2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 268 - Metropolitan Service District
Section 268.351 - Definitions for ORS 268.347 and 268.354.

(2) For the purpose of applying the definitions of "major boundary change" and "minor boundary change" to ORS 268.347 and 268.354, "district," as used in those definitions, means a:
(a) Domestic water supply district organized under ORS chapter 264.
(b) Park and recreation district organized under ORS chapter 266.
(c) Metropolitan service district organized under ORS chapter 268.
(d) Sanitary district organized under ORS 450.005 to 450.245.
(e) Sanitary authority, water authority or joint water and sanitary authority organized under ORS 450.600 to 450.989.
(f) District formed under ORS 451.410 to 451.610 to provide water or sanitary service. [1997 c.516 §9; 2005 c.22 §194; 2007 c.173 §2; 2011 c.26 §1]

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 07 - Public Facilities and Finance

Chapter 268 - Metropolitan Service District

Section 268.020 - Definitions.

Section 268.030 - Purpose of chapter; limitation on number of districts; purpose of districts.

Section 268.060 - Costs of elections.

Section 268.230 - District to protect employees’ rights when an operating public transportation system is acquired.

Section 268.240 - PERS membership for specified classes of district employees; conditions.

Section 268.300 - Existence, status and general powers of district.

Section 268.310 - Powers of district.

Section 268.313 - Acquisition or construction of major facility; conditions.

Section 268.315 - Authority of district to levy ad valorem tax.

Section 268.317 - Solid and liquid waste disposal powers.

Section 268.318 - District approval required for disposal, transfer or resource recovery site or facility; criteria.

Section 268.319 - Reuse and recycling of electronic products.

Section 268.330 - Powers when providing local aspects of service; powers for public transportation; tax refunds.

Section 268.340 - Acquisition of property; condemnation procedure; authority to lease and dispose of property; right of entry to survey lands.

Section 268.343 - Validation of certain easements acquired by district.

Section 268.347 - Boundary change within district and urban reserves; filing boundary change with county assessor and Department of Revenue.

Section 268.351 - Definitions for ORS 268.347 and 268.354.

Section 268.354 - Boundary change procedures; standards.

Section 268.360 - Authority to exercise police power; ordinances; effective dates; enforcement.

Section 268.370 - Authority to take over transit system of mass transit district; effect of transfer order.

Section 268.380 - Land-use planning goals and activities; coordination; review of local plans.

Section 268.385 - District as regional planning coordinator.

Section 268.390 - Planning for activities and areas with metropolitan impact; review of comprehensive plans; urban growth boundary; regional framework plans.

Section 268.393 - Land use planning ordinance; notice to local governments and landowners.

Section 268.500 - Levy, collection, enforcement of ad valorem taxes; limitation; classification of property.

Section 268.505 - Income tax; rate limitation; elector approval required.

Section 268.520 - Authority to issue and sell general obligation bonds.

Section 268.590 - Credit enhancement of district bonds and other obligations.

Section 268.610 - Ordinance authorizing revenue bonds; content; special trust funds; trustees; enforcement.

Section 268.630 - Borrowing in anticipation of bond sale; bond anticipation notes; content; sale of notes.

Section 268.710 - Electors of county may adopt, amend, revise or repeal district charter; limitation on certain actions.