2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 358 - Oregon Historical and Heritage Agencies, Programs and Tax Provisions; Museums; Local Symphonies and Bands; Archaeological Objects and Sites
Section 358.668 - Historic preservation loans; application and approval process.

(a) An owner of historic property.
(b) A city or county having jurisdiction over the historic property for which the application is being filed.
(c) A nonprofit corporation organized for the purpose of owning, managing or rehabilitating historic property.
(d) A business association organized, in whole or part, for the purpose of historic preservation.
(e) A neighborhood organization representing a neighborhood in which historic property is located.
(f) An economic development agency of this state or of a political subdivision of this state.
(2) A person or other entity described in subsection (1) of this section that intends to rehabilitate historic property and that seeks a loan from the Historic Preservation Revolving Loan Fund to pay for the rehabilitation shall file an application for the loan with the State Historic Preservation Officer. The application shall be on a form prescribed by the State Historic Preservation Officer and shall include or be accompanied by:
(a) The name and address of the loan applicant and of the property owner;
(b) The address and historic name, if any, of the property;
(c) Evidence that the property is historic property;
(d) A description of the proposed rehabilitation project;
(e) Architectural plans, specifications and other materials that facilitate the evaluation of the proposed rehabilitation project for conformance with standards and guidelines for the rehabilitation of historic property;
(f) Color photographs, at least four inches by six inches in size, that depict that portion of the property that is the subject of the application, and duplicates in color slide format or digital or other computer imaging format;
(g) A statement of financial need to complete the project;
(h) An estimate of the eligible costs to be incurred in completing the rehabilitation project;
(i) A schedule setting forth when the rehabilitation project is to be commenced and completed; and
(j) Any other information that the State Historic Preservation Officer may require.
(3) The application shall be accompanied by a fee established pursuant to ORS 358.676 (2).
(4) Upon receipt of a complete application, the State Historic Preservation Officer shall forward the application to the Historic Preservation Revolving Loan Fund Review Committee. The review committee shall review the application and make a recommendation to approve or disapprove the loan being sought. The recommendation of the review committee shall be based on the extent to which:
(a) The project meets the standards and guidelines for the rehabilitation of historic property;
(b) The proposed rehabilitation project is feasible;
(c) The requested loan would constitute no more than a reasonable risk and for which there would be a reasonable likelihood of repayment;
(d) The applicant has a financial need for the requested loan;
(e) The applicant’s financial resources are adequate to ensure success of the project; and
(f) There are moneys available in the Historic Preservation Revolving Loan Fund.
(5) The Historic Preservation Revolving Loan Fund Review Committee shall make its recommendation to the State Historic Preservation Officer. The review committee shall include an interest rate for the loan if the loan is issued. The State Historic Preservation Officer must consider the review committee’s recommendation but need not accept the recommendation of the review committee in accepting or disapproving the application. The State Historic Preservation Officer shall consider the factors set forth in subsection (4) of this section in determining whether to approve or disapprove the loan application. If the State Historic Preservation Officer decides to approve the loan, the interest rate for the loan shall be that prescribed by the review committee.
(6) A loan may not be approved in an amount that exceeds the lesser of the applicant’s estimate of eligible costs for the project or the State Historic Preservation Officer’s determination of the expected estimated costs to complete the project.
(7) The State Historic Preservation Officer may request modifications to the rehabilitation project as a condition to loan approval or may approve a loan that is less than the amount requested in the application.
(8) The decision of the State Historic Preservation Officer to disapprove a loan application or reduce the amount of the loan may not be appealed.
(9) If the State Historic Preservation Officer approves a loan application, the approval shall be conditioned on the borrower and the owner of historic property agreeing to the terms of the loan contract set forth in ORS 358.670.
(10) The State Historic Preservation Officer shall notify the applicant of the State Historic Preservation Officer’s decision to approve, modify and approve or disapprove a loan application. [2001 c.540 §32]

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 09 - Education and Culture

Chapter 358 - Oregon Historical and Heritage Agencies, Programs and Tax Provisions; Museums; Local Symphonies and Bands; Archaeological Objects and Sites

Section 358.018 - Duties of Oregon Historical Society.

Section 358.035 - Oregon Historic Families database; duties of State Archivist.

Section 358.045 - Oregon Trail; comprehensive program for development.

Section 358.055 - Oregon Trail; promotion as major tourist attraction.

Section 358.057 - Value and significance of state historic trails.

Section 358.171 - Election to establish county historical fund.

Section 358.180 - Tax levy for county historical fund; limitation.

Section 358.310 - Definitions for ORS 358.310 to 358.405.

Section 358.315 - General authority of cities regarding public museums.

Section 358.320 - Museum commission.

Section 358.330 - Chairperson and secretary of commission; duties of commission regarding records, rules, reports and budgets.

Section 358.345 - Authority of city to establish and operate public museum.

Section 358.355 - Acquisition of site and structure for museum.

Section 358.360 - Duties of museum commission respecting establishment of museum.

Section 358.365 - Duties of museum commission respecting operation of museum.

Section 358.375 - Issuance of bonds to acquire museum site and structure.

Section 358.415 - Definitions for ORS 358.420 to 358.440.

Section 358.420 - Status of property loaned to a museum; statute of limitations on recovery.

Section 358.425 - Notice of termination of loan; content.

Section 358.430 - Procedure for giving notice; responsibility of owner.

Section 358.442 - Definitions for ORS 358.442 to 358.474.

Section 358.444 - Creation of heritage district.

Section 358.446 - Formation of multicounty heritage district.

Section 358.448 - Heritage district board.

Section 358.450 - Election of first heritage district board.

Section 358.452 - Election of heritage district board members; initiative and referendum.

Section 358.454 - Result of election at large or by zone; oath of office; vacancy; term of office.

Section 358.456 - Choice of election at large or by zone.

Section 358.458 - Change in method of nominating and electing heritage district board members.

Section 358.460 - Population within boundaries of zones in heritage districts.

Section 358.462 - Filing boundary change with county assessor and Department of Revenue.

Section 358.464 - Duties of heritage district board.

Section 358.466 - Powers of heritage district board.

Section 358.468 - Heritage district tax levy.

Section 358.470 - Sinking fund for acquisition of historic real property and restoration of historic buildings or facilities.

Section 358.472 - Legal counsel for heritage district.

Section 358.474 - Employees’ retirement system.

Section 358.480 - Definitions for ORS 358.480 to 358.545.

Section 358.487 - Application for classification and special assessment as historic property; term of assessment; fee.

Section 358.490 - Review and approval of application; withdrawal; amendment of plan.

Section 358.495 - Notice of approval or disapproval; certification and plaque; review, hearing and final order.

Section 358.499 - Limitations on classification and special assessment as historic property.

Section 358.500 - Reporting requirement; work approval.

Section 358.505 - Determination of specially assessed value, maximum assessed value and assessed value of historic property; appeals.

Section 358.511 - Historic Assessment Review Committee.

Section 358.515 - Loss of special assessment; notice.

Section 358.525 - Imposition of additional taxes upon disqualification; exceptions.

Section 358.540 - Requirements for second term of historic property special assessment.

Section 358.541 - City or county prohibition of second term.

Section 358.543 - Assessment of new construction and additions; condominiums.

Section 358.565 - State Historic Preservation Officer.

Section 358.570 - Oregon Heritage Commission; establishment; terms of commission members.

Section 358.575 - Commission membership.

Section 358.580 - Selection of chairperson; quorum; meetings.

Section 358.583 - Purpose and duties of commission relating to museums.

Section 358.585 - Rules.

Section 358.590 - Advisory and technical committees; reimbursement of commission member expenses; solicitation of funds.

Section 358.595 - Coordination of heritage activities; Oregon Heritage Plan; inventory of state cultural properties.

Section 358.600 - Periodic review of certain state archival agencies by commission; joint meetings with agencies.

Section 358.605 - Legislative purpose.

Section 358.612 - Duties of State Historic Preservation Officer.

Section 358.622 - State Advisory Committee on Historic Preservation.

Section 358.635 - Definitions for ORS 358.635 to 358.653.

Section 358.640 - State-owned historic artifacts; catalog; recommendations to state agency; rules.

Section 358.650 - Acceptance of historic artifact as gift to state; custody; finders fees.

Section 358.653 - Conservation program; leases.

Section 358.662 - Definitions for ORS 358.662 to 358.678.

Section 358.664 - Historic Preservation Revolving Loan Fund.

Section 358.666 - Historic Preservation Revolving Loan Fund Review Committee.

Section 358.668 - Historic preservation loans; application and approval process.

Section 358.670 - Loan contract terms and requirements.

Section 358.672 - Lien created when historic preservation loan made; procedure; foreclosure.

Section 358.676 - Rules; fees.

Section 358.680 - Definitions for ORS 358.683 to 358.690.

Section 358.683 - Oregon Property Management Program; rules.

Section 358.685 - Duties of director.

Section 358.687 - Reports.

Section 358.690 - Oregon Property Management Account.

Section 358.820 - Tax levy for municipal orchestras and band.

Section 358.831 - Election to levy tax.

Section 358.880 - Oregon State Museum of Natural History; activities; location; operation; state participation.

Section 358.885 - Lane County matching fund relationship.

Section 358.900 - Oregon State Maritime Museum; functions; participation by Department of Transportation.

Section 358.905 - Definitions for ORS 358.905 to 358.961; interpretation.

Section 358.910 - Policy.

Section 358.920 - Prohibited conduct; exception; penalty.

Section 358.923 - When collection may be held notwithstanding ORS 358.920 (3) and (4).

Section 358.924 - Objects held unlawfully considered contraband; seizure; procedure; disposition of seized objects.

Section 358.925 - Seizure of instrumentalities and proceeds of certain violations; forfeiture; procedure.

Section 358.928 - Alternative method for seizure and forfeiture of instrumentalities and proceeds of certain violations; procedure.

Section 358.937 - Declination to prosecute certain violations; notice required; authority of Attorney General to prosecute; requirement to provide investigatory reports to Commission on Indian Services.

Section 358.940 - Reinterment required; notice to appropriate Indian tribe or Commission on Indian Services.

Section 358.945 - Notice required upon finding of object; exception.

Section 358.950 - When notice to Indian tribe required; report; penalty.

Section 358.953 - Compensation to property owner deprived of lawful use of property; expense of removal.

Section 358.955 - Civil enforcement.