2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 13 - Institution Bonds
Section 6-13-18 - Security; priority of liens.

A. All bonds of the same issue under the Institution Bond Act have a prior and paramount lien upon income from the permanent fund and upon the income and current fund of the institution issuing the bonds. This lien is ahead of all bonds of any series secured by a pledge of this income and fund which may be subsequently authorized, and is ahead of any claims or other obligations of any nature against this income and fund subsequently arising or incurred.
B. The bonds are subject to any prior and superior rights of any outstanding bonds, claims or other obligations previously issued, arising or incurred, but the resolution authorizing issuance of bonds under the Institution Bond Act may provide for subsequent authorization of bonds having a lien for payment on income from the permanent fund and on the income and current fund of the institution at a parity with the lien of earlier bonds upon conditions provided in the resolution.
C. Except as otherwise expressly provided in the resolution, all bonds of the same series issued under the Institution Bond Act shall be equally and ratably secured without priority by reason of number, date or [of] bonds, sale, execution or delivery, by a lien on income from the permanent fund and on the income and current fund of the issuing state institution in accordance with the terms of the Institution Bond Act.
History: 1941 Comp., § 6-270, enacted by Laws 1949, ch. 121, § 17; 1953 Comp., § 11-9-18, compiled and amended by Laws 1963, ch. 298, §§ 2, 6.
Bracketed material. — The bracketed material was inserted by the compiler and is not part of the law.

Structure 2021 New Mexico Statutes

2021 New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 6 - Public Finances

Article 13 - Institution Bonds

Section 6-13-1 - Short title.

Section 6-13-2 - State institutions.

Section 6-13-3 - General borrowing authority.

Section 6-13-4 - General bonding authority.

Section 6-13-5 - Bonds; form; terms.

Section 6-13-6 - [Sale of bonds.]

Section 6-13-7 - [Proceeds from sale of bonds; building and improvement fund; expenditures.]

Section 6-13-8 - [Interest and retirement fund; establishment; purpose.]

Section 6-13-9 - [Pledge of income from permanent funds of state institutions.]

Section 6-13-10 - [Permanent funds from disposition of lands held in trust for state institutions; investment.]

Section 6-13-11 - Bond payment.

Section 6-13-12 - [Income from permanent funds of institutions; payment to interest and retirement fund; duties of state treasurer.]

Section 6-13-13 - [Bonds issued in series.]

Section 6-13-14 - [Limitation on amount of issue.]

Section 6-13-15 - [Exemption from taxation.]

Section 6-13-16 - [Funds derived from sale of bonds; restrictions on use.]

Section 6-13-17 - [Issuance and sale of bonds; approval of state board of finance.]

Section 6-13-18 - Security; priority of liens.

Section 6-13-19 - Refunding; purposes.

Section 6-13-20 - Refunding; issuance of bonds.

Section 6-13-21 - Refunding; conditions of bonds.

Section 6-13-22 - Refunding; escrowed proceeds.

Section 6-13-23 - Refunding; payment of bonds.

Section 6-13-24 - Refunding; bonds retired.

Section 6-13-25 - Refunding; priority of liens.

Section 6-13-26 - Refunding; procedures.

Appendix - Appendix to Article 13