2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 339 - School Attendance; Admission; Discipline; Safety
Section 339.326 - Actions after receipt of notice under ORS 419A.305; transfers from outside state; enrollment in other school or program; confidentiality of information; use of information; immunity.

(a) "School administrator" has the meaning given that term in ORS 419A.305.
(b) "School personnel" means a person who is employed by or under contract with a school district, public charter school or private school to provide services to students, including but not limited to:
(A) Teachers and school staff.
(B) Transportation providers.
(C) Food service workers.
(D) Daytime building maintenance workers.
(E) Health center workers or nurses.
(F) Library personnel.
(G) Translators.
(2) Within 48 hours after receiving notice under ORS 419A.305, a school administrator shall notify school personnel who the school administrator determines need the information in order to:
(a) Safeguard the safety and security of the school, students and school personnel;
(b) Arrange appropriate counseling or education for the person who is the subject of the notice; or
(c) If the notice states that the court has set aside or dismissed the petition, or that the court has determined it does not have jurisdiction over the person who is the subject of the notice, inform school personnel previously notified of the petition under this subsection that the court has set aside or dismissed the petition or determined that the person who is the subject of the notice is not within the jurisdiction of the juvenile court and direct the appropriate school personnel to remove and destroy the notice and any documents or information related to the notice from the person’s educational records.
(3) When a student transfers to a school in this state from a school outside the state, the school administrator of the school in this state shall, when requesting the transfer student’s education records as provided under ORS 326.575, request any information that the transfer student’s former school may have relating to the transfer student’s history of engaging in activity that is likely to place at risk the safety of school personnel or students or that requires arrangement of appropriate counseling or education for the transfer student. Upon receipt of information that the transfer student has a history of engaging in activity that is likely to place at risk the safety of school personnel or students, the school administrator shall notify school personnel who the school administrator determines need the information in order to:
(a) Safeguard the safety and security of the school, students and school personnel; or
(b) Arrange appropriate counseling or education for the transfer student.
(4) When a school administrator receives notice under ORS 419A.305 and determines that the youth is not enrolled in the school administrator’s school but is enrolled in a school or program referred to in this subsection, the school administrator shall, within 48 hours of receiving notice, send a copy of the notice to:
(a) The director of the Oregon School for the Deaf if the youth attends the Oregon School for the Deaf.
(b) The Superintendent of Public Instruction if the youth is in an educational program under the Youth Corrections Education Program.
(c) The principal of the public charter school if the youth attends a public charter school.
(d) The principal of the private school if the youth attends a private school.
(e) The appropriate school administrator if the youth attends a school in another school district.
(5) A school district, public charter school or private school may adopt policies and procedures for providing notification to school personnel under this section.
(6)(a) Except as provided in this section, information contained in a notice required under ORS 419A.305 or obtained from an out-of-state school under subsection (3) of this section is confidential.
(b) Persons receiving information contained in a notice required under ORS 419A.305 or obtained from an out-of-state school under subsection (3) of this section may not disclose any information received to anyone other than:
(A) The person who is the subject of the notice or the transfer student;
(B) The parent or guardian of the person who is the subject of the notice or the transfer student;
(C) A school administrator;
(D) School personnel notified under subsection (2) or (3) of this section;
(E) Law enforcement personnel;
(F) The probation officer or juvenile counselor of the person who is the subject of the notice or the transfer student; and
(G) The attorney for the person who is the subject of the notice or the transfer student.
(c) School personnel are not subject to discipline for disclosing the existence of a notice under ORS 419A.305 or for disclosing the contents of the notice, unless the disclosure was made in bad faith, with malicious intent or in a manner exhibiting a willful, wanton disregard of the rights, safety or property of another.
(7)(a) Information obtained under this section or under ORS 419A.305 may not be used for admissions or disciplinary decisions concerning the person who is the subject of a notice or the transfer student unless the violation occurred in the school or classroom or at a school activity or event, whether or not the violation took place on school property.
(b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of this subsection, information obtained under this section or under ORS 419A.305 may be used for making an educational placement for the person who is the subject of a notice or the transfer student, if necessary for arranging appropriate counseling or education for the person or transfer student. Placement procedures and decisions under this section regarding a person or transfer student who is receiving special education and related services must comply with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 20 U.S.C. 1400 et seq.
(c) The receipt of a notice under ORS 419A.305 does not deprive the school of the authority to institute or continue a disciplinary action against the person who is the subject of the notice or the transfer student based on the same conduct alleged in the notice if the disciplinary proceedings are based on information obtained by the school or school district that is not derived from the notice.
(8) A person is not civilly or criminally liable for giving or failing to give the notice required under this section. Nothing in this section creates a new cause of action or enlarges an existing cause of action for compensation or damages. [2008 c.50 §3; 2009 c.447 §2; 2011 c.9 §35]

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 09 - Education and Culture

Chapter 339 - School Attendance; Admission; Discipline; Safety

Section 339.010 - School attendance required.

Section 339.020 - Duty to send children to school.

Section 339.030 - Exemptions from compulsory school attendance; rules.

Section 339.035 - Teaching by private teacher, parent or guardian; rules.

Section 339.040 - Attendance supervisors.

Section 339.065 - Estimates of attendance; irregular attendance; excused absences.

Section 339.071 - Attendance notification policy.

Section 339.080 - Nonattendance notice to parents, school officials and parole or probation officer.

Section 339.095 - Required procedures related to violations of certain school attendance requirements; rules.

Section 339.115 - Admission of students; waiver; denial.

Section 339.119 - Prohibition of payment as incentive to receive educational services; exceptions.

Section 339.122 - Disclosures in promotional materials.

Section 339.125 - Contract for admission of nonresident pupils; costs.

Section 339.127 - Factors prohibited from consideration when giving consent to nonresident student; limitations on consent and advertisements.

Section 339.128 - Factors prohibited from consideration when admitting tuition-paying nonresident student.

Section 339.129 - Education for children in local or regional correctional facilities required; funding; notice to district; access.

Section 339.133 - Determination of residency of student for school purposes.

Section 339.134 - Residency of child voluntarily placed outside child’s home and living in substitute care program.

Section 339.137 - Residency of student at youth care center.

Section 339.139 - Residency of military children; rules.

Section 339.141 - Tuition prohibited for regular school program; other programs.

Section 339.147 - When tuition authorized; waiver of tuition and fees.

Section 339.155 - Prohibitions of certain fees as condition of admission; allowable fees.

Section 339.240 - Rules of student conduct, discipline and rights; duties of state board and district school boards.

Section 339.250 - Duty of student to comply with rules; policies on discipline, suspension, expulsion, threats of violence or harm, firearms and physical force; student handbook or code of conduct; enforcement of policies.

Section 339.252 - Child with disability continues to be entitled to free appropriate public education if removed for disciplinary reasons; due process procedures.

Section 339.256 - Prohibition on restriction of access to specialized learning areas or certain common areas.

Section 339.270 - Assessment of costs of school property damage against responsible student or parents or guardian; notice; action to recover.

Section 339.280 - Student grading policies; consideration of attendance allowed; policy content.

Section 339.285 - Definitions for ORS 339.285 to 339.303.

Section 339.288 - Prohibitions on use of certain restraints.

Section 339.291 - Use of restraint or seclusion.

Section 339.294 - Procedures following incident; notification; records.

Section 339.297 - Annual report.

Section 339.300 - Training programs.

Section 339.303 - Rules for complaints, investigations and seclusion rooms.

Section 339.308 - Seclusion cell prohibition.

Section 339.309 - Required reports of employee injuries.

Section 339.315 - Report required if person has unlawful firearm or destructive device; immunity; law enforcement investigation required.

Section 339.317 - Notice to school district of person charged with crime; immunity.

Section 339.319 - Notice to school district of person convicted of crime; immunity.

Section 339.321 - Notice to school district and law enforcement agencies of release or discharge of person; immunity.

Section 339.323 - Disclosure of information regarding person charged with or convicted of crime or regarding release or discharge of person; immunity.

Section 339.326 - Actions after receipt of notice under ORS 419A.305; transfers from outside state; enrollment in other school or program; confidentiality of information; use of information; immunity.

Section 339.327 - Notification required if person possesses threatening list or when threats of violence or harm made; immunity.

Section 339.329 - Statewide tip line to report information concerning threats or potential threats to student safety; rules.

Section 339.331 - Mission; duties; annual report; staff; funding.

Section 339.333 - Board of directors.

Section 339.336 - Funding; Center for School Safety Account.

Section 339.339 - Collaboration between center and Department of Education.

Section 339.341 - Statewide School Safety and Prevention System; rules.

Section 339.343 - Comprehensive district plans on student suicide prevention; rules.

Section 339.347 - Policies to address bias incidents and displays of symbols of hate.

Section 339.351 - Definitions for ORS 339.351 to 339.364.

Section 339.353 - Findings.

Section 339.356 - District policy required.

Section 339.359 - Training programs; prevention task forces, programs and other initiatives.

Section 339.362 - Retaliation against victims and witnesses prohibited; school employee immunity.

Section 339.366 - Required policies on teen dating violence and domestic violence.

Section 339.368 - Posters regarding domestic violence; rules.

Section 339.370 - Definitions for ORS 339.370 to 339.400.

Section 339.372 - Policies of school boards on reporting of suspected abuse and suspected sexual conduct.

Section 339.374 - Required background checks by education providers.

Section 339.378 - Disclosure of information and records by education provider; confidentiality; limitations on assisting another in obtaining new job; discipline.

Section 339.384 - Prohibitions and allowances related to hiring of applicant to be school employee.

Section 339.388 - Report of abuse or sexual conduct; investigation; appeal process; disclosure of records.

Section 339.389 - Receipt by Department of Education from Department of Human Services of notification of report or investigation of abuse; rules.

Section 339.390 - Investigations by Teacher Standards and Practices Commission of persons who are commission licensees; timeline; findings; rules.

Section 339.391 - Investigations by Department of Education of persons who are not commission licensees; timeline; findings; rules.

Section 339.392 - Prohibitions against certain agreements and contracts.

Section 339.400 - Training.

Section 339.450 - Prohibited grounds for denying participation in interscholastic athletics.

Section 339.460 - Participation in interscholastic activities by GED student, homeschooled student or student who attends public charter school; conditions; fees.

Section 339.505 - Definitions for ORS 339.505 to 339.520; rules.

Section 339.510 - Student accounting system; goals.

Section 339.515 - Uniform reporting system; training and technical assistance in using system.

Section 339.520 - Information required on certain students who withdraw from school.

Section 339.655 - Traffic patrols authorized; medical benefits; rules.

Section 339.660 - Rules on traffic patrols; eligibility; authority.

Section 339.665 - Intergovernmental cooperation and assistance in connection with traffic patrols.

Section 339.866 - Self-administration of medication by students.

Section 339.867 - "Medication" defined for ORS 339.869 and 339.870.

Section 339.869 - Administration of medication to students; rules.

Section 339.870 - Liability of school personnel administering medication.

Section 339.871 - Liability of school personnel for student self-administering medication or for student or individual unable to self-administer medication.

Section 339.873 - Recommendations on medication to affect or alter thought processes, mood or behavior prohibited; exceptions.

Section 339.874 - Use of sun-protective clothing and sunscreen.

Section 339.875 - Procurement, display and salute of flags.

Section 339.877 - Issuance of diploma for work completed at certain state institutions.

Section 339.883 - Possession of tobacco products or inhalant delivery systems by person under 21 prohibited at certain facilities.

Section 339.885 - Secret societies in public schools prohibited; membership grounds for suspension or expulsion.

Section 339.890 - Radio frequency identification device policy for students; rules.