2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 38 - Administration and Enforcement of Property Taxes
Section 7-38-83 - Timeliness.

A. When the last day for performing an act falls on Saturday, Sunday or a legal state or national holiday, the performance of the act is timely if performed on the next succeeding day which is not a Saturday, Sunday or a legal state or national holiday.
B. All acts required or permitted to be done by mail are timely if postmarked on the required date.
History: 1953 Comp., § 72-31-83, enacted by Laws 1973, ch. 258, § 123.

Structure 2021 New Mexico Statutes

2021 New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 7 - Taxation

Article 38 - Administration and Enforcement of Property Taxes

Section 7-38-1 - Applicability.

Section 7-38-2 - Investigative authority and powers.

Section 7-38-3 - Information reports.

Section 7-38-4 - Confidentiality of information.

Section 7-38-5 - Repealed.

Section 7-38-6 - Presumption of correctness.

Section 7-38-7 - Valuation date.

Section 7-38-7.1 - Valuation date; tangible personal property; construction contractors.

Section 7-38-8 - Reporting of property for valuation; penalties for failure to report.

Section 7-38-8.1 - Division to adopt regulations to require reporting of exempt property.

Section 7-38-9 - Description of property for property taxation purposes.

Section 7-38-10 - Department may insure compliance with mapping and description of real property regulations by departmental installation of required system; reimbursement by county of costs incurred.

Section 7-38-11 - Property reported in the wrong county.

Section 7-38-12 - Property transfers; copies of documents to be furnished to assessor; penalty for violation.

Section 7-38-12.1 - Residential property transfers; affidavit to be filed with assessor.

Section 7-38-12.2 - Penalties.

Section 7-38-13 - Statement of decrease in value of property subject to local valuation.

Section 7-38-14 - Tabulation of construction permits; information required to be furnished to county assessors.

Section 7-38-15 - Information on real property sold, purchased, contracted to be sold or purchased, or exchanged by governmental bodies to be sent to or obtained by the department; department to compile and send information to county assessors.

Section 7-38-16 - Condemnation proceedings; duty of condemning authority to notify county assessor.

Section 7-38-17 - Claiming exemptions; requirements; penalties.

Section 7-38-17.1 - Presumption of nonresidential classification; declaration of residential classification.

Section 7-38-18 - Publication of notice of certain provisions relating to reporting property for valuation and claiming of exemptions.

Section 7-38-19 - Valuation records.

Section 7-38-20 - County assessor and department to mail notices of valuation.

Section 7-38-20.1 - Temporary provision; additional instructions to assessors and treasurers; special requirements for 2004 veteran exemption; newly eligible veterans.

Section 7-38-21 - Protests; election of remedies.

Section 7-38-22 - Protesting values, classification, allocation of values and denial of exemption determined by the division.

Section 7-38-23 - Protest hearings; verbatim record; action by hearing officer; time limitations.

Section 7-38-24 - Protesting values, classification, allocation of values and denial of exemption or limitation on increase in value determined by the county assessor.

Section 7-38-25 - County valuation protests boards; creation; duties; funding.

Section 7-38-26 - Scheduling of protest hearings.

Section 7-38-27 - Protest hearings; verbatim record; action by county valuation protests board; time limitations.

Section 7-38-28 - Appeals from orders of the hearing officer or county valuation protests boards.

Section 7-38-29 - Retention of hearing records.

Section 7-38-30 - Department to allocate and certify valuations to county assessors.

Section 7-38-31 - County assessor to certify net taxable values to the department.

Section 7-38-32 - Department to prepare a compilation of net taxable values to be used for budget making and rate setting.

Section 7-38-33 - Department of finance and administration to set tax rates.

Section 7-38-34 - Board of county commissioners to order imposition of the tax.

Section 7-38-35 - Preparation of property tax schedule by assessor.

Section 7-38-36 - Preparation and mailing of property tax bills.

Section 7-38-36.1 - Administrative fee to be charged if property tax is less than five dollars ($5.00).

Section 7-38-36.2 - Procedures to delay the mailing of property tax bills for counties for which a property tax levy is imposed at the November 2019 or 2021 regular local election to put the question of imposing or renewing a levy before the voters.

Section 7-38-37 - Contents of property tax bill.

Section 7-38-38 - Payment of property taxes; installment due dates; refund in cases of overpayments.

Section 7-38-38.1 - Recipients of revenue produced through ad valorem levies required to pay counties administrative charge to offset collection costs.

Section 7-38-38.2 - Prepayment of certain property tax installments; resolution by board of county commissioners.

Section 7-38-38.3 - Optional prepayment of property taxes in monthly payments.

Section 7-38-39 - Protesting values; claim for refund.

Section 7-38-40 - Claims for refund; civil action.

Section 7-38-41 - Protested property taxes; suspense fund; refunds; interest.

Section 7-38-42 - Collection and receipt of and accounting for property taxes; application of receipts to delinquent taxes.

Section 7-38-43 - Distribution of receipts from collected property taxes, penalties and interest.

Section 7-38-44 - Special procedures for administration of taxes on personal property when probable removal of property from state will jeopardize collection of taxes.

Section 7-38-44.1 - Special procedures for administration of taxes on real property divided or combined.

Section 7-38-45 - Special provisions relating to administration of taxes on livestock.

Section 7-38-46 - Delinquent property taxes.

Section 7-38-47 - Property taxes are personal obligation of owner of property.

Section 7-38-48 - Property taxes are a lien against real property from January 1; priorities; continuance of taxing process.

Section 7-38-49 - Unpaid property taxes; imposition of interest.

Section 7-38-50 - Delinquent taxes; civil penalties.

Section 7-38-51 - Notification to property owner of delinquent property taxes.

Section 7-38-52 - Notification to motor vehicle division of unpaid property taxes on manufactured homes; notice of filing constitutes lien on vehicle.

Section 7-38-53 - Collection of delinquent property taxes on personal property; assertion of claim against personal property.

Section 7-38-54 - Demand warrant; contents.

Section 7-38-55 - Surrender of personal property; penalty for refusal.

Section 7-38-56 - Release of personal property seized.

Section 7-38-57 - Notice of sale of personal property.

Section 7-38-58 - Personal property sale requirements.

Section 7-38-59 - Certificates of sale; effect of certificates of sale.

Section 7-38-60 - Notification to property owner of delinquent taxes.

Section 7-38-61 - Real property taxes delinquent for more than two years; treasurer to prepare delinquency list; notation on property tax schedule.

Section 7-38-62 - Authority of department to collect delinquent property taxes after receipt of tax delinquency list; allowing an authorized county treasurer to act as an agent of the department; use of penalties, interest and costs.

Section 7-38-63 - Payment of delinquent taxes to the department; distribution.

Section 7-38-64 - Repealed.

Section 7-38-65 - Collection of delinquent taxes on real property; sale of real property.

Section 7-38-66 - Sale of real property for delinquent taxes; notice of sale.

Section 7-38-67 - Real property sale requirements.

Section 7-38-67.1 - Sale of abandoned real property; notice of sale; requirements.

Section 7-38-68 - Installment agreements.

Section 7-38-69 - Distribution of amounts collected under installment agreements.

Section 7-38-70 - Issuance of deeds as result of sale of real property for delinquent taxes; effect of deeds; limitation of action to challenge conveyance.

Section 7-38-71 - Distribution of amounts received from sale of property.

Section 7-38-72 - Notation on property tax schedule by county treasurer when property sold for delinquent taxes.

Section 7-38-73 - Department of finance and administration to promulgate regulations regarding accounting for and distribution of property taxes collected.

Section 7-38-74 - Officers and employees engaged in the administration of the property tax prohibited from buying property sold for delinquent property taxes; penalties for violation; sales of real property in violation declared void.

Section 7-38-75 - Exception to property tax due date.

Section 7-38-76 - Property subject to property taxation but omitted from property tax schedules in prior years.

Section 7-38-77 - Authority to make changes in property tax schedule after its delivery to the county treasurer.

Section 7-38-77.1 - Changes in property tax schedule ordered by the department of finance and administration.

Section 7-38-78 - Action by property owner in district court to change property tax schedule.

Section 7-38-79 - Changes in property tax schedule ordered by the division; action by the division in district court to enforce ordered changes.

Section 7-38-80 - Changes in property tax schedules as result of treasurer's action, department order or court order; collection of any additional property taxes due as result; refund of property taxes paid erroneously.

Section 7-38-81 - Limitation on actions for collection of property taxes; presumption of payment of property taxes after ten years.

Section 7-38-81.1 - Limitation on actions for collection of any levy or assessment in the form of property taxes; presumption of payment after ten years.

Section 7-38-82 - Duty of persons responsible for administration of property tax to ascertain the names of owners of property; use of term "unknown owner" prohibited except in certain cases; validity of procedures when name of owner is incorrect or u...

Section 7-38-83 - Timeliness.

Section 7-38-84 - Notices; mailing.

Section 7-38-85 - Extension of deadlines; general provision.

Section 7-38-86 - Extension of deadlines at request of property owners.

Section 7-38-87 - Administrative regulations; promulgation; general provisions.

Section 7-38-88 - Repealed.

Section 7-38-89 - Validity of certain regulations; judicial review.

Section 7-38-90 - Repealed.

Section 7-38-91 - Repealed.

Section 7-38-92 - Attempts to evade or defeat the property tax.

Section 7-38-93 - Interference with the administration of the Property Tax Code.