(2) The office shall consist of the associate director and all personnel employed in the office.
(3) Subject to subsection (1) of this section, the office shall, in furtherance of the state policy declared in ORS 390.010:
(a) Coordinate outdoor recreation policy:
(A) Within the administrative divisions of the department; and
(B) Between the department and federal, state, regional and local government entities and nongovernmental entities.
(b) Assist in developing or updating the outdoor recreation management strategies of the department.
(c) Collaborate with the Oregon Tourism Commission and the Travel Information Council to create effective forums for communicating recreation-based initiatives and for sharing best practices.
(d) Serve as a clearinghouse and information center for outdoor recreation stakeholders.
(e) Develop data, independently or through contracts with appropriate public or private agencies, on the social, economic and resource impacts of outdoor recreation in this state.
(f) Promote the health and social benefits of outdoor recreation in coordination with other related state programs and initiatives.
(g) Report on the office’s activities to the State Parks and Recreation Commission four times per year or as otherwise directed by the commission.
(4) The office shall coordinate and collaborate with the Outdoor Recreation Advisory Committee established under ORS 390.243, the Oregon Business Development Department, representatives of regional and local governments, the outdoor recreation industry and other outdoor recreation stakeholders to promote economic development in this state. In furtherance of promoting economic development, the office may recommend, adopt or assist in the implementation of policies and initiatives that:
(a) Encourage development of the outdoor recreation industry in a manner that improves recreational opportunities in this state.
(b) Maximize public and private investment in the outdoor recreation industry and in outdoor recreation activities in this state.
(c) Enhance quality of life and economic vibrancy in communities across the state.
(d) Strike a sensitive balance between development and preservation of the unique natural experience provided by Oregon’s outdoor recreation resources, and between motorized and nonmotorized outdoor recreation activities.
(e) Take a proactive approach to enhancing regional and local outdoor recreation infrastructure.
(5) The office shall submit to the appropriate committee or committees of the Legislative Assembly, at least once every five years, a report that includes an inventory and gap analysis of outdoor recreation infrastructure in this state and a description of the impacts of outdoor recreation in this state. The report required under this section may include:
(a) Other information about the office’s activities; or
(b) Recommendations, which may include recommendations for legislation, on policies and initiatives that may be adopted by the legislature, the State Parks and Recreation Department or other state agencies to enhance the experiences of persons engaging in outdoor recreation in this state. [Formerly 390.233]
Note: Section 11a, chapter 613, Oregon Laws 2021, provides:
Sec. 11a. The report under ORS 390.233 (5) [renumbered 390.241 (5)], as amended by section 11 of this 2021 Act, is first due on or before September 15, 2026. [2021 c.613 §11a]
Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Volume : 10 - Highways, Military
Chapter 390 - State and Local Parks; Recreation Programs; Scenic Waterways; Recreation Trails
Section 390.005 - Definitions.
Section 390.010 - Policy of state toward outdoor recreation resources.
Section 390.060 - Definitions for ORS 390.060 to 390.067.
Section 390.063 - Lottery bonds for state park projects.
Section 390.065 - Findings; use of Oregon State Lottery proceeds.
Section 390.111 - Creation of department; jurisdiction and authority.
Section 390.114 - State Parks and Recreation Commission.
Section 390.117 - Commission officers; meetings; function; delegation of authority.
Section 390.121 - Powers of commission.
Section 390.122 - Requirements for establishing priorities for acquisition.
Section 390.127 - State Parks and Recreation Director; appointment; compensation.
Section 390.131 - Duties of director.
Section 390.135 - Parks Subaccount; sources; uses.
Section 390.137 - State Parks and Recreation Department Operating Fund.
Section 390.139 - Oregon Adopt-a-Park Program; funding; rules; agreement with volunteers.
Section 390.140 - Powers and duties of State Parks and Recreation Director.
Section 390.144 - Rules for ORS 390.143.
Section 390.153 - Parks Donation Trust Fund; sources; uses.
Section 390.182 - Statewide accessibility design standards for recreation projects.
Section 390.190 - Revolving fund.
Section 390.200 - Authority of department to require fingerprints.
Section 390.230 - Fort Stevens Military Reservation; Clatsop Spit.
Section 390.231 - Development of Crissey Field as state park.
Section 390.232 - Tax on government camping and recreational vehicle spaces.
Section 390.240 - Mediation and arbitration of disputes; rules.
Section 390.241 - Office of Outdoor Recreation; duties; report.
Section 390.242 - Associate Director of Outdoor Recreation; appointment; compensation; duties.
Section 390.243 - Outdoor Recreation Advisory Committee.
Section 390.245 - Commemorative coins authorized; sale; use of proceeds.
Section 390.247 - Design; contracted services.
Section 390.255 - Use of funds to acquire land interests; conditions of grants.
Section 390.264 - Oregon Main Street Revitalization Grant Program Fund.
Section 390.270 - Definitions for ORS 390.270 to 390.290.
Section 390.275 - Purpose of ORS 390.270 to 390.290.
Section 390.290 - Schedule for reimbursement of local governing bodies.
Section 390.292 - Willamette Falls Park Fund.
Section 390.300 - Tillamook Forest Recreation Trust Account; sources; uses.
Section 390.303 - Reconnect Forest Park Fund.
Section 390.305 - Salmonberry Trail; plan; coordination.
Section 390.307 - Salmonberry Trail Trust Fund.
Section 390.308 - Oregon Coast Trail; plan; coordination; report.
Section 390.310 - Definitions for ORS 390.310 to 390.368.
Section 390.314 - Legislative findings and policy.
Section 390.318 - Preparation of development and management plan; content of plan.
Section 390.400 - Public electric vehicle charging stations.
Section 390.405 - Parks and Recreation Transportation Electrification Fund.
Section 390.550 - Definitions.
Section 390.555 - All-Terrain Vehicle Account; sources.
Section 390.560 - Uses of All-Terrain Vehicle Account.
Section 390.565 - All-Terrain Vehicle Advisory Committee; appointment; term; duties.
Section 390.577 - Class IV all-terrain vehicle operator permit; rules; fees.
Section 390.580 - All-terrain vehicle operating permit; rules; application; fees; renewal.
Section 390.605 - Definitions.
Section 390.620 - Pacific shore not to be alienated; judicial confirmation.
Section 390.630 - Acquisition along ocean shore for state recreation areas or access.
Section 390.632 - Public access to coastal shorelands.
Section 390.640 - Permit required for improvements on ocean shore; exceptions.
Section 390.650 - Improvement permit procedure; fee; waiver or reduction.
Section 390.655 - Standards for improvement permits.
Section 390.674 - Imposition of civil penalties.
Section 390.676 - Schedule of civil penalties; factors to determine amount; rules.
Section 390.725 - Permits for removal of products along ocean shore; rules.
Section 390.729 - Permits for operation of all-terrain vehicles on ocean shore.
Section 390.760 - Exceptions from vegetation line.
Section 390.770 - Vegetation line described.
Section 390.805 - Definitions for ORS 390.805 to 390.925.
Section 390.826 - Designated scenic waterways.
Section 390.827 - Effect of ORS 390.826 on rights of Indian tribes.
Section 390.851 - Activities prohibited on parts of Deschutes River without pass; exceptions.
Section 390.855 - Designation of additional scenic waterways.
Section 390.930 - Definitions for ORS 390.930 to 390.940.
Section 390.938 - Guidelines for management and development.
Section 390.965 - Hearing required; information to be considered.
Section 390.968 - Selection of rights of way for trails.
Section 390.971 - Department duties and powers; rules.
Section 390.992 - Civil penalties.
Section 390.995 - Criminal penalties.
Section 390.997 - Penalties for violation of ORS 166.155 or 166.165.