2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 332 - Local Administration of Education
Section 332.155 - Land; buildings; lease-purchase agreements; equipment and services.

(1) May furnish, equip, repair, lease, purchase and build schoolhouses, including high schools, junior high schools, career and technical education schools, gymnasiums, houses for teachers and other employees and like buildings, and locate, buy and lease lands for all school purposes. Leases authorized by this subsection include lease-purchase agreements under which the district may acquire ownership of the leased property at a nominal price. Leases and lease-purchase agreements may be for a term of up to 30 years.
(2) May contract for the removal or containment of asbestos substances in school buildings and for repairs made necessary by the removal or containment. Contracts authorized by this section may be for a term exceeding one year.
(3) May construct or cooperate in the construction of facilities for educator preparation providers on state or district owned lands, for any public university listed in ORS 352.002 that is in or contiguous to the district, and to expend district funds for those activities.
(4) May acquire personal property by a lease-purchase agreement or contract of purchase for a term exceeding one year. A lease-purchase agreement is one in which the rent payable by the district is expressly agreed to have been established to reflect the savings resulting from the exemption from taxation, and the district is entitled to ownership of the property at a nominal or other price that is stated or determinable by the terms of the agreement and was not intended to reflect the true value of the property.
(5) May lease, sell and convey all property of the district as may not, in the judgment of the district school board, be required for school purposes.
(6) May sell property of the district in transactions whereby the district has the right to lease, occupy or reacquire the property following the sale or have facilities constructed on the property or furnished to the specifications of the district. The construction or furnishing of the facilities shall be subject to:
(a) ORS chapter 279A, except ORS 279A.125 and 279A.250 to 279A.290;
(b) ORS chapter 279B, except ORS 279B.235, 279B.240, 279B.270, 279B.275 and 279B.280; and
(c) ORS 279C.005, 279C.100 to 279C.125 and 279C.300 to 279C.470.
(7) Shall furnish the schools with supplies, equipment, apparatus and services essential to meeting the requirements of a standard school and may furnish other supplies, equipment, apparatus and services as the board considers advisable.
(8) May construct, purchase or lease in cooperation with other school districts or community college districts facilities for secondary career and technical education programs for pupils of more than one district and may furnish or cooperate in furnishing supplies and equipment for the facilities, to be financed in the same manner as other school buildings and supplies are financed.
(9) May purchase real property upon a contractual basis when the period of time allowed for payment under the contract does not exceed 30 years.
(10) May purchase relocatable classrooms and other relocatable structures in installment transactions in which deferred installments of the purchase price are payable over not more than 10 years from the date the property is delivered to the district for occupancy and are secured by a security interest in such property. Transactions under this subsection may take the form of, but are not limited to, lease-purchase agreements.
(11) May enter into rental or lease-purchase agreements covering motor vehicles operated by the district.
(12) May enter into transactions that are expected to reduce the cost to the district for school facilities, including:
(a) Entering into an agreement or taking any other action to allow the district to use state or federal tax credits or state or federal funding sources;
(b) Entering into a lease or sublease, partnership agreement or other contract for property that is financed with general obligation bond proceeds or other district funds; or
(c) Loaning or otherwise contributing general obligation bond proceeds or other district funds to transactions authorized by this subsection. [Formerly 332.380; 1965 c.100 §143; 1969 c.311 §2; 1969 c.434 §1; 1975 c.358 §1; 1981 c.212 §1; 1983 c.740 §103; 1989 c.138 §2; 1993 c.45 §47; 2003 c.794 §255; 2009 c.94 §6; 2011 c.637 §113; 2015 c.245 §42; 2015 c.474 §1]

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 09 - Education and Culture

Chapter 332 - Local Administration of Education

Section 332.002 - Definitions for chapter.

Section 332.005 - Directors as district school board; oath.

Section 332.012 - Method for increasing number of board members.

Section 332.016 - Employees ineligible to serve as directors; exception.

Section 332.018 - Term of office; qualifications; expenses.

Section 332.030 - Vacancy in office of director.

Section 332.061 - Hearing to expel minor students or to examine confidential records; exceptions to public meetings law.

Section 332.075 - Powers of board; rules.

Section 332.105 - General duties of board.

Section 332.112 - Prohibition related to wearing of Native American items of cultural significance.

Section 332.114 - Issuance of diplomas to veterans.

Section 332.118 - Election laws applicable; duties of Secretary of State; requirements for petitioners.

Section 332.122 - Nomination of directors; qualifications.

Section 332.124 - Election at large unless zoned; plurality in zones; reelection from zones; procedure when no nominee to fill zone vacancy; duration of appointments.

Section 332.126 - Election from zones.

Section 332.128 - Establishing zones for purpose of nominating directors.

Section 332.134 - Reelection after zoning.

Section 332.136 - Election of directors by position numbers.

Section 332.155 - Land; buildings; lease-purchase agreements; equipment and services.

Section 332.158 - Creation of school in another school district; written permission or written notice.

Section 332.163 - Notices related to seismic risk category of school.

Section 332.172 - Use of school buildings and grounds for civic and recreational purposes; fee; rules.

Section 332.176 - Large construction projects; safety improvements.

Section 332.182 - Condemnation of realty for school purposes.

Section 332.207 - Light fixtures.

Section 332.210 - Districts controlling cemeteries.

Section 332.331 - Healthy and Safe Schools Plan.

Section 332.334 - Tests of schools under plan; results; annual statement; rules.

Section 332.337 - Healthy School Facilities Fund.

Section 332.341 - Provision of information to school districts about elevated levels of radon.

Section 332.345 - Tests of schools for elevated levels of radon; plan; results.

Section 332.405 - Transportation; board and room; pedestrian facilities.

Section 332.427 - Availability of district vehicles for public transportation purposes.

Section 332.432 - Insurance, medical and hospital service contracts covering school employees; self-insurance.

Section 332.445 - Regulation of vehicles on school property; rules.

Section 332.505 - Employment and compensation of personnel; written personnel policies.

Section 332.507 - Sick leave for school employees; other leave.

Section 332.525 - Bonds for personnel.

Section 332.531 - Law enforcement agency; personnel as peace officers.

Section 332.544 - Procedure for demoting or dismissing classified school employees.

Section 332.554 - Notice of reasonable assurance of continued employment; when sent; effect of failure to give notice.

Section 332.745 - Acquisition of interest in intellectual properties.