2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 358 - Oregon Historical and Heritage Agencies, Programs and Tax Provisions; Museums; Local Symphonies and Bands; Archaeological Objects and Sites
Section 358.570 - Oregon Heritage Commission; establishment; terms of commission members.

(2)(a) The term of office of each voting member is four years, but a member serves at the pleasure of the Governor.
(b) Before the expiration of the term of a member, the Governor shall appoint a successor whose term begins on July 1 next following.
(c) A member is eligible for reappointment.
(d) If there is a vacancy for any cause, the Governor shall make an appointment to become immediately effective for the unexpired term.
(3) A voting member of the commission is entitled to actual and necessary travel and other expenses as provided in ORS 292.495. [1995 c.428 §1; 1997 c.112 §1; 2011 c.372 §1]

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 09 - Education and Culture

Chapter 358 - Oregon Historical and Heritage Agencies, Programs and Tax Provisions; Museums; Local Symphonies and Bands; Archaeological Objects and Sites

Section 358.018 - Duties of Oregon Historical Society.

Section 358.035 - Oregon Historic Families database; duties of State Archivist.

Section 358.045 - Oregon Trail; comprehensive program for development.

Section 358.055 - Oregon Trail; promotion as major tourist attraction.

Section 358.057 - Value and significance of state historic trails.

Section 358.171 - Election to establish county historical fund.

Section 358.180 - Tax levy for county historical fund; limitation.

Section 358.310 - Definitions for ORS 358.310 to 358.405.

Section 358.315 - General authority of cities regarding public museums.

Section 358.320 - Museum commission.

Section 358.330 - Chairperson and secretary of commission; duties of commission regarding records, rules, reports and budgets.

Section 358.345 - Authority of city to establish and operate public museum.

Section 358.355 - Acquisition of site and structure for museum.

Section 358.360 - Duties of museum commission respecting establishment of museum.

Section 358.365 - Duties of museum commission respecting operation of museum.

Section 358.375 - Issuance of bonds to acquire museum site and structure.

Section 358.415 - Definitions for ORS 358.420 to 358.440.

Section 358.420 - Status of property loaned to a museum; statute of limitations on recovery.

Section 358.425 - Notice of termination of loan; content.

Section 358.430 - Procedure for giving notice; responsibility of owner.

Section 358.442 - Definitions for ORS 358.442 to 358.474.

Section 358.444 - Creation of heritage district.

Section 358.446 - Formation of multicounty heritage district.

Section 358.448 - Heritage district board.

Section 358.450 - Election of first heritage district board.

Section 358.452 - Election of heritage district board members; initiative and referendum.

Section 358.454 - Result of election at large or by zone; oath of office; vacancy; term of office.

Section 358.456 - Choice of election at large or by zone.

Section 358.458 - Change in method of nominating and electing heritage district board members.

Section 358.460 - Population within boundaries of zones in heritage districts.

Section 358.462 - Filing boundary change with county assessor and Department of Revenue.

Section 358.464 - Duties of heritage district board.

Section 358.466 - Powers of heritage district board.

Section 358.468 - Heritage district tax levy.

Section 358.470 - Sinking fund for acquisition of historic real property and restoration of historic buildings or facilities.

Section 358.472 - Legal counsel for heritage district.

Section 358.474 - Employees’ retirement system.

Section 358.480 - Definitions for ORS 358.480 to 358.545.

Section 358.487 - Application for classification and special assessment as historic property; term of assessment; fee.

Section 358.490 - Review and approval of application; withdrawal; amendment of plan.

Section 358.495 - Notice of approval or disapproval; certification and plaque; review, hearing and final order.

Section 358.499 - Limitations on classification and special assessment as historic property.

Section 358.500 - Reporting requirement; work approval.

Section 358.505 - Determination of specially assessed value, maximum assessed value and assessed value of historic property; appeals.

Section 358.511 - Historic Assessment Review Committee.

Section 358.515 - Loss of special assessment; notice.

Section 358.525 - Imposition of additional taxes upon disqualification; exceptions.

Section 358.540 - Requirements for second term of historic property special assessment.

Section 358.541 - City or county prohibition of second term.

Section 358.543 - Assessment of new construction and additions; condominiums.

Section 358.565 - State Historic Preservation Officer.

Section 358.570 - Oregon Heritage Commission; establishment; terms of commission members.

Section 358.575 - Commission membership.

Section 358.580 - Selection of chairperson; quorum; meetings.

Section 358.583 - Purpose and duties of commission relating to museums.

Section 358.585 - Rules.

Section 358.590 - Advisory and technical committees; reimbursement of commission member expenses; solicitation of funds.

Section 358.595 - Coordination of heritage activities; Oregon Heritage Plan; inventory of state cultural properties.

Section 358.600 - Periodic review of certain state archival agencies by commission; joint meetings with agencies.

Section 358.605 - Legislative purpose.

Section 358.612 - Duties of State Historic Preservation Officer.

Section 358.622 - State Advisory Committee on Historic Preservation.

Section 358.635 - Definitions for ORS 358.635 to 358.653.

Section 358.640 - State-owned historic artifacts; catalog; recommendations to state agency; rules.

Section 358.650 - Acceptance of historic artifact as gift to state; custody; finders fees.

Section 358.653 - Conservation program; leases.

Section 358.662 - Definitions for ORS 358.662 to 358.678.

Section 358.664 - Historic Preservation Revolving Loan Fund.

Section 358.666 - Historic Preservation Revolving Loan Fund Review Committee.

Section 358.668 - Historic preservation loans; application and approval process.

Section 358.670 - Loan contract terms and requirements.

Section 358.672 - Lien created when historic preservation loan made; procedure; foreclosure.

Section 358.676 - Rules; fees.

Section 358.680 - Definitions for ORS 358.683 to 358.690.

Section 358.683 - Oregon Property Management Program; rules.

Section 358.685 - Duties of director.

Section 358.687 - Reports.

Section 358.690 - Oregon Property Management Account.

Section 358.820 - Tax levy for municipal orchestras and band.

Section 358.831 - Election to levy tax.

Section 358.880 - Oregon State Museum of Natural History; activities; location; operation; state participation.

Section 358.885 - Lane County matching fund relationship.

Section 358.900 - Oregon State Maritime Museum; functions; participation by Department of Transportation.

Section 358.905 - Definitions for ORS 358.905 to 358.961; interpretation.

Section 358.910 - Policy.

Section 358.920 - Prohibited conduct; exception; penalty.

Section 358.923 - When collection may be held notwithstanding ORS 358.920 (3) and (4).

Section 358.924 - Objects held unlawfully considered contraband; seizure; procedure; disposition of seized objects.

Section 358.925 - Seizure of instrumentalities and proceeds of certain violations; forfeiture; procedure.

Section 358.928 - Alternative method for seizure and forfeiture of instrumentalities and proceeds of certain violations; procedure.

Section 358.937 - Declination to prosecute certain violations; notice required; authority of Attorney General to prosecute; requirement to provide investigatory reports to Commission on Indian Services.

Section 358.940 - Reinterment required; notice to appropriate Indian tribe or Commission on Indian Services.

Section 358.945 - Notice required upon finding of object; exception.

Section 358.950 - When notice to Indian tribe required; report; penalty.

Section 358.953 - Compensation to property owner deprived of lawful use of property; expense of removal.

Section 358.955 - Civil enforcement.