2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 367 - Transportation Financing; Projects
Section 367.800 - Findings.

(1) Entrepreneurial approaches to the acquisition, design, management and financing of transportation projects will accelerate cost-effective project delivery.
(2) Entrepreneurial approaches can bring substantial benefits to the public in transportation project development and execution.
(3) Risk management is a critical component of partnerships for transportation projects.
(4) Successful implementation of an Oregon innovative partnership program for transportation projects requires that risk in a project be managed and shared by public and private sector participants, with the partner best able to control a risk bearing responsibility for the risk.
(5) The Legislative Assembly and the executive branch of government accept responsibility for providing predictability for partnerships for transportation projects and for allowing negotiated agreements to be implemented.
(6) The development, acquisition and construction of transportation projects creates jobs and furthers economic development in Oregon by, among other things:
(a) Increasing the economy and efficiency of public transportation, improving the flow of commerce into and around the state and the surrounding region, improving the attractiveness of Oregon to new businesses and supporting the operations and prosperity of existing businesses; and
(b) Improving the movement of people into and around the state and the surrounding region, alleviating congestion and crowding and reducing the burdens on existing public transportation systems and transportation facilities. [2003 c.790 ยง1]
Note: 367.800 to 367.824 were enacted into law by the Legislative Assembly but were not added to or made a part of ORS chapter 367 or any series therein by legislative action. See Preface to Oregon Revised Statutes for further explanation.

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 10 - Highways, Military

Chapter 367 - Transportation Financing; Projects

Section 367.010 - Definitions for chapter.

Section 367.015 - Oregon Transportation Infrastructure Fund; sources; uses; rules; investment.

Section 367.020 - Loans and other assistance to public and private entities; rules; other authorized purposes.

Section 367.025 - Issuance of infrastructure bonds.

Section 367.030 - Issuance of revenue bonds; bond covenants; maximum amount of bonds.

Section 367.035 - Loans to municipalities; authority of municipalities; repayment plan.

Section 367.040 - Loans to state agencies; loan contract.

Section 367.050 - Powers of department.

Section 367.055 - Federal stimulus moneys.

Section 367.060 - Department pledge to ensure loan guarantees; transfer of moneys from State Highway Fund.

Section 367.066 - Definitions for ORS 367.066 and 367.067.

Section 367.067 - Short Line Credit Premium Account; rules.

Section 367.070 - Industrial Rail Spur Fund.

Section 367.080 - Connect Oregon Fund.

Section 367.081 - Distribution of amounts in Connect Oregon Fund.

Section 367.082 - Grants from Connect Oregon Fund; rules.

Section 367.084 - Selection of projects.

Section 367.086 - Administration of projects.

Section 367.091 - Multimodal Active Transportation Fund.

Section 367.093 - Grants from Multimodal Active Transportation Fund; rules.

Section 367.095 - Tax and fee distribution and projects.

Section 367.097 - Debt service.

Section 367.105 - Short-term borrowing; conditions; repayment.

Section 367.161 - Definitions for ORS 367.161 to 367.181.

Section 367.163 - Purposes for which bonds may be issued.

Section 367.166 - Requirements for grant anticipation revenue bonds; authority of State Treasurer.

Section 367.168 - Revenue declaration.

Section 367.171 - Indenture.

Section 367.173 - Moneys that may be used for payment of grant anticipation revenue bonds.

Section 367.178 - Collection and use of federal transportation funds.

Section 367.181 - Limits on obligation of grant anticipation revenue bonds.

Section 367.555 - Authority to issue general obligation bonds.

Section 367.605 - Source of funds to secure Highway User Tax Bonds.

Section 367.615 - Bond issuance; bonds not general obligation; conditions for issuance of additional bonds; use of bond proceeds.

Section 367.617 - Allocation of bonds.

Section 367.620 - Limitation on bond amount.

Section 367.621 - Use of private sector resources in specified work.

Section 367.622 - Preservation and modernization projects funded by specified bonds; rules; selection criteria.

Section 367.623 - Consultation with local governments for project selection.

Section 367.630 - Highway revenue declaration; contents; purpose.

Section 367.635 - Bond form, issuance and maturity; provisions subject to determination of State Treasurer.

Section 367.640 - Indenture; provisions.

Section 367.645 - Reserve account.

Section 367.650 - Trust indenture to secure bonds; provisions.

Section 367.655 - Loan of bond proceeds to cities and counties; use of loans; rules.

Section 367.660 - Lien on certain moneys pledged for bonds; terms of lien.

Section 367.705 - Use of funds; priority.

Section 367.710 - Repayment by city or county; interest.

Section 367.800 - Findings.

Section 367.802 - Definitions.

Section 367.804 - Goals of Oregon Innovative Partnerships Program; authority of Department of Transportation; confidentiality; expenses.

Section 367.806 - Agreements.

Section 367.808 - Evaluation of proposed agreements; role of Attorney General.

Section 367.810 - State Transportation Enterprise Fund.

Section 367.812 - Bonds secured by State Transportation Enterprise Fund; financing of transportation projects.

Section 367.814 - Moneys from federal government or other sources.

Section 367.816 - Use of moneys in Oregon Transportation Infrastructure Fund for projects.

Section 367.818 - Eminent domain powers.

Section 367.820 - Creation of district; use of revenues within district.

Section 367.822 - Advisory committees on transportation projects; rules.

Section 367.824 - Rules; supremacy of federal law.

Section 367.850 - Alternatives to meeting funding requirements of transportation planning rule; rules.