2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 223 - Local Improvements and Works Generally
Section 223.262 - Assessment contracts; transfer of contract rights by local government; use of proceeds.

(a) "Assessment contract" means the obligation to pay final assessments in installments that arise when a property owner submits an application to pay assessments in installments under ORS 223.210 or a similar provision of a local charter.
(b) "Assessment contract rights" includes the right to receive installment payments of final assessments, with interest, made under an assessment contract, and the right to enforce the lien of the final assessment.
(2) Any local government that receives or expects to receive assessment contracts may:
(a) Sell or assign to third parties all or any portion of its assessment contract rights.
(b) Create corporations or other business entities to factor assessment contract rights.
(c) Create grantor trusts and transfer to the trusts assessment contract rights.
(d) Contract to service assessment contracts and assessment liens for the owners of assessment contract rights, or contract with third parties to service assessment contracts and assessment liens for the owners of assessment contract rights.
(e) Serve as a trustee for the owners of assessment contract rights.
(f) Enter into contracts necessary to carry out the provisions of this section.
(3) Any trust created under this section may fractionalize and sell assessment contract rights.
(4) Assessment contract rights, any interests therein and any interests in trusts secured primarily by assessment contract rights shall be exempt from registration under ORS 59.055.
(5) If assessment contract rights that secure outstanding obligations of a local government are sold or assigned under this section, an amount shall be placed irrevocably in escrow that is calculated to be sufficient to pay all principal and interest on the outstanding obligations as they mature or are irrevocably called for prior redemption. Any sale proceeds not required to fund the escrow may be placed in the general fund of the local government. If only a portion of the contract rights securing outstanding obligations is sold, then the amount of outstanding obligations that must be defeased pursuant to this subsection shall be that proportion of the principal amount of the outstanding obligations that the principal amount of the contract rights that are sold represents to the total principal amount of the contract rights that secure the outstanding obligations. [1989 c.603 §2; 1991 c.902 §17; 2003 c.802 §11; 2007 c.783 §75]

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 06 - Local Government, Public Employees, Elections

Chapter 223 - Local Improvements and Works Generally

Section 223.001 - Definitions.

Section 223.005 - Appropriation and condemnation for public use within and without city limits.

Section 223.105 - Proceedings to condemn property for city improvements when owner and city disagree on price.

Section 223.112 - Definitions for ORS 223.112 to 223.132.

Section 223.114 - Economic improvement; assessment ordinance.

Section 223.117 - Requirements of assessment ordinance.

Section 223.118 - Remonstrance against assessment; exclusion of property.

Section 223.127 - Application of certain assessment statutes to economic improvement districts.

Section 223.129 - Expenditure of assessment revenues; liability for unauthorized expenditures.

Section 223.141 - Definitions for ORS 223.141 to 223.161.

Section 223.144 - Economic improvement district; business license fee ordinance.

Section 223.147 - Requirements of business license fee ordinance.

Section 223.157 - Expenditure of business license fees; liability for unauthorized expenditures.

Section 223.161 - Effect of local improvement districts or urban renewal districts.

Section 223.205 - Scope and application; validation of bond issues by cities of 100,000 or more.

Section 223.208 - System development and connection charges of local government subject to Bancroft Bonding Act.

Section 223.210 - Right of property owners to apply for installment payment of assessment.

Section 223.215 - Contents of application to pay in installments; computation of installments.

Section 223.225 - Record of application to be kept.

Section 223.230 - Lien docket; interest; priority; public access.

Section 223.235 - Issuance of bonds; limitations.

Section 223.260 - Sale of bonds; disposition of proceeds from bond sales.

Section 223.262 - Assessment contracts; transfer of contract rights by local government; use of proceeds.

Section 223.265 - Payment of installments; due dates.

Section 223.270 - Procedure for collection on default.

Section 223.295 - Limit on city indebtedness.

Section 223.297 - Policy.

Section 223.299 - Definitions for ORS 223.297 to 223.316.

Section 223.301 - Certain system development charges and methodologies prohibited.

Section 223.302 - System development charges; use of revenues; review procedures.

Section 223.304 - Determination of amount of system development charges; methodology; credit allowed against charge; limitation of action contesting methodology for imposing charge; notification request.

Section 223.307 - Authorized expenditure of system development charges.

Section 223.309 - Preparation of plan for capital improvements financed by system development charges; modification.

Section 223.311 - Deposit of system development charge revenues; annual accounting.

Section 223.313 - Applicability of ORS 223.297 to 223.316.

Section 223.314 - Establishment or modification of system development charge not a land use decision.

Section 223.316 - Local governments required to make system development charge information public.

Section 223.317 - Apportionment of special assessment among parcels in subsequent partition of tract.

Section 223.322 - Proration of unpaid installments.

Section 223.327 - Procedure for equitable apportionment by ordinance or regulation.

Section 223.387 - Description of real property; effect of error in name of owner.

Section 223.389 - Procedure in making local assessments for local improvements.

Section 223.415 - Basis for, amount and method of reassessment.

Section 223.485 - When reassessment authority inapplicable; time limitation.

Section 223.505 - Definitions for ORS 223.505 to 223.595.

Section 223.523 - Notice of sale; publication; personal notice to property owner and occupant.

Section 223.525 - Conduct of foreclosure sale.

Section 223.565 - Procedure and conditions of redemption.

Section 223.575 - Legal and evidentiary effect of deed.

Section 223.593 - Alternate redemption procedure; cash payment required.

Section 223.594 - Lien for water service to certain real property through single water meter; owner as water user; foreclosure.

Section 223.680 - Local government programs to finance utilities improvements to real property.

Section 223.685 - Local government programs to finance seismic rehabilitation of real property.

Section 223.710 - Rebonding application; form; prerequisites.

Section 223.730 - Application of proceeds from sale of bonds.

Section 223.750 - Enactment of rulemaking ordinances; effect of irregularities.

Section 223.755 - Reinstatement of delinquent bonded assessments authorized.

Section 223.770 - Assessment of public property benefited by improvements.

Section 223.775 - Assessment of property of cemetery authority benefited by certain improvements.

Section 223.820 - Planning, constructing and contracting for the operation of or leasing parking facilities.

Section 223.825 - Financing of parking facilities.

Section 223.835 - Fees and regulations of parking facilities.

Section 223.845 - Limitation on operation of parking facilities; use of revenues after issuance of revenue bonds; excess revenues.

Section 223.856 - Measure imposing assessments; contents.

Section 223.866 - Levy of assessment; manner of collection; effect of nonpayment.

Section 223.878 - Inclusion of property outside city in city assessment for local street improvement.

Section 223.930 - Streets along city boundaries or partly within and without city.

Section 223.935 - Basis for legalization of road.

Section 223.940 - Proceedings for legalization of roads; report; notice.

Section 223.945 - Compensation for property affected by road legalization.

Section 223.950 - Order under road legalization proceeding.