2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 20 - Private Activity Bonds
Section 6-20-2 - Definitions.

A. As used in the Private Activity Bond Act:
(1) "allocation" means an allocation of the state ceiling issued by the board to an issuing authority to issue private activity bonds;
(2) "allocation expiration date" means the expiration date for issuance of private activity bonds or making a mortgage credit certificate election set forth in the board allocation which shall be the earlier of one hundred twenty days from the date of issuance of the allocation or the bond issuance expiration date for the calendar year of the allocation; provided, however, that in the case of allocations issued pursuant to Subsection A or B of Section 3 [6-20-3 NMSA 1978] of the Private Activity Bond Act, "allocation expiration date" means July 1 of the calendar year of the allocation;
(3) "board" means the state board of finance;
(4) "bond counsel" means an attorney or a firm of attorneys listed in the most recently available "Directory of Municipal Bond Dealers of the United States", published by the Bond Buyer and commonly known as the "Red Book", in the section listing municipal bond attorneys of the United States or the successor publication thereto;
(5) "bond issuance expiration date" means the date not later than December 26 selected annually by the board upon which all unexpired allocations issued for the calendar year shall expire except to the extent that any unexpired allocation has been used by an issuing authority prior to such date to issue private activity bonds or make a mortgage credit certificate election;
(6) "carryforward election allocation" means an allocation of the state ceiling issued by the board pursuant to the Private Activity Bond Act which an issuing authority may elect to treat as a carryforward under Section 146 of the code;
(7) "carryforward purpose" means:
(a) the purpose of issuing exempt facility bonds;
(b) the purpose of issuing qualified mortgage bonds or mortgage credit certificates;
(c) the purpose of issuing qualified student loan bonds; and
(d) the purpose of issuing qualified redevelopment bonds;
(8) "code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended;
(9) "confirmation" means the confirmation of bond issuance furnished to the board;
(10) "inducement resolution" means a resolution expressing an intent to issue private activity bonds for a project;
(11) "issuing authority" means the state, state agencies, counties and incorporated municipalities;
(12) "mortgage credit certificate election" means an election pursuant to Section 25(c)(2)(A)(ii) of the code, by an issuing authority not to issue qualified mortgage bonds which the issuing authority is otherwise authorized to issue, in exchange for the authority under Section 25 of the code to issue mortgage credit certificates in connection with a qualified mortgage credit certificate within the meaning of Section 25(c)(2) of the code;
(13) "private activity bond" means:
(a) any bond or other obligation which is a qualified private activity bond under Section 141 of the code which is not excluded by Section 146(g), (h) and (i) of the code or a bond or other obligation issued under Section 1312 or 1313 of the Tax Reform Act of 1986; and
(b) the private activity portion of government use bonds allocated by an issuing authority to an issue under Section 141(b)(5) of the code;
(14) "project" means any facilities which can be financed with private activity bonds which are not qualified student loan bonds or qualified mortgage bonds;
(15) "qualified mortgage bond" means a bond or obligation which is issued as part of a qualified mortgage issue under Section 143 of the code;
(16) "qualified student loan bond" means any bond issued as part of an issue of which the applicable percentage or more of the net proceeds thereof are to be used directly or indirectly to make or finance student loans under programs identified by Section 144(b) of the code;
(17) "regulations" means the regulations promulgated by the internal revenue service under the code or under the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended;
(18) "request for allocation" means the request of an issuing authority pursuant to the Private Activity Bond Act;
(19) "request for carryforward election allocation" means the request of an issuing authority pursuant to the Private Activity Bond Act;
(20) "state" means the state of New Mexico;
(21) "state agency" means the New Mexico industrial and agricultural finance authority, the New Mexico educational assistance foundation, the New Mexico mortgage finance authority and any other agency, authority, instrumentality, corporation or body, now existing or hereafter created, which under state law can issue private activity bonds on behalf of the state;
(22) "state ceiling" means, for any calendar year, the greater of an amount equal to fifty dollars ($50.00) multiplied by the state population as shown by the most recent census estimate of the resident population of the state released by the United States bureau of census before the beginning of such calendar year, or one hundred fifty million dollars ($150,000,000) or such different amount as may be provided by Section 146(d) of the code;
(23) "state private activity bond fund" means the fund into which the unallocated and unused state ceiling is set aside on July 1 in each calendar year and from which issuing authorities may receive carryforward election allocations and allocations to fund the issuance of private activity bonds and the making of mortgage credit certificate elections; and
(24) "user" means the user of proceeds of private activity bonds for a project.
B. The word "issue" or "issued" when used in the context of an issuing authority issuing a private activity bond means the physical delivery of the evidences of indebtedness in exchange for the amount of the purchase price.
C. References in the Private Activity Bond Act to particular sections of the code or the regulations shall be deemed also to refer to any successor or recodification sections.
History: Laws 1988, ch. 46, § 2.
Cross references. — For the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, see Title 26 of the United States Code. For Sections 25, 141, 143, 144, and 146 of that code, see 26 U.S.C.S. §§ 25, 141, 143, 144, and 146, respectively.
For Sections 1312 and 1313 of the Tax Reform Act of 1986, see notes following 26 U.S.C.S. § 103.
Applicability. — Laws 1988, ch. 46, § 12, effective March 4, 1988, made the Private Activity Bond Act effective retroactive to January 1, 1988, and applicable to all private activity bonds issued after that date.