Section 305 of the Older Americans Act; or
(b) Any public or nonprofit private agency which is designated as a type A or type B Area Agency on Aging under Section 305 of the Older Americans Act.
(3) "Area agency board" means the local policy-making board which directs the actions of the area agency within state and federal laws and regulations.
(4) "Department" means the Department of Human Services.
(5) "Elderly person" means a person who is served by a type A area agency or type B area agency or by the department and who is 60 years of age or older.
(6) "Local government" means a political subdivision of the state whose authority is general or a combination of units of general purpose local governments.
(7) "Person with a disability" means a person with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities.
(8) "Preadmission screening" means a professional program within the department or type B area agencies, with staff that includes registered nurses and social workers, that assesses the needs of clients and recommends appropriate placements in residential programs administered by the department or type B area agencies.
(9) "Protective services" means a service to be provided by the department directly or through type B area agencies, in response to the need for protection from harm or neglect to elderly persons and persons with disabilities.
(10) "Title XIX" means long term care and health services programs funded by Title XIX of the Social Security Act available to elderly persons and persons with disabilities.
(11) "Type A area agency" means an area agency:
(a) For which either the local government or the area agency board does not agree to accept local administrative responsibility for Title XIX; and
(b) That provides a service to elderly persons.
(12) "Type B area agency" means an area agency:
(a) For which the local government agrees to accept local administrative responsibility for Title XIX;
(b) That provides a service to elderly persons or to elderly persons and persons with disabilities who require services similar to those required by elderly persons; and
(c) That uses the term "disabled services" or "disability services" in its title to communicate the fact that it provides services to both populations described in paragraph (b) of this subsection. [1981 c.784 §1; 1985 c.180 §4; 1989 c.224 §73; 1993 c.116 §2; 2001 c.900 §75; 2007 c.70 §166; 2011 c.36 §1; 2011 c.658 §37; 2011 c.720 §82]
Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Volume : 11 - Juvenile Code, Human Services
Chapter 410 - Senior and Disability Services
Section 410.010 - State policy for seniors and people with disabilities.
Section 410.020 - Implementation of state policy.
Section 410.030 - Legislative findings on long term care options.
Section 410.040 - Definitions for ORS 410.040 to 410.300, 410.320 and 410.619.
Section 410.050 - General policy.
Section 410.060 - Policy for persons with disabilities served by department.
Section 410.065 - Comprehensive plan for long term care system.
Section 410.072 - Determination of annual budget levels for type B area agencies; rules.
Section 410.100 - When department to administer area agency programs.
Section 410.120 - Senior and Disabled Services Account.
Section 410.180 - Long term care reimbursement audit manual.
Section 410.190 - Representation of entities in contested case proceedings before department.
Section 410.210 - Area agency advisory councils; membership; duties.
Section 410.250 - Duties of type A agencies.
Section 410.270 - Operation of type B agencies.
Section 410.280 - Duties of type B agencies.
Section 410.290 - Conditions for designation as type B agency; plan of operation.
Section 410.295 - Authority of type B agency to regulate adult foster homes.
Section 410.300 - Transfer of state employees to type B agency; conditions.
Section 410.320 - Governor’s Commission on Senior Services.
Section 410.330 - Legislator members; expenses.
Section 410.410 - Definitions for ORS 410.410 to 410.480.
Section 410.420 - Use of funds for specified services.
Section 410.422 - Oregon Project Independence Fund.
Section 410.430 - Eligibility for authorized services.
Section 410.435 - Expansion of Oregon Project Independence; rules.
Section 410.440 - Priorities for services.
Section 410.450 - Determinations of eligibility; rules.
Section 410.470 - Fees; collection; records; use.
Section 410.480 - Required record keeping; audit.
Section 410.490 - Duties of department; rules.
Section 410.495 - Registry for adult day care programs in state; rules.
Section 410.505 - Definitions for ORS 410.505 to 410.545.
Section 410.520 - When assessment to occur; exceptions.
Section 410.525 - Disclosure of fees; waiver of assessment; additional assessment services.
Section 410.530 - Department authority; delegation; advisory committee; rules.
Section 410.595 - Legislative intent and findings.
Section 410.598 - Training and testing for home care workers and personal support workers; rules.
Section 410.600 - Definitions for ORS 410.595 to 410.625.
Section 410.602 - Home Care Commission; membership; rules.
Section 410.603 - Developmental Disabilities and Mental Health Committee.
Section 410.604 - Duties of commission; executive director.
Section 410.605 - Private pay home care worker program; rules.
Section 410.606 - Referral of qualified individuals on home care registry.
Section 410.607 - Home care and personal support worker classifications and payment rates.
Section 410.612 - Collective bargaining.
Section 410.614 - Rights of home care and personal support workers.
Section 410.619 - Home care and personal support workers not state employees; exception.
Section 410.625 - Authority of commission; budget.
Section 410.710 - State policy on persons with disabilities.
Section 410.730 - Self-Sufficiency Trust Fund; rules.
Section 410.732 - Disabilities Trust Fund; rules.
Section 410.740 - Oregon Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Services Program; advisory committee.
Section 410.851 - Policy on patient-based reimbursement system for long term care facilities; rules.