2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 399 - Organized Militia
Section 399.238 - Applications for relief of obligations or liabilities or stay of civil or administrative proceedings by state service members.

(a) A member of the organized militia who is called into active service under ORS chapter 399.
(b) A member of the Oregon National Guard who is called into active service outside this state under Title 10 or Title 32 of the United States Code.
(2) A service member may, while in active service or within one year after that service ends, apply to a court or an administrative body:
(a) For relief with respect to any obligation or liability incurred by the member before the period of active service began. The court or administrative body, after appropriate notice and hearing, may grant relief unless the court or administrative body determines that the ability of the member to comply with the terms of the obligation or liability has not been materially affected by active service.
(b) For a stay of a civil or administrative proceeding in which the service member is a party. The court or administrative body, after appropriate notice, shall grant the stay unless the court or administrative body determines that the ability of the service member to appear is not materially affected by active service.
(3) The court or administrative body may not charge or collect any fee from a service member who applies to the court or administrative body for relief under this section.
(4) An application filed under this section may not be deemed as consent to jurisdiction in any action or proceeding.
(5) The period of a service member’s active service may not be included in computing any period limited by law, rule or order for bringing any action or proceeding before a court or administrative body for or against the service member or the service member’s heirs, executors, administrators or assigns. [2003 c.387 §9; 2005 c.79 §1; 2007 c.400 §1; 2009 c.345 §3]
Note: 399.238 and 399.240 were enacted into law by the Legislative Assembly but were not added to or made a part of ORS chapter 399 or any series therein by legislative action. See Preface to Oregon Revised Statutes for further explanation.

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 10 - Highways, Military

Chapter 399 - Organized Militia

Section 399.035 - Oregon Civil Defense Force; volunteer civil defense forces.

Section 399.045 - Organization and training; equality of treatment and opportunity.

Section 399.065 - Ordering organized militia into active state service; martial law.

Section 399.075 - Ordering organized militia to state active duty; pay and allowances.

Section 399.115 - Trespassers and disturbers to be placed in arrest; sales and gambling prohibited.

Section 399.125 - Repossession of military property by state.

Section 399.225 - Relief from civil or criminal liability; security for costs; exemption from civil process.

Section 399.238 - Applications for relief of obligations or liabilities or stay of civil or administrative proceedings by state service members.

Section 399.240 - Limitation on rate of interest incurred by state service members during period of active service.

Section 399.242 - Suspension or termination of certain services by service members; reinstatement; effect.

Section 399.245 - Definitions for ORS 399.245 to 399.265.

Section 399.255 - Scholarship program; award; duration; ineligible courses of study.

Section 399.265 - Award prior to completion of service requirement; repayment required after insufficient service.

Section 399.275 - Tuition waiver program; amount of waiver; qualifications; priority.

Section 399.280 - Eligibility; required period of military service; repayment required after withdrawal from courses or insufficient service.

Section 399.415 - Qualifications of officers; oath.

Section 399.420 - Assignment and transfer of officers; residence of officers.

Section 399.425 - Resignations.

Section 399.430 - Absence without leave considered resignation.

Section 399.435 - Efficiency and medical examining boards; appointment.

Section 399.456 - Uniform allowance.

Section 399.505 - Enlistment, period of service, transfer, discharge and extensions of enlistments.

Section 399.515 - Explanation of military laws and Oregon Code of Military Justice to members of organized militia.

Section 399.525 - Discharges.