Values of property for property taxation purposes determined by the division or the county assessor are presumed to be correct. Determinations of tax rates, classification, allocations of net taxable values of property to governmental units and the computation and determination of property taxes made by the officer or agency responsible therefor under the Property Tax Code are presumed to be correct.
History: 1953 Comp., § 72-31-6, enacted by Laws 1973, ch. 258, § 46; 1981, ch. 37, § 67.
Assessor's valuation sufficient evidence to support decision. — Since the assessor's valuation is presumed to be correct, it is sufficient evidence, where uncontradicted, to support the board's decision. Peterson Props. v. Valencia Cnty. Valuation Protests Bd., 1976-NMCA-043, 89 N.M. 239, 549 P.2d 1074.
Application of presumption. — The question whether property is entitled to the special valuation method in Section 7-36-20 NMSA 1978 is a question of classification; property that is classified as agricultural is entitled to the benefit of that section, whereas other property is not. Jicarilla Apache Nation v. Rodarte, 2004-NMSC-035, 136 N.M. 630, 103 P.3d 554, rev'g 2004-NMCA-055, 135 N.M. 630, 92 P.3d 642.
Presumption in this section is applicable only to the value of property and inapplicable when the question is whether a taxpayer is entitled to the special method of valuation provided for in 7-36-20 NMSA 1978. Jicarilla Apache Nation v. Rio Arriba Cnty. Assessor, 2004-NMCA-055, 135 N.M. 630, 92 P.3d 642, rev'd 2004-NMSC-035, 136 N.M. 630, 103 P.3d 554.
Presumption is rebuttable and is best characterized as a prima facie inference in that it shifts the burden of going forward with the evidence to the taxpayer to prove the contrary. Petition of Kinscherff, 1976-NMCA-097, 89 N.M. 669, 556 P.2d 355, cert. denied, 90 N.M. 8, 558 P.2d 620; N.M. Baptist Found. v. Bernalillo Cnty. Assessor, 1979-NMCA-102, 93 N.M. 363, 600 P.2d 309.
Presumption of correctness can be overcome by taxpayer's showing that an assessor did not follow the statutory provisions of the act or by presenting evidence tending to dispute the factual correctness of the valuation. N.M. Baptist Found. v. Bernalillo Cnty. Assessor, 1979-NMCA-102, 93 N.M. 363, 600 P.2d 309; La Jara Land Developers, Inc. v. Bernalillo County Assessor, 1982-NMCA-006, 97 N.M. 318, 639 P.2d 605.
Overcoming the statutory presumption of correctness afforded to the assessor's valuation. — Where appellant sought review of the Bernalillo county valuation protests board's (protests board) valuation of appellant's commercial property, where appellant offered evidence of value tending to dispute the factual correctness of the county assessor's method of valuation, where the county assessor did not offer expert testimony disputing that appellant's method of valuation was a generally accepted appraisal technique, and where neither the protests board nor the district court ruled that appellant failed to overcome the statutory presumption of correctness afforded to the assessor's valuation, the appellant overcame the statutory presumption of correctness and the burden shifted to the assessor to prove that his or her method of valuation utilized a generally accepted appraisal technique. 2727 San Pedro LLC v. Bernalillo Cty. Assessor, 2017-NMCA-008.
Since taxpayer overcame presumption, burden rested on assessor. — This presumption is rebuttable and is best characterized as a prima facie inference in that it shifts the burden of going forward with the evidence to the taxpayer to prove the contrary; where taxpayer's protest and evidence overcame the presumption the burden rested on the county assessor to meet the contentions of the taxpayer. San Pedro S. Group v. Bernalillo Cnty. Valuation Protest Bd., 1976-NMCA-116, 89 N.M. 784, 558 P.2d 53.
Since taxpayer overcame presumption, burden rested on assessor. — While the county assessor's valuation is presumed to be correct, this presumption is rebuttable, and, once rebutted, the burden shifts to the county assessor to show the correct valuation. Bakel v. Bernalillo Cnty. Assessor, 1980-NMCA-173, 95 N.M. 723, 625 P.2d 1240; Protest of Plaza Del Sol Ltd. P'ship v. Assessor for Cnty. of Bernalillo, 1986-NMCA-022, 104 N.M. 154, 717 P.2d 1123.
This section places the burden on the taxpayer to overcome the presumption of correctness, but, the burden shifted to the county assessor to show a correct valuation once that burden of correctness is overcome. Cibola Energy Corp. v. Roselli, 1987-NMCA-055, 105 N.M. 774, 737 P.2d 555.
Since taxpayer's valuation is supported by the whole record in that after rebutting the assessor's valuation and presenting a prima facie case for its own valuation the board failed to rebut taxpayer's appraisal, the decision of the board will be reversed and remanded with instructions that the board enter judgment for taxpayer in favor of its valuations. Cibola Energy Corp. v. Roselli, 1987-NMCA-055, 105 N.M. 774, 737 P.2d 555.
Taxpayer effectively rebutted presumption. — Since taxpayers presented uncontradicted evidence that access to their property was physically blocked and also offered the only substantial evidence of the fair market value of the property in the form of testimony by a real estate appraiser that because of the lack of access the highest and best use that the property could be put to was as grazing land by one of the adjoining landowners, and that as such it had a fair market value of $18.00 per acre, or $2034 and $5022 respectively for the two tracts, they effectively rebutted the presumption of this section that the county assessor's valuations of $313,875 and $169,500 were correct. Petition of Kinscherff, 1976-NMCA-097, 89 N.M. 669, 556 P.2d 355, cert. denied, 90 N.M. 8, 558 P.2d 620.
When presumption unrebutted by lack of comparable sales evidence. — Since the documents relied upon by a taxpayer as evidence of comparable sales are documents dealing with the sale of that very improvement whose valuation is the subject of the present dispute and the only evidence submitted by the taxpayer failed to present any evidence of sales of comparable property and the evidence submitted does not establish a market value under Section 7-36-15B NMSA 1978 and the statutory presumption of correctness still stands. N.M. Baptist Found. v. Bernalillo Cnty. Assessor, 1979-NMCA-102, 93 N.M. 363, 600 P.2d 309.
Presumption of assessor's valuation not overcome. — Since taxpayer failed to present any evidence of sales of comparable property or evidence of value based on generally accepted appraisal techniques, and its only evidence, the purchase price of its land in question, did not establish a market value under Section 7-36-15 NMSA 1978, the presumption of the correctness of the assessor's valuation was not overcome. Peterson Props. v. Valencia Cnty. Valuation Protests Bd., 1976-NMCA-043, 89 N.M. 239, 549 P.2d 1074.
Failure to overcome presumption. — Taxpayers' offer of the price for which they had purchased the property in question as evidence of fair market value failed to overcome the presumption of the correctness of the assessor's valuation where the sales price was not the result of an arms'-length transaction because of the taxpayers' mailing campaign to convince landowners to sell their property to the taxpayers at below market prices. In re Cobb, 1991-NMCA-122, 113 N.M. 251, 824 P.2d 1053, cert. denied, 113 N.M. 44, 822 P.2d 1127.
Taxpayers challenge of their property assessment, which proposed an alternative assessment method, failed to present sufficient evidence to overcome the presumption that the original assessment was correct. Hannahs v. Anderson, 1998-NMCA-152, 126 N.M. 1, 966 P.2d 168, cert. denied, 126 N.M. 532, 972 P.2d 351.
Am. Jur. 2d, A.L.R. and C.J.S. references. — 72 Am. Jur. 2d State and Local Taxation §§ 713, 780.
Structure 2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 38 - Administration and Enforcement of Property Taxes
Section 7-38-1 - Applicability.
Section 7-38-2 - Investigative authority and powers.
Section 7-38-3 - Information reports.
Section 7-38-4 - Confidentiality of information.
Section 7-38-6 - Presumption of correctness.
Section 7-38-7 - Valuation date.
Section 7-38-7.1 - Valuation date; tangible personal property; construction contractors.
Section 7-38-8 - Reporting of property for valuation; penalties for failure to report.
Section 7-38-8.1 - Division to adopt regulations to require reporting of exempt property.
Section 7-38-9 - Description of property for property taxation purposes.
Section 7-38-11 - Property reported in the wrong county.
Section 7-38-12.1 - Residential property transfers; affidavit to be filed with assessor.
Section 7-38-12.2 - Penalties.
Section 7-38-13 - Statement of decrease in value of property subject to local valuation.
Section 7-38-16 - Condemnation proceedings; duty of condemning authority to notify county assessor.
Section 7-38-17 - Claiming exemptions; requirements; penalties.
Section 7-38-19 - Valuation records.
Section 7-38-20 - County assessor and department to mail notices of valuation.
Section 7-38-21 - Protests; election of remedies.
Section 7-38-23 - Protest hearings; verbatim record; action by hearing officer; time limitations.
Section 7-38-25 - County valuation protests boards; creation; duties; funding.
Section 7-38-26 - Scheduling of protest hearings.
Section 7-38-28 - Appeals from orders of the hearing officer or county valuation protests boards.
Section 7-38-29 - Retention of hearing records.
Section 7-38-30 - Department to allocate and certify valuations to county assessors.
Section 7-38-31 - County assessor to certify net taxable values to the department.
Section 7-38-33 - Department of finance and administration to set tax rates.
Section 7-38-34 - Board of county commissioners to order imposition of the tax.
Section 7-38-35 - Preparation of property tax schedule by assessor.
Section 7-38-36 - Preparation and mailing of property tax bills.
Section 7-38-37 - Contents of property tax bill.
Section 7-38-38 - Payment of property taxes; installment due dates; refund in cases of overpayments.
Section 7-38-38.3 - Optional prepayment of property taxes in monthly payments.
Section 7-38-39 - Protesting values; claim for refund.
Section 7-38-40 - Claims for refund; civil action.
Section 7-38-41 - Protested property taxes; suspense fund; refunds; interest.
Section 7-38-43 - Distribution of receipts from collected property taxes, penalties and interest.
Section 7-38-45 - Special provisions relating to administration of taxes on livestock.
Section 7-38-46 - Delinquent property taxes.
Section 7-38-47 - Property taxes are personal obligation of owner of property.
Section 7-38-49 - Unpaid property taxes; imposition of interest.
Section 7-38-50 - Delinquent taxes; civil penalties.
Section 7-38-51 - Notification to property owner of delinquent property taxes.
Section 7-38-54 - Demand warrant; contents.
Section 7-38-55 - Surrender of personal property; penalty for refusal.
Section 7-38-56 - Release of personal property seized.
Section 7-38-57 - Notice of sale of personal property.
Section 7-38-58 - Personal property sale requirements.
Section 7-38-59 - Certificates of sale; effect of certificates of sale.
Section 7-38-60 - Notification to property owner of delinquent taxes.
Section 7-38-63 - Payment of delinquent taxes to the department; distribution.
Section 7-38-65 - Collection of delinquent taxes on real property; sale of real property.
Section 7-38-66 - Sale of real property for delinquent taxes; notice of sale.
Section 7-38-67 - Real property sale requirements.
Section 7-38-67.1 - Sale of abandoned real property; notice of sale; requirements.
Section 7-38-68 - Installment agreements.
Section 7-38-69 - Distribution of amounts collected under installment agreements.
Section 7-38-71 - Distribution of amounts received from sale of property.
Section 7-38-75 - Exception to property tax due date.
Section 7-38-78 - Action by property owner in district court to change property tax schedule.
Section 7-38-84 - Notices; mailing.
Section 7-38-85 - Extension of deadlines; general provision.
Section 7-38-86 - Extension of deadlines at request of property owners.
Section 7-38-87 - Administrative regulations; promulgation; general provisions.
Section 7-38-89 - Validity of certain regulations; judicial review.
Section 7-38-92 - Attempts to evade or defeat the property tax.
Section 7-38-93 - Interference with the administration of the Property Tax Code.