2021 Oregon Revised Statutes
Chapter 199 - Local Government Boundary Commissions; City-County Consolidation
Section 199.464 - Commission approval for exercise of additional district function, to extraterritorially extend district or city sewer or water line or to establish privately owned community water system.

(2) Without the approval of a boundary commission, a district with territory in the jurisdiction of the commission may not initiate an additional function of the district. Any proposal by a district to initiate an additional function shall be referred immediately to the boundary commission that has jurisdiction of the territory in which the district lies. The district shall take no further action on the proposal unless the commission approves the proposal as proposed or modified.
(3) Except for lines which provide no extraterritorial service, without the approval of a boundary commission, a city or district with territory in the jurisdiction of the commission shall not extend a water or sewer line extraterritorially to an extent not effected on October 5, 1973. Tentative plans for such extraterritorial extension shall be submitted to the boundary commission that has jurisdiction of the territory in which the extension is proposed. If the commission disapproves the plans, no further action may be taken.
(4) Except as provided in subsection (5)(d) of this section, within territory subject to the jurisdiction of a boundary commission, no person may establish a community water supply system or a privately owned sewerage system or privately owned disposal system or extend a water line or sewer line without commission approval. Tentative plans for such approval shall be submitted to the boundary commission that has jurisdiction of the territory for which the establishment or extension is proposed. However, extension by a city or district of water lines or sewer lines shall be governed by subsection (3) of this section and the requirements of this section shall not apply to establishment of a city-owned or district-owned community water supply system within its boundaries.
(5)(a) A community water supply system within the territory subject to the jurisdiction of a commission may apply to the commission for allocation of service territory. If the territory is allocated to a community water supply system, no other community water supply system may serve within the territory without approval of the commission and the approval may not be given so long as the existing system is reliable and has an adequate quality and quantity of water.
(b) In condemning all or part of the properties and allocated service territory of a private community water supply system through eminent domain, the acquisition price shall be fair market value.
(c) No part of the acquisition price for all or part of a community water supply system acquired by eminent domain shall be specially assessed against the property within the acquired service territory, or its owners on a special benefit assessment basis.
(d) A community water supply system to which service territory has been allocated under this subsection may extend or establish water lines within the territory without further approval of the commission.
(6) Action which under this section requires approval by a boundary commission but is taken without that approval may be enjoined, upon suit in a court of competent jurisdiction, by the boundary commission in whose territorial jurisdiction the action is taken.
(7) As used in this section:
(a) "Community water supply system" means a source of water and distribution system whether publicly or privately owned that serves more than three residences or other users where water is provided for public consumption including, but not limited to, a school, farm labor camp, an industrial establishment, a recreational facility, a restaurant, a motel, a mobile home or manufactured dwelling park, or a group care home.
(b) "Disposal system" is that system described by ORS 468B.005, except for individual subsurface disposal systems.
(c) "Sewer line" includes every gravity sewer line that is eight inches or more in diameter and all force lines regardless of size, except a line connecting a sewer system with the premises of the user unless the line provides for extraterritorial extension of service.
(d) "Sewerage system" is that system described by ORS 468B.005.
(e) "Tentative plans" submitted to the boundary commission for approval shall include:
(A) For the establishment of a water system or extension of a water line:
(i) The source of the supply and quantity of water available.
(ii) The transmission, distribution and storage system size and location.
(iii) The proposed number of service connections, a map, and a legal description indicating the proposed service area.
(B) For the establishment of a sewer system or extension of a sewer line:
(i) The location of the treatment facility and outfall or other method of disposal.
(ii) The size and location of the collection system.
(iii) The proposed number of service connections, a map, and a legal description indicating the proposed service area.
(f) "Water line" includes every water line except a line connecting a community water supply system with the premises of the water user unless the line provides for extraterritorial extension of service. [1973 c.684 §2; 1975 c.330 §1; 1979 c.374 §3; 1979 c.880 §4; 1983 c.336 §9; 1989 c.92 §19; 1989 c.648 §58; 2003 c.469 §2; 2005 c.22 §149]

Structure 2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

2021 Oregon Revised Statutes

Volume : 05 - State Government, Government Procedures, Land Use

Chapter 199 - Local Government Boundary Commissions; City-County Consolidation

Section 199.310

Section 199.410 - Policy.

Section 199.415 - Definitions for ORS 199.410 to 199.534.

Section 199.420 - "District" defined for ORS 199.410 to 199.534.

Section 199.430 - Procedure for creating commissions by local resolution or petition.

Section 199.432 - Status of commission as state agency; application of certain laws.

Section 199.435 - Organization of commission created under ORS 199.430.

Section 199.440 - Membership; appointment; qualifications; term; vacancy.

Section 199.445 - Quorum; voting requirements for certain matters.

Section 199.450 - Advisory committee; membership; function; term.

Section 199.455 - Expenses of members; employees; cooperation of local governments.

Section 199.457 - Finances; tax levy by county; donations; service charges; assessments.

Section 199.460 - Jurisdiction of boundary commission over boundary changes.

Section 199.461 - Study of proposed boundary change or other action; hearing; action by commission; judicial review; notice to public officials.

Section 199.462 - Standards for review of boundary changes; territory that may not be included in certain boundary changes.

Section 199.463 - Notice; hearing.

Section 199.464 - Commission approval for exercise of additional district function, to extraterritorially extend district or city sewer or water line or to establish privately owned community water system.

Section 199.466 - Approval of annexation or extraterritorial extension without study or hearing; conditions; appeal.

Section 199.476 - When petition for major boundary change required; when economic feasibility statement required; effect of filing petition; effect of appeal.

Section 199.480 - Filing of major boundary change order; effect of filing.

Section 199.485 - Commission authority to initiate major boundary change; resolution as petition; content and filing of resolution.

Section 199.487 - Commission authority to initiate minor boundary change; nonapplicability of certain boundary change procedures; effect of commission action.

Section 199.490 - Procedure for minor boundary changes or transfers of territory.

Section 199.495 - Effective date of certain annexations; nonapplicability of certain health hazard annexation procedures.

Section 199.500 - Commission to notify counties of certain annexations with delayed effective date.

Section 199.505 - Effective date of minor boundary changes; objections; election.

Section 199.507 - Effective date of transfer of territory; objections; election.

Section 199.510 - Financial effects of transfer or withdrawal; exceptions.

Section 199.512 - Commission proceedings for district formation or annexation to relieve public health danger.

Section 199.519 - Effective date of boundary change; filing boundary change with county assessor and Department of Revenue.

Section 199.526 - Time limit for obtaining signatures on petition for incorporation of city.

Section 199.531 - Policy.

Section 199.705 - Definitions for ORS 199.705 to 199.795.

Section 199.720 - Initiation of consolidation proceedings by resolution or petition.

Section 199.725 - Charter commission; appointment; term; first meeting; chairperson; appropriation for expenses.

Section 199.730 - Functions of charter commission; rules.

Section 199.735 - Election on consolidation; on merger.

Section 199.740 - Effect of election.

Section 199.742 - Charter requirements if consolidation is rejected in unincorporated area.

Section 199.743 - Financial affairs of city-county if charter becomes effective during fiscal year.

Section 199.745 - First governing body of city-county.

Section 199.750 - Status of city-county.

Section 199.753 - City-county service district.

Section 199.755 - Receipt of state funds by city-county.

Section 199.760 - Boundaries of city-county; effect of change; filing boundary change with county assessor and Department of Revenue.

Section 199.770 - Status of employees after consolidation.

Section 199.775 - Effect of city-county incorporation.

Section 199.777 - New county or county boundary change authorized when unincorporated area rejects consolidation.

Section 199.783 - Division of assets when petition is for boundary change; commissioners to adopt plan for division; appointment of commissioners; effect of plan.

Section 199.785 - Election on county formation or boundary change; election procedure; ballot title.

Section 199.790 - Issuance of proclamation by Governor.

Section 199.795 - Operation and effect of proclamation.