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Section 268.020 - Definitions. - (1) "District" means a metropolitan service district established under this...
Section 268.030 - Purpose of chapter; limitation on number of districts; purpose of districts. - (2) To this end not more than one district may...
Section 268.060 - Costs of elections. - (2) When a district election is held on a district...
Section 268.230 - District to protect employees’ rights when an operating public transportation system is acquired. - (1) Preservation of rights, privileges and benefits, including continuation of...
Section 268.240 - PERS membership for specified classes of district employees; conditions. - (2) The board shall consider an application received under this...
Section 268.300 - Existence, status and general powers of district. - (2) For purposes of its authorized functions, a district may...
Section 268.310 - Powers of district. - (1) Subject to the requirements of ORS 459.005 to 459.045,...
Section 268.313 - Acquisition or construction of major facility; conditions. - (1) The financing of the acquisition or construction is approved...
Section 268.315 - Authority of district to levy ad valorem tax. - Note: 268.315 was enacted into law by the Legislative Assembly...
Section 268.317 - Solid and liquid waste disposal powers. - (1) Build, construct, acquire, lease, improve, operate and maintain landfills,...
Section 268.318 - District approval required for disposal, transfer or resource recovery site or facility; criteria. - (a) Entered into contracts obligating the district to supply or...
Section 268.319 - Reuse and recycling of electronic products. - Note: 268.319 was enacted into law by the Legislative Assembly...
Section 268.330 - Powers when providing local aspects of service; powers for public transportation; tax refunds. - (1) A district, to provide a local aspect of a...
Section 268.340 - Acquisition of property; condemnation procedure; authority to lease and dispose of property; right of entry to survey lands. - (2) A district may lease and dispose of property in...
Section 268.343 - Validation of certain easements acquired by district. - Note: 268.343 was enacted into law by the Legislative Assembly...
Section 268.347 - Boundary change within district and urban reserves; filing boundary change with county assessor and Department of Revenue. - (2) For purposes of ad valorem taxation, a boundary change...
Section 268.351 - Definitions for ORS 268.347 and 268.354. - (2) For the purpose of applying the definitions of "major...
Section 268.354 - Boundary change procedures; standards. - (2) For a boundary change that is subject to the...
Section 268.360 - Authority to exercise police power; ordinances; effective dates; enforcement. - (1) For purposes of its authorized functions a district may...
Section 268.370 - Authority to take over transit system of mass transit district; effect of transfer order. - (1) The governing body of the transit district shall transfer...
Section 268.380 - Land-use planning goals and activities; coordination; review of local plans. - (a) Adopt land-use planning goals and objectives for the district...
Section 268.385 - District as regional planning coordinator. - (2) ORS 195.025 (3) and (4) shall not apply to...
Section 268.390 - Planning for activities and areas with metropolitan impact; review of comprehensive plans; urban growth boundary; regional framework plans. - (a) Air quality; (b) Water quality; and (c) Transportation. (2)...
Section 268.393 - Land use planning ordinance; notice to local governments and landowners. - (2) At least 45 days prior to the final public...
Section 268.500 - Levy, collection, enforcement of ad valorem taxes; limitation; classification of property. - (2) Such taxes shall be levied in each year and...
Section 268.505 - Income tax; rate limitation; elector approval required. - (a) Upon the entire taxable income of every resident of...
Section 268.520 - Authority to issue and sell general obligation bonds. - (2) All general obligation bonds shall be issued as prescribed...
Section 268.590 - Credit enhancement of district bonds and other obligations. - (a) "Credit enhancement agreement" means the agreement pursuant to which...
Section 268.610 - Ordinance authorizing revenue bonds; content; special trust funds; trustees; enforcement. - (2) The money in a special trust fund created by...
Section 268.630 - Borrowing in anticipation of bond sale; bond anticipation notes; content; sale of notes. - (2) Bond anticipation notes shall be issued for all moneys...
Section 268.710 - Electors of county may adopt, amend, revise or repeal district charter; limitation on certain actions. - (2) Provisions of a district charter and district legislation that...