2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 332 - Local Administration of Education
Section 332.505 - Employment and compensation of personnel; written personnel policies.

(a) "Instructional assistant" has the meaning given that term in ORS 342.120.
(b) "Intern teacher" means a regularly enrolled candidate of an approved educator preparation provider, as defined in ORS 342.120, who teaches under the supervision of the staff of the provider and of the employing district in order to acquire practical experience in teaching and for which the candidate receives both academic credit from the provider and financial compensation from the school district or education service district.
(2) A district school board may:
(a) Employ a superintendent of schools and necessary assistant superintendents for the district and fix the terms and conditions of employment and the compensation. The district school board shall not contract with a superintendent for more than a period of three years at a time. The contract shall automatically expire at the end of its term. However, the district school board may elect to issue a subsequent contract for an additional three years at any time.
(b) Employ personnel, including teachers and administrators, necessary to carry out the duties and powers of the board and fix the duties, terms and conditions of employment and the compensation.
(c) Compensate district employees in any form which may include, but shall not be limited to, insurance, tuition reimbursement and salaries.
(d) Employ instructional assistants and intern teachers subject to the rules of the State Board of Education.
(3) The district school board shall maintain written personnel policies and make the policies available for inspection by any school employee or member of the public.
(4) The superintendent of the school district shall cause each employee to be specifically informed of the existence and availability of the personnel policies. [Formerly 332.320 and then 332.135; 1971 c.519 §1; 1975 c.770 §27; 1993 c.45 §56; 1997 c.864 §16; 2013 c.434 §2; 2015 c.245 §43]

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 09 - Education and Culture

Chapter 332 - Local Administration of Education

Section 332.002 - Definitions for chapter.

Section 332.005 - Directors as district school board; oath.

Section 332.012 - Method for increasing number of board members.

Section 332.016 - Employees ineligible to serve as directors; exception.

Section 332.018 - Term of office; qualifications; expenses.

Section 332.030 - Vacancy in office of director.

Section 332.061 - Hearing to expel minor students or to examine confidential records; exceptions to public meetings law.

Section 332.075 - Powers of board; rules.

Section 332.105 - General duties of board.

Section 332.112 - Prohibition related to wearing of Native American items of cultural significance.

Section 332.114 - Issuance of diplomas to veterans.

Section 332.118 - Election laws applicable; duties of Secretary of State; requirements for petitioners.

Section 332.122 - Nomination of directors; qualifications.

Section 332.124 - Election at large unless zoned; plurality in zones; reelection from zones; procedure when no nominee to fill zone vacancy; duration of appointments.

Section 332.126 - Election from zones.

Section 332.128 - Establishing zones for purpose of nominating directors.

Section 332.134 - Reelection after zoning.

Section 332.136 - Election of directors by position numbers.

Section 332.155 - Land; buildings; lease-purchase agreements; equipment and services.

Section 332.158 - Creation of school in another school district; written permission or written notice.

Section 332.163 - Notices related to seismic risk category of school.

Section 332.172 - Use of school buildings and grounds for civic and recreational purposes; fee; rules.

Section 332.176 - Large construction projects; safety improvements.

Section 332.182 - Condemnation of realty for school purposes.

Section 332.207 - Light fixtures.

Section 332.210 - Districts controlling cemeteries.

Section 332.331 - Healthy and Safe Schools Plan.

Section 332.334 - Tests of schools under plan; results; annual statement; rules.

Section 332.337 - Healthy School Facilities Fund.

Section 332.341 - Provision of information to school districts about elevated levels of radon.

Section 332.345 - Tests of schools for elevated levels of radon; plan; results.

Section 332.405 - Transportation; board and room; pedestrian facilities.

Section 332.427 - Availability of district vehicles for public transportation purposes.

Section 332.432 - Insurance, medical and hospital service contracts covering school employees; self-insurance.

Section 332.445 - Regulation of vehicles on school property; rules.

Section 332.505 - Employment and compensation of personnel; written personnel policies.

Section 332.507 - Sick leave for school employees; other leave.

Section 332.525 - Bonds for personnel.

Section 332.531 - Law enforcement agency; personnel as peace officers.

Section 332.544 - Procedure for demoting or dismissing classified school employees.

Section 332.554 - Notice of reasonable assurance of continued employment; when sent; effect of failure to give notice.

Section 332.745 - Acquisition of interest in intellectual properties.