Point Designation Point Designation
and Number and Number
From To From To
Cl-7-6 Cl-7-7 Cl-7-55 Cl-7-56
Cl-7-10 Cl-7-11 Cl-7-76 Cl-7-77
Cl-7-13 Cl-7-14 Cl-7-115 Cl-7-116
Cl-7-52 Cl-7-53 Cl-7-134 Cl-7-135
Ti-7-3 Ti-7-4 La-7-72 La-7-73
Ti-7-6 Ti-7-7 La-7-87 La-7-88
Ti-7-18 Ti-7-19 Do-8-78 Do-8-79
Ti-7-33 Ti-7-34 Co-7-82 Co-7-83
Ti-7-83 Ti-7-84 Co-7-111 Co-7-112
Ti-7-88 Ti-7-89 Co-7-146 Co-7-147
Ti-7-94 Ti-7-95 Co-7-178 Co-7-179
Ti-7-99 Ti-7-100 Co-7-200 Co-7-201
Ti-7-113 Ti-7-114 Co-7-229 Co-7-230
Ti-7-168 Ti-7-169 Cu-7-25 Cu-7-26
Ti-7-183 Ti-7-184 Cu-7-54 Cu-7-55
Ti-7-249 Ti-7-250 Cu-7-155 Cu-7-156
Li-7-2A Li-7-3 Cu-7-167 Cu-7-167A
Li-7-10 Li-7-11 Cu-7-167E Cu-7-168
Li-7-17 Li-7-18 Cu-7-174 Cu-7-175
Li-7-73 Li-7-74 Cu-7-196 Cu-7-197
Li-7-118 Li-7-119 Cu-7-201 Cu-7-202
Li-7-150 Li-7-151 Cu-7-219 Cu-7-220
Li-7-154 Li-7-155 Cu-7-225 Cu-7-226
Li-7-161 Li-7-162 Cu-7-236 Cu-7-237
Li-7-165 Li-7-166 Cu-7-258 Cu-7-259
Li-7-167A Li-7-168 Cu-7-268 Cu-7-269
Li-7-170 Li-7-171 Cu-7-288 Cu-7-289
Li-7-176 Li-7-177 Cu-7-310 Cu-7-311
Li-7-182 Li-7-183 Cu-7-314 Cu-7-315
Li-7-215 Li-7-216 Cu-7-363 Cu-7-364
Li-7-269 Li-7-270 Cu-7-382 Cu-7-383
Li-7-293 Li-7-294 Cu-7-393 Cu-7-394
Li-7-296 Li-7-297 Cu-7-400 Cu-7-401
Li-7-314 Li-7-315 Cu-7-440 Cu-7-441
Li-7-325 Li-7-326 Cu-7-451 Cu-7-452
Li-7-357 Li-7-358 Cu-7-459 Cu-7-460
Li-7-377 Li-7-378 Cu-7-493 Cu-7-494
Li-7-439 La-7-1 Cu-7-513 Cu-7-514
La-7-9 La-7-10 Cu-7-516 Cu-7-517
La-7-19 La-7-20 Cu-7-538 Cu-7-539
La-7-44 La-7-45 Cu-7-557 Cu-7-558
[1969 c.601 §9]
Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Volume : 10 - Highways, Military
Chapter 390 - State and Local Parks; Recreation Programs; Scenic Waterways; Recreation Trails
Section 390.005 - Definitions.
Section 390.010 - Policy of state toward outdoor recreation resources.
Section 390.060 - Definitions for ORS 390.060 to 390.067.
Section 390.063 - Lottery bonds for state park projects.
Section 390.065 - Findings; use of Oregon State Lottery proceeds.
Section 390.111 - Creation of department; jurisdiction and authority.
Section 390.114 - State Parks and Recreation Commission.
Section 390.117 - Commission officers; meetings; function; delegation of authority.
Section 390.121 - Powers of commission.
Section 390.122 - Requirements for establishing priorities for acquisition.
Section 390.127 - State Parks and Recreation Director; appointment; compensation.
Section 390.131 - Duties of director.
Section 390.135 - Parks Subaccount; sources; uses.
Section 390.137 - State Parks and Recreation Department Operating Fund.
Section 390.139 - Oregon Adopt-a-Park Program; funding; rules; agreement with volunteers.
Section 390.140 - Powers and duties of State Parks and Recreation Director.
Section 390.144 - Rules for ORS 390.143.
Section 390.153 - Parks Donation Trust Fund; sources; uses.
Section 390.182 - Statewide accessibility design standards for recreation projects.
Section 390.190 - Revolving fund.
Section 390.200 - Authority of department to require fingerprints.
Section 390.230 - Fort Stevens Military Reservation; Clatsop Spit.
Section 390.231 - Development of Crissey Field as state park.
Section 390.232 - Tax on government camping and recreational vehicle spaces.
Section 390.240 - Mediation and arbitration of disputes; rules.
Section 390.241 - Office of Outdoor Recreation; duties; report.
Section 390.242 - Associate Director of Outdoor Recreation; appointment; compensation; duties.
Section 390.243 - Outdoor Recreation Advisory Committee.
Section 390.245 - Commemorative coins authorized; sale; use of proceeds.
Section 390.247 - Design; contracted services.
Section 390.255 - Use of funds to acquire land interests; conditions of grants.
Section 390.264 - Oregon Main Street Revitalization Grant Program Fund.
Section 390.270 - Definitions for ORS 390.270 to 390.290.
Section 390.275 - Purpose of ORS 390.270 to 390.290.
Section 390.290 - Schedule for reimbursement of local governing bodies.
Section 390.292 - Willamette Falls Park Fund.
Section 390.300 - Tillamook Forest Recreation Trust Account; sources; uses.
Section 390.303 - Reconnect Forest Park Fund.
Section 390.305 - Salmonberry Trail; plan; coordination.
Section 390.307 - Salmonberry Trail Trust Fund.
Section 390.308 - Oregon Coast Trail; plan; coordination; report.
Section 390.310 - Definitions for ORS 390.310 to 390.368.
Section 390.314 - Legislative findings and policy.
Section 390.318 - Preparation of development and management plan; content of plan.
Section 390.400 - Public electric vehicle charging stations.
Section 390.405 - Parks and Recreation Transportation Electrification Fund.
Section 390.550 - Definitions.
Section 390.555 - All-Terrain Vehicle Account; sources.
Section 390.560 - Uses of All-Terrain Vehicle Account.
Section 390.565 - All-Terrain Vehicle Advisory Committee; appointment; term; duties.
Section 390.577 - Class IV all-terrain vehicle operator permit; rules; fees.
Section 390.580 - All-terrain vehicle operating permit; rules; application; fees; renewal.
Section 390.605 - Definitions.
Section 390.620 - Pacific shore not to be alienated; judicial confirmation.
Section 390.630 - Acquisition along ocean shore for state recreation areas or access.
Section 390.632 - Public access to coastal shorelands.
Section 390.640 - Permit required for improvements on ocean shore; exceptions.
Section 390.650 - Improvement permit procedure; fee; waiver or reduction.
Section 390.655 - Standards for improvement permits.
Section 390.674 - Imposition of civil penalties.
Section 390.676 - Schedule of civil penalties; factors to determine amount; rules.
Section 390.725 - Permits for removal of products along ocean shore; rules.
Section 390.729 - Permits for operation of all-terrain vehicles on ocean shore.
Section 390.760 - Exceptions from vegetation line.
Section 390.770 - Vegetation line described.
Section 390.805 - Definitions for ORS 390.805 to 390.925.
Section 390.826 - Designated scenic waterways.
Section 390.827 - Effect of ORS 390.826 on rights of Indian tribes.
Section 390.851 - Activities prohibited on parts of Deschutes River without pass; exceptions.
Section 390.855 - Designation of additional scenic waterways.
Section 390.930 - Definitions for ORS 390.930 to 390.940.
Section 390.938 - Guidelines for management and development.
Section 390.965 - Hearing required; information to be considered.
Section 390.968 - Selection of rights of way for trails.
Section 390.971 - Department duties and powers; rules.
Section 390.992 - Civil penalties.
Section 390.995 - Criminal penalties.
Section 390.997 - Penalties for violation of ORS 166.155 or 166.165.