2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 327 - State Financing of Elementary and Secondary Education
Section 327.385 - STEM Investment Grant Account.

Note: See note under 327.380.

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 09 - Education and Culture

Chapter 327 - State Financing of Elementary and Secondary Education

Section 327.001 - Fund for Student Success; transfers.

Section 327.006 - Definitions for State School Fund distributions.

Section 327.008 - State School Fund; State School Fund grants.

Section 327.011 - Description of Local Revenues for purpose of State School Fund distributions.

Section 327.013 - State School Fund distribution computations for school districts.

Section 327.016 - Report related to State School Fund moneys received for English language learner programs; summary to legislative committees.

Section 327.019 - State School Fund distribution computations for education service districts.

Section 327.021 - Percentages and time of payment of apportionments to education service districts.

Section 327.022 - Pediatric Nursing Facility Account.

Section 327.023 - Grants for special and compensatory education programs.

Section 327.026 - State School Fund grant for programs; calculation; adjustment; rules.

Section 327.033 - Approved transportation costs; expenditure limitations.

Section 327.043 - When district required to provide transportation; waiver.

Section 327.061 - Computation of number of students in average daily membership.

Section 327.077 - Remote small elementary school and small high school determination; effect; waiver.

Section 327.095 - Percentages and time of payment of apportionments to school districts.

Section 327.099 - Adjustment of distribution within fiscal year.

Section 327.101 - Adjustment of distribution between fiscal years.

Section 327.102 - Standard school complaints; process; rules.

Section 327.103 - Standard school presumed; effect of finding of deficiency; rules.

Section 327.106 - School districts required to offer kindergarten through grade 12; exceptions.

Section 327.108 - Post-graduate scholar programs; use of State School Fund moneys.

Section 327.109 - Procedure if school district or charter school alleged to be involved in religious activity; complaint, investigation, finding; effect.

Section 327.128 - Disbursement and expenditures of moneys appropriated or allocated to Department of Education.

Section 327.133 - Reports by districts.

Section 327.137 - Audit reports filed with department; effect of failure to file or insufficiency of report.

Section 327.141 - Financial or performance audit initiated by department; contracts for audit; costs.

Section 327.147 - Increased allocation when union high school district becomes common school district.

Section 327.152 - Increased allocation when certain merger occurs.

Section 327.157 - Minimum apportionment to school districts affected or not affected by ORS 327.147 and 327.152.

Section 327.175 - Student Investment Account.

Section 327.180 - Allowed uses of grants from Student Investment Account.

Section 327.185 - Application requirements to receive grants from Student Investment Account; eligible applicants; strategic planning.

Section 327.190 - Approval of applications to receive grants from the Student Investment Account; performance growth targets.

Section 327.195 - Calculations of grant amounts; distributions of grants; rules.

Section 327.201 - Financial audits; determinations of moneys not spent in accordance with grant agreement or failure to meet performance growth targets.

Section 327.208 - Technical assistance provided by the Department of Education.

Section 327.214 - Coaching program for grant recipients that do not meet performance growth targets.

Section 327.222 - Intensive program for high needs school districts; student success teams; rules.

Section 327.224 - Student Success Teams Account.

Section 327.235 - Reports to the Legislative Assembly.

Section 327.250 - Statewide Education Initiatives Account.

Section 327.254 - Statewide Education Initiatives Account uses; rules.

Section 327.269 - Early Learning Account.

Section 327.274 - Early Learning Account uses; rules.

Section 327.290 - Legislative findings relating to student achievement.

Section 327.294 - School Improvement Fund.

Section 327.297 - Grants for activities related to student achievement; rules.

Section 327.298 - Grants for schools that are high poverty and low performing; rules.

Section 327.300 - Definitions for ORS 327.300 to 327.320.

Section 327.310 - Legislative findings.

Section 327.330 - Grants to school districts for construction and maintenance of public school facilities; rules.

Section 327.331 - Allowed student transportation costs; calculation of grants; rules.

Section 327.336 - Qualifications; amount.

Section 327.339 - Local Option Equalization Grants Account; grant payments.

Section 327.341 - Grants to provide instructional time during summer; rules.

Section 327.344 - Statewide English Language Learner Program Account.

Section 327.345 - Grants for training English language learner teachers; qualifications; use; rules.

Section 327.348 - High Cost Disabilities Account; grants; approved costs; rules.

Section 327.356 - Definitions for ORS 327.356 and 327.358.

Section 327.358 - Small school district grants; rules.

Section 327.359 - Small School District Supplement Fund.

Section 327.362 - Grants to public charter schools to increase academic achievement for students who have historically experienced academic disparities or who are disabled; report; rules.

Section 327.365 - Automated external defibrillator grants; rules.

Section 327.367 - Early warning system; grants; rules.

Section 327.372 - Funding for activities related to science, technology, engineering and mathematics education and to career and technical education; report.

Section 327.376 - Connecting Education to Careers Account.

Section 327.380 - Application for grant; evaluation of application.

Section 327.385 - STEM Investment Grant Account.

Section 327.390 - Grants; advisory committee; role of Oregon State University Extension Service.

Section 327.405 - Common School Fund; composition and use.

Section 327.420 - Basis of apportionment.

Section 327.423 - Determination of school census.

Section 327.425 - Loans and investment of funds; determination of interest rate.

Section 327.430 - Security for loans.

Section 327.450 - Foreclosure of mortgages given to secure loans.

Section 327.470 - Cancellation of taxes on land acquired through foreclosure proceedings; right of redemption.

Section 327.480 - Use of Common School Fund moneys to comply with judgment canceling fraudulent deed.

Section 327.485 - Education Cash Account; disbursements.

Section 327.496 - Summer Learning Program Account; rules.

Section 327.497 - Legislative findings.

Section 327.500 - Establishment; membership; staff.

Section 327.502 - Officers; quorum; meetings.

Section 327.506 - Quality education goals; duties; report.

Section 327.511 - Uniform budget and accounting system.

Section 327.527 - Summer breakfast and lunch reimbursement; grants and contracts; rules.

Section 327.531 - School breakfast and lunch programs; eligibility; insufficient funds; rules.

Section 327.535 - Participation in school breakfast program; accessibility of breakfast; rules.

Section 327.537 - Requirements for providing reimbursable meals; prohibitions and requirements when student owes money.

Section 327.540 - School after-school meal and snack program; grants; rules.

Section 327.545 - Reimbursement amounts for school districts that provide reimbursable meals; rules.

Section 327.548 - Hunger Free Schools Account.

Section 327.645 - Financing of programs mandated by state and federal programs.

Section 327.700 - Definitions for ORS 327.700 to 327.711.

Section 327.708 - Legislative findings.

Section 327.711 - Payment of debt service; issuance of bonds; School Capital Construction, Maintenance and Technology Fund.

Section 327.731 - Education project grants; use; amount.

Section 327.736

Section 327.800 - Goals of strategic investments; requirements; rules.

Section 327.810 - Oregon Early Reading Program; strategic investments for program.

Section 327.815 - Guidance and Support for Post-Secondary Aspirations Program; strategic investments for program.

Section 327.820 - Connecting to the World of Work Program; strategic investments for program.

Section 327.850 - Short title.

Section 327.853 - Definitions for Act.

Section 327.856 - High School Graduation and College and Career Readiness Fund; amounts available to fund.

Section 327.859 - Apportionments to school districts; increases in amounts available to fund.

Section 327.862 - Amounts available to fund to be in addition to other amounts available for kindergarten through grade 12 public education.

Section 327.865 - Portion of funds for career and technical education.

Section 327.868 - Portion of funds for college-level educational opportunities for students in high schools.

Section 327.871 - Portion of funds for dropout-prevention strategies in high schools.

Section 327.874 - Requirements for use of moneys received by school districts.

Section 327.877 - School district qualifications for apportionments.

Section 327.880 - Failure to meet qualifications; retained apportionments.

Section 327.883 - Rules for eligibility requirements, biennial plan guidelines, biennial plan submission deadlines, reporting criteria and audit processes.

Section 327.886 - Retention of moneys for administrative costs of department.

Section 327.889 - Retention of moneys for administrative costs of school districts.

Section 327.892 - Oversight and accountability by department.

Section 327.895 - Financial and program audits by Secretary of State; reports to Legislative Assembly and Governor.

Section 327.910 - Coordination between Department of Education and Oregon FFA Association for agricultural education courses.

Section 327.915 - Grants to manage programs of study in agricultural science and technology.