Within seven business days after an issuing authority issues any private activity bonds or makes a mortgage credit certificate election, the issuing authority or, in the case of a project, bond counsel for the issuing authority or the user, shall advise the board by letter of the date the bonds were issued and the total aggregate amount of the issue or, in the case of a mortgage credit certificate election, the date and the amount of the election.
History: Laws 1988, ch. 46, § 8.
Applicability. — Laws 1988, ch. 46, § 12, effective March 4, 1988, makes the Private Activity Bond Act effective retroactive to January 1, 1988, and applicable to all private activity bonds issued after that date.
Structure 2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 20 - Private Activity Bonds
Section 6-20-3 - Allocation of state ceiling.
Section 6-20-4 - Issuance of private activity bonds.
Section 6-20-5 - Request for allocation.
Section 6-20-7 - Carryforward election allocations.
Section 6-20-9 - Assignments of allocations and carryforward election allocations.