2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 350 - Statewide Coordination of Higher Education
Section 350.630 - Legislative findings.

(1) Independent institutions of higher education in the state educate a substantial share of all post-secondary students in Oregon and such nonpublic institutions make an important contribution to post-secondary education in Oregon.
(2) The state’s duty to support the achieving of public welfare purposes in education may be, in part, fulfilled by the state’s support of those nonsectarian educational objectives achieved through nonpublic post-secondary institutions.
(3) Many of Oregon’s private and independent institutions of higher learning face serious financial difficulties and, should any of these institutions be forced to close, many of their students would seek admission in public institutions creating an added financial burden to the state and an impairment of post-secondary education in Oregon. Such hazards may be substantially reduced and all education in the state improved through the purchase of nonsectarian educational services from Oregon’s private and independent institutions. [Formerly 352.710]

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 09 - Education and Culture

Chapter 350 - Statewide Coordination of Higher Education

Section 350.001 - Legislative findings.

Section 350.005 - Additional findings.

Section 350.009 - Fundamental goals of public higher education.

Section 350.014 - Mission of education beyond high school.

Section 350.018 - Educational attainment goals for adult Oregonians not currently enrolled in academic programs; rules.

Section 350.050 - Higher Education Coordinating Commission; members; confirmation.

Section 350.060 - Officers; quorum; official action; meetings.

Section 350.065 - Executive director; subordinate officers and employees.

Section 350.070 - Advisory and technical committees.

Section 350.075 - Powers, duties and functions; rules.

Section 350.080 - Ability of Higher Education Coordinating Commission to accept and deposit moneys or property and to apply for funds.

Section 350.085 - Mission statements and academic programs of public universities.

Section 350.090 - Biennial funding request; rules.

Section 350.095 - Budgetary items in funding request; allocation of funds; certification of revenue sufficiency.

Section 350.100 - Implementation of diverse educator recruitment plans.

Section 350.110 - Coordination between Higher Education Coordinating Commission, public universities, community college districts and independent for-profit and not-for-profit institutions of higher education; common goals; advisory committee; annual...

Section 350.115 - Regional services institutes; general program; location.

Section 350.120 - Program purpose and function.

Section 350.125 - Report on competency-based education.

Section 350.130 - Enrollment and graduation rate of Oregon high school students at post-secondary institutions of education.

Section 350.150 - Office to function under Higher Education Coordinating Commission; rules.

Section 350.155 - Office of Community Colleges and Workforce Development Account.

Section 350.160 - Director of the Office of Community Colleges and Workforce Development.

Section 350.170 - Advanced technology education and training grants and loans; rules.

Section 350.175 - Certificates for passing approved high school equivalency tests; rules; fees.

Section 350.200 - Prohibition on requiring prospective students to disclose prior criminal convictions when applying; exceptions; appeal.

Section 350.203 - Parental identification on institution forms; collection of identification information by Higher Education Coordinating Commission; rules.

Section 350.205 - Display of mandatory enrollment fees; content and method of display; report.

Section 350.208 - Display of estimated cost of required course materials and course fees; method of display; rules.

Section 350.240 - Eligibility of various students to receive financial aid from Higher Education Coordinating Commission.

Section 350.245 - Ballot drop sites and voter registration procedures at schools of higher education.

Section 350.250 - Students unable because of religious beliefs to attend classes on certain days.

Section 350.253 - Written policies on sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking; content.

Section 350.255 - Written sexual assault protocol; content.

Section 350.259 - Written policy on hazing; report.

Section 350.260 - Student journalists; student expression; civil action.

Section 350.262 - Benefits navigator; duties; process for feedback and recommendations.

Section 350.265 - Armed Forces recruitment on campuses; standards.

Section 350.270 - Priority enrollment system for active or former member of Armed Forces or qualified dependent of former member; conditions.

Section 350.272 - Prohibited actions related to access to personal social media accounts.

Section 350.274 - Cause of action for violation of ORS 350.272.

Section 350.276 - Definitions for ORS 350.278 and 350.280.

Section 350.278 - Disclosure of Social Security number of student attending public university.

Section 350.280 - Disclosure of Social Security number of community college student.

Section 350.282 - Action for disclosure of Social Security number.

Section 350.285 - Waiver of tuition for family members of deceased or disabled veterans or children of Purple Heart recipients.

Section 350.287 - Continuing resident tuition and fees for spouses or dependent children of active members of Armed Forces.

Section 350.290 - Resident tuition and fees for nonresident students who served, or who are dependents of someone who served, in Armed Forces or international position.

Section 350.292 - Resident tuition and fees for Native American or Alaska Native students; rules.

Section 350.295 - Annual report on reduced tuition rate and tuition waiver recipients.

Section 350.300 - Waiver of tuition and fees for foster child.

Section 350.305 - Number and graduation rate of current and former foster children enrolled at community colleges and public universities.

Section 350.350 - "Public institution of higher education" defined for ORS 350.355 and 350.360.

Section 350.355 - Health care benefits for part-time faculty; rules.

Section 350.360 - Review of employees at public institutions of higher education; report to Legislative Assembly and Governor.

Section 350.370 - Requirements for classification as post-doctoral scholar position.

Section 350.375 - Cultural competency requirements at public universities and community colleges.

Section 350.379 - Use of apprentices, minority individuals and women in qualified contracts; report; exceptions.

Section 350.395 - Transfer Student Bill of Rights and Responsibilities; standards for applying community college credits toward baccalaureate degrees.

Section 350.400 - Establishment of foundational curricula; requirements.

Section 350.404 - Unified statewide transfer agreements; requirements.

Section 350.408 - Community college obligations when informed that enrolled student intends to pursue bachelor’s degree.

Section 350.412 - Role of Higher Education Coordinating Commission in facilitating foundational curricula and unified statewide transfer agreements.

Section 350.417 - Academic credit for advanced placement (AP) exam or International Baccalaureate (IB) program; rules.

Section 350.420 - Accelerated college credit programs; publicly available information; rules.

Section 350.423 - Adoption of common course numbering system; transfer of academic credit; rules.

Section 350.426 - Transfer Council; composition; duties.

Section 350.429 - Transfer Council responsibilities; reports; rules.

Section 350.432 - Developmental educational requirements; placement test requirements; rules.

Section 350.500 - Forestry Education Council; members; term of office.

Section 350.510 - Administration of Forestry Education Council.

Section 350.515 - Criteria and measurements for investments in professional forestry education; process; report.

Section 350.525 - No obligation to fund subaccount.

Section 350.540 - Venture grant program; applicant requirements.

Section 350.545 - University venture development funds; use; fee.

Section 350.550 - Purposes of funds; disbursement; assessment; report.

Section 350.600 - Legislative findings.

Section 350.620 - State policies to enhance and encourage independent higher education.

Section 350.630 - Legislative findings.

Section 350.635 - Definitions for ORS 350.630 to 350.655.

Section 350.640 - Contracts with independent institutions for nonsectarian and nonreligious educational services.

Section 350.665 - Definitions for ORS 350.665 to 350.695.

Section 350.675 - Powers of municipality.

Section 350.680 - Revenue bonds; issuance; trust funds; pledge; terms; legal effect.

Section 350.750 - Nonresident tuition in post-secondary educational institutions.

Section 350.755 - Interstate agreements.

Section 350.775 - Compact provisions.

Section 350.785 - Commission members; appointment and removal.

Section 350.795 - Contracts to furnish out-of-state educational service to Oregon students.

Section 350.800 - Selection of Oregon residents to receive out-of-state educational service.

Section 350.805 - Contracts to furnish educational service in Oregon public universities to out-of-state students.