(2) When a child is taught or is withdrawn from a public school to be taught by a parent, legal guardian or private teacher, as provided in ORS 339.030, the parent, legal guardian or private teacher must notify the education service district in writing. In addition, when a child who is taught by a parent, legal guardian or private teacher moves to a new education service district, the parent, legal guardian or private teacher shall notify the new education service district in writing. The education service district shall acknowledge receipt of any notification in writing.
(3) Children being taught as provided in subsection (2) of this section shall be examined at grades 3, 5, 8 and 10 in accordance with the following procedures:
(a) The State Board of Education shall adopt by rule a list of approved comprehensive examinations that are readily available.
(b)(A) The parent or legal guardian shall select an examination from the approved list and arrange to have the examination administered to the child by a qualified neutral person, as defined by rule by the State Board of Education.
(B) If the child was withdrawn from public school, the first examination shall be administered to the child at least 18 months after the date on which the child was withdrawn from public school.
(C) If the child never attended public or private school, the first examination shall be administered to the child prior to the end of grade three.
(c) The person administering the examination shall:
(A) Score the examination; and
(B) Report the results of the examination to the parent or legal guardian.
(d) Upon request of the superintendent of the education service district, the parent or legal guardian shall submit the results of the examination to the education service district.
(4)(a) If the composite test score of the child places the child below the 15th percentile based on national norms, the child shall be given an additional examination within one year of when the first examination was administered.
(b) If the composite test score of the child on the second examination shows a declining score, then the child shall be given an additional examination within one year of when the second examination was administered and the superintendent of the education service district may:
(A) Allow the child to continue to be taught by a parent, legal guardian or private teacher; or
(B) Place the education of the child under the supervision of a person holding a teaching license who is selected by the parent or legal guardian at the expense of the parent or legal guardian. If the composite test score of the child continues to show a declining score, the superintendent of the education service district may:
(i) Allow the child to continue under the educational supervision of a licensed teacher selected by the parent or legal guardian and require that the child be given an additional examination within one year of when the last examination was administered;
(ii) Allow the child to be taught by a parent, legal guardian or private teacher and require that the child be given an additional examination within one year of when the last examination was administered; or
(iii) Order the parent or legal guardian to send the child to school for a period not to exceed 12 consecutive months as determined by the superintendent.
(c) If the parent or legal guardian of the child does not consent to placing the education of the child under the supervision of a licensed teacher who is selected by the parent or legal guardian, then the superintendent of the education service district may order the child to return to school for a period not to exceed 12 consecutive months as determined by the superintendent.
(d) If the composite test score of the child on an examination is equal to or greater than the percentile score on the prior test, the child may be taught by a parent, legal guardian or private teacher and for the next examination be examined pursuant to paragraph (a) of this subsection or subsection (3) of this section.
(5)(a) Notwithstanding the examination requirements of subsections (3) and (4) of this section, the parent or legal guardian of a child with a disability who has an individualized education program and is receiving special education and related services through the school district or who is being educated in accordance with a privately developed plan shall be evaluated for satisfactory educational progress according to the recommendations of the program or plan.
(b) The parent or legal guardian of a child with a disability who was evaluated by service providers selected by the parent or legal guardian based on a privately developed plan shall submit a report of such evaluation to the education service district in lieu of the examination results required by subsections (3) and (4) of this section.
(c) A child with a disability described in this subsection may not be subject to the examination requirements of subsections (3) and (4) of this section unless the examination is recommended in the program or plan in effect for the child. [1985 c.579 §2; 1989 c.619 §4; 1999 c.717 §1a; 2007 c.70 §95; 2013 c.1 §33]
Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Volume : 09 - Education and Culture
Chapter 339 - School Attendance; Admission; Discipline; Safety
Section 339.010 - School attendance required.
Section 339.020 - Duty to send children to school.
Section 339.030 - Exemptions from compulsory school attendance; rules.
Section 339.035 - Teaching by private teacher, parent or guardian; rules.
Section 339.040 - Attendance supervisors.
Section 339.065 - Estimates of attendance; irregular attendance; excused absences.
Section 339.071 - Attendance notification policy.
Section 339.080 - Nonattendance notice to parents, school officials and parole or probation officer.
Section 339.115 - Admission of students; waiver; denial.
Section 339.119 - Prohibition of payment as incentive to receive educational services; exceptions.
Section 339.122 - Disclosures in promotional materials.
Section 339.125 - Contract for admission of nonresident pupils; costs.
Section 339.133 - Determination of residency of student for school purposes.
Section 339.137 - Residency of student at youth care center.
Section 339.139 - Residency of military children; rules.
Section 339.141 - Tuition prohibited for regular school program; other programs.
Section 339.147 - When tuition authorized; waiver of tuition and fees.
Section 339.155 - Prohibitions of certain fees as condition of admission; allowable fees.
Section 339.280 - Student grading policies; consideration of attendance allowed; policy content.
Section 339.285 - Definitions for ORS 339.285 to 339.303.
Section 339.288 - Prohibitions on use of certain restraints.
Section 339.291 - Use of restraint or seclusion.
Section 339.294 - Procedures following incident; notification; records.
Section 339.297 - Annual report.
Section 339.300 - Training programs.
Section 339.303 - Rules for complaints, investigations and seclusion rooms.
Section 339.308 - Seclusion cell prohibition.
Section 339.309 - Required reports of employee injuries.
Section 339.317 - Notice to school district of person charged with crime; immunity.
Section 339.319 - Notice to school district of person convicted of crime; immunity.
Section 339.331 - Mission; duties; annual report; staff; funding.
Section 339.333 - Board of directors.
Section 339.336 - Funding; Center for School Safety Account.
Section 339.339 - Collaboration between center and Department of Education.
Section 339.341 - Statewide School Safety and Prevention System; rules.
Section 339.343 - Comprehensive district plans on student suicide prevention; rules.
Section 339.347 - Policies to address bias incidents and displays of symbols of hate.
Section 339.351 - Definitions for ORS 339.351 to 339.364.
Section 339.356 - District policy required.
Section 339.359 - Training programs; prevention task forces, programs and other initiatives.
Section 339.362 - Retaliation against victims and witnesses prohibited; school employee immunity.
Section 339.366 - Required policies on teen dating violence and domestic violence.
Section 339.368 - Posters regarding domestic violence; rules.
Section 339.370 - Definitions for ORS 339.370 to 339.400.
Section 339.374 - Required background checks by education providers.
Section 339.384 - Prohibitions and allowances related to hiring of applicant to be school employee.
Section 339.392 - Prohibitions against certain agreements and contracts.
Section 339.450 - Prohibited grounds for denying participation in interscholastic athletics.
Section 339.505 - Definitions for ORS 339.505 to 339.520; rules.
Section 339.510 - Student accounting system; goals.
Section 339.515 - Uniform reporting system; training and technical assistance in using system.
Section 339.520 - Information required on certain students who withdraw from school.
Section 339.655 - Traffic patrols authorized; medical benefits; rules.
Section 339.660 - Rules on traffic patrols; eligibility; authority.
Section 339.665 - Intergovernmental cooperation and assistance in connection with traffic patrols.
Section 339.866 - Self-administration of medication by students.
Section 339.867 - "Medication" defined for ORS 339.869 and 339.870.
Section 339.869 - Administration of medication to students; rules.
Section 339.870 - Liability of school personnel administering medication.
Section 339.874 - Use of sun-protective clothing and sunscreen.
Section 339.875 - Procurement, display and salute of flags.
Section 339.877 - Issuance of diploma for work completed at certain state institutions.
Section 339.890 - Radio frequency identification device policy for students; rules.