2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 327 - State Financing of Elementary and Secondary Education
Section 327.254 - Statewide Education Initiatives Account uses; rules.

(a) Funding the High School Graduation and College and Career Readiness Act at the levels prescribed by ORS 327.856;
(b) Expanding school breakfast and lunch programs;
(c) Operating youth reengagement programs or providing youth reengagement services;
(d) Establishing and maintaining the Statewide School Safety and Prevention System under ORS 339.341;
(e) Developing and providing statewide equity initiatives, including the Black or African-American education plan developed under ORS 329.841, the American Indian or Alaska Native education plan developed under ORS 329.843, the Latino or Hispanic education plan developed under ORS 329.845 or any similar education plan identified by the department;
(f) Providing summer learning programs at schools that are considered high poverty under Title I of the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965;
(g) Funding early warning systems to assist students in graduating from high school, as described in ORS 327.367;
(h) Developing and implementing professional development programs and training programs, including programs that increase educator diversity and retain diverse educators;
(i) Planning for increased transparency and accountability in the public education system of this state;
(j) Providing additional funding to school districts participating in the intensive program under ORS 327.222;
(k) Providing technical assistance, including costs incurred for:
(A) The coaching program described in ORS 327.214; and
(B) The intensive program described in ORS 327.222, including costs for student success teams;
(L) Funding public charter schools, as described in ORS 327.362;
(m) Funding education service districts, as described in subsection (2) of this section; and
(n) Funding costs incurred by the department in implementing this section and ORS 327.175 to 327.235 and 327.274.
(2)(a) The amount of a distribution to an education service district under this section shall be made as provided by paragraph (b) of this subsection after calculating the following for each education service district:
(A) One percent of the total amount available for distribution to education service districts in each biennium.
(B) The education service district’s ADMw ´ (the total amount available for distribution to education service districts in each biennium ¸ the total ADMw of all education service districts that receive a distribution).
(b) The amount of the distribution to an education service district shall be the greater of the amounts calculated under paragraph (a) of this subsection, except that, for distributions made as provided by paragraph (a)(B) of this subsection, the total amount available for distribution to education service districts shall be the amount remaining after any distributions required under paragraph (a)(A) of this subsection have been made.
(c) For purposes of this subsection, ADMw equals the ADMw as calculated under ORS 327.013, except that the additional amount allowed for students who are in poverty families, as determined under ORS 327.013 (1)(c)(A)(v)(I), shall be 0.5.
(d) An education service district shall use moneys received under this section as provided by a plan developed by the school districts located within the education service district. A school district that declines to participate in the development of the plan or that has withdrawn from an education service district as provided by ORS 334.015 is not entitled to any moneys distributed to the education service district under this subsection.
(e) A plan developed under this subsection must:
(A) Align with and support school districts in meeting the performance growth targets of the school districts developing the plan;
(B) Include the provision of technical assistance to school districts in developing, implementing and reviewing a plan for receiving a grant from the Student Investment Account;
(C) Provide for coordination with the department in administering and providing technical assistance to school districts, including coordinating any coaching programs established under ORS 327.214; and
(D) Be adopted and amended as provided for local service plans under ORS 334.175 and approved by the department.
(f) Each education service district must submit an annual report to the department that:
(A) Describes how the education service district spent moneys received under this subsection; and
(B) Includes an evaluation of the education service district’s compliance with the plan from the superintendent of each school district that participated in the development of the plan.
(3) The State Board of Education shall adopt rules necessary for the distribution of moneys under this section. [2019 c.122 §25; 2021 c.97 §23; 2021 c.290 §11; 2021 c.518 §17; 2021 c.574 §1]
Note: The amendments to 327.254 by section 17, chapter 518, Oregon Laws 2021, become operative July 1, 2022. See section 18, chapter 518, Oregon Laws 2021. The text that is operative until July 1, 2022, including amendments by section 23, chapter 97, Oregon Laws 2021, section 11, chapter 290, Oregon Laws 2021, and section 1, chapter 574, Oregon Laws 2021, is set forth for the user’s convenience. (1) The Department of Education shall use moneys in the Statewide Education Initiatives Account to provide funding for statewide education initiatives, including:
(a) Funding the High School Graduation and College and Career Readiness Act at the levels prescribed by ORS 327.856;
(b) Expanding school breakfast and lunch programs;
(c) Operating youth reengagement programs or providing youth reengagement services;
(d) Establishing and maintaining the Statewide School Safety and Prevention System under ORS 339.341;
(e) Developing and providing statewide equity initiatives, including the Black or African-American education plan developed under ORS 329.841, the American Indian or Alaska Native education plan developed under ORS 329.843, the Latino or Hispanic education plan developed under ORS 329.845 or any similar education plan identified by the department;
(f) Providing summer learning programs at schools that are considered high poverty under Title I of the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965;
(g) Funding early warning systems to assist students in graduating from high school, as described in ORS 327.367;
(h) Developing and implementing professional development programs and training programs, including programs that increase educator diversity and retain diverse educators;
(i) Planning for increased transparency and accountability in the public education system of this state;
(j) Providing additional funding to school districts participating in the intensive program under ORS 327.222;
(k) Providing technical assistance, including costs incurred for:
(A) The coaching program described in ORS 327.214; and
(B) The intensive program described in ORS 327.222, including costs for student success teams;
(L) Funding education service districts, as described in subsection (2) of this section; and
(m) Funding costs incurred by the department in implementing this section and ORS 327.175 to 327.235 and 327.274.
(2)(a) The amount of a distribution to an education service district under this section shall be made as provided by paragraph (b) of this subsection after calculating the following for each education service district:
(A) One percent of the total amount available for distribution to education service districts in each biennium.
(B) The education service district’s ADMw ´ (the total amount available for distribution to education service districts in each biennium ¸ the total ADMw of all education service districts that receive a distribution).
(b) The amount of the distribution to an education service district shall be the greater of the amounts calculated under paragraph (a) of this subsection, except that, for distributions made as provided by paragraph (a)(B) of this subsection, the total amount available for distribution to education service districts shall be the amount remaining after any distributions required under paragraph (a)(A) of this subsection have been made.
(c) For purposes of this subsection, ADMw equals the ADMw as calculated under ORS 327.013, except that the additional amount allowed for students who are in poverty families, as determined under ORS 327.013 (1)(c)(A)(v)(I), shall be 0.5.
(d) An education service district shall use moneys received under this section as provided by a plan developed by the school districts located within the education service district. A school district that declines to participate in the development of the plan or that has withdrawn from an education service district as provided by ORS 334.015 is not entitled to any moneys distributed to the education service district under this subsection.
(e) A plan developed under this subsection must:
(A) Align with and support school districts in meeting the performance growth targets of the school districts developing the plan;
(B) Include the provision of technical assistance to school districts in developing, implementing and reviewing a plan for receiving a grant from the Student Investment Account;
(C) Provide for coordination with the department in administering and providing technical assistance to school districts, including coordinating any coaching programs established under ORS 327.214; and
(D) Be adopted and amended as provided for local service plans under ORS 334.175 and approved by the department.
(f) Each education service district must submit an annual report to the department that:
(A) Describes how the education service district spent moneys received under this subsection; and
(B) Includes an evaluation of the education service district’s compliance with the plan from the superintendent of each school district that participated in the development of the plan.
(3) The State Board of Education shall adopt rules necessary for the distribution of moneys under this section.

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 09 - Education and Culture

Chapter 327 - State Financing of Elementary and Secondary Education

Section 327.001 - Fund for Student Success; transfers.

Section 327.006 - Definitions for State School Fund distributions.

Section 327.008 - State School Fund; State School Fund grants.

Section 327.011 - Description of Local Revenues for purpose of State School Fund distributions.

Section 327.013 - State School Fund distribution computations for school districts.

Section 327.016 - Report related to State School Fund moneys received for English language learner programs; summary to legislative committees.

Section 327.019 - State School Fund distribution computations for education service districts.

Section 327.021 - Percentages and time of payment of apportionments to education service districts.

Section 327.022 - Pediatric Nursing Facility Account.

Section 327.023 - Grants for special and compensatory education programs.

Section 327.026 - State School Fund grant for programs; calculation; adjustment; rules.

Section 327.033 - Approved transportation costs; expenditure limitations.

Section 327.043 - When district required to provide transportation; waiver.

Section 327.061 - Computation of number of students in average daily membership.

Section 327.077 - Remote small elementary school and small high school determination; effect; waiver.

Section 327.095 - Percentages and time of payment of apportionments to school districts.

Section 327.099 - Adjustment of distribution within fiscal year.

Section 327.101 - Adjustment of distribution between fiscal years.

Section 327.102 - Standard school complaints; process; rules.

Section 327.103 - Standard school presumed; effect of finding of deficiency; rules.

Section 327.106 - School districts required to offer kindergarten through grade 12; exceptions.

Section 327.108 - Post-graduate scholar programs; use of State School Fund moneys.

Section 327.109 - Procedure if school district or charter school alleged to be involved in religious activity; complaint, investigation, finding; effect.

Section 327.128 - Disbursement and expenditures of moneys appropriated or allocated to Department of Education.

Section 327.133 - Reports by districts.

Section 327.137 - Audit reports filed with department; effect of failure to file or insufficiency of report.

Section 327.141 - Financial or performance audit initiated by department; contracts for audit; costs.

Section 327.147 - Increased allocation when union high school district becomes common school district.

Section 327.152 - Increased allocation when certain merger occurs.

Section 327.157 - Minimum apportionment to school districts affected or not affected by ORS 327.147 and 327.152.

Section 327.175 - Student Investment Account.

Section 327.180 - Allowed uses of grants from Student Investment Account.

Section 327.185 - Application requirements to receive grants from Student Investment Account; eligible applicants; strategic planning.

Section 327.190 - Approval of applications to receive grants from the Student Investment Account; performance growth targets.

Section 327.195 - Calculations of grant amounts; distributions of grants; rules.

Section 327.201 - Financial audits; determinations of moneys not spent in accordance with grant agreement or failure to meet performance growth targets.

Section 327.208 - Technical assistance provided by the Department of Education.

Section 327.214 - Coaching program for grant recipients that do not meet performance growth targets.

Section 327.222 - Intensive program for high needs school districts; student success teams; rules.

Section 327.224 - Student Success Teams Account.

Section 327.235 - Reports to the Legislative Assembly.

Section 327.250 - Statewide Education Initiatives Account.

Section 327.254 - Statewide Education Initiatives Account uses; rules.

Section 327.269 - Early Learning Account.

Section 327.274 - Early Learning Account uses; rules.

Section 327.290 - Legislative findings relating to student achievement.

Section 327.294 - School Improvement Fund.

Section 327.297 - Grants for activities related to student achievement; rules.

Section 327.298 - Grants for schools that are high poverty and low performing; rules.

Section 327.300 - Definitions for ORS 327.300 to 327.320.

Section 327.310 - Legislative findings.

Section 327.330 - Grants to school districts for construction and maintenance of public school facilities; rules.

Section 327.331 - Allowed student transportation costs; calculation of grants; rules.

Section 327.336 - Qualifications; amount.

Section 327.339 - Local Option Equalization Grants Account; grant payments.

Section 327.341 - Grants to provide instructional time during summer; rules.

Section 327.344 - Statewide English Language Learner Program Account.

Section 327.345 - Grants for training English language learner teachers; qualifications; use; rules.

Section 327.348 - High Cost Disabilities Account; grants; approved costs; rules.

Section 327.356 - Definitions for ORS 327.356 and 327.358.

Section 327.358 - Small school district grants; rules.

Section 327.359 - Small School District Supplement Fund.

Section 327.362 - Grants to public charter schools to increase academic achievement for students who have historically experienced academic disparities or who are disabled; report; rules.

Section 327.365 - Automated external defibrillator grants; rules.

Section 327.367 - Early warning system; grants; rules.

Section 327.372 - Funding for activities related to science, technology, engineering and mathematics education and to career and technical education; report.

Section 327.376 - Connecting Education to Careers Account.

Section 327.380 - Application for grant; evaluation of application.

Section 327.385 - STEM Investment Grant Account.

Section 327.390 - Grants; advisory committee; role of Oregon State University Extension Service.

Section 327.405 - Common School Fund; composition and use.

Section 327.420 - Basis of apportionment.

Section 327.423 - Determination of school census.

Section 327.425 - Loans and investment of funds; determination of interest rate.

Section 327.430 - Security for loans.

Section 327.450 - Foreclosure of mortgages given to secure loans.

Section 327.470 - Cancellation of taxes on land acquired through foreclosure proceedings; right of redemption.

Section 327.480 - Use of Common School Fund moneys to comply with judgment canceling fraudulent deed.

Section 327.485 - Education Cash Account; disbursements.

Section 327.496 - Summer Learning Program Account; rules.

Section 327.497 - Legislative findings.

Section 327.500 - Establishment; membership; staff.

Section 327.502 - Officers; quorum; meetings.

Section 327.506 - Quality education goals; duties; report.

Section 327.511 - Uniform budget and accounting system.

Section 327.527 - Summer breakfast and lunch reimbursement; grants and contracts; rules.

Section 327.531 - School breakfast and lunch programs; eligibility; insufficient funds; rules.

Section 327.535 - Participation in school breakfast program; accessibility of breakfast; rules.

Section 327.537 - Requirements for providing reimbursable meals; prohibitions and requirements when student owes money.

Section 327.540 - School after-school meal and snack program; grants; rules.

Section 327.545 - Reimbursement amounts for school districts that provide reimbursable meals; rules.

Section 327.548 - Hunger Free Schools Account.

Section 327.645 - Financing of programs mandated by state and federal programs.

Section 327.700 - Definitions for ORS 327.700 to 327.711.

Section 327.708 - Legislative findings.

Section 327.711 - Payment of debt service; issuance of bonds; School Capital Construction, Maintenance and Technology Fund.

Section 327.731 - Education project grants; use; amount.

Section 327.736

Section 327.800 - Goals of strategic investments; requirements; rules.

Section 327.810 - Oregon Early Reading Program; strategic investments for program.

Section 327.815 - Guidance and Support for Post-Secondary Aspirations Program; strategic investments for program.

Section 327.820 - Connecting to the World of Work Program; strategic investments for program.

Section 327.850 - Short title.

Section 327.853 - Definitions for Act.

Section 327.856 - High School Graduation and College and Career Readiness Fund; amounts available to fund.

Section 327.859 - Apportionments to school districts; increases in amounts available to fund.

Section 327.862 - Amounts available to fund to be in addition to other amounts available for kindergarten through grade 12 public education.

Section 327.865 - Portion of funds for career and technical education.

Section 327.868 - Portion of funds for college-level educational opportunities for students in high schools.

Section 327.871 - Portion of funds for dropout-prevention strategies in high schools.

Section 327.874 - Requirements for use of moneys received by school districts.

Section 327.877 - School district qualifications for apportionments.

Section 327.880 - Failure to meet qualifications; retained apportionments.

Section 327.883 - Rules for eligibility requirements, biennial plan guidelines, biennial plan submission deadlines, reporting criteria and audit processes.

Section 327.886 - Retention of moneys for administrative costs of department.

Section 327.889 - Retention of moneys for administrative costs of school districts.

Section 327.892 - Oversight and accountability by department.

Section 327.895 - Financial and program audits by Secretary of State; reports to Legislative Assembly and Governor.

Section 327.910 - Coordination between Department of Education and Oregon FFA Association for agricultural education courses.

Section 327.915 - Grants to manage programs of study in agricultural science and technology.