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Section 6-13-1 - Short title. - Sections 6-13-1 through 6-13-26 NMSA 1978 may be cited as...
Section 6-13-2 - State institutions. - The state institutions, within the meaning of Chapter 6, Article...
Section 6-13-3 - General borrowing authority. - For the purpose of erecting, purchasing or otherwise acquiring, altering,...
Section 6-13-4 - General bonding authority. - Whenever the governing board of any state institution, by affirmative...
Section 6-13-5 - Bonds; form; terms. - Bonds issued under the Institution Bond Act shall be payable...
Section 6-13-6 - [Sale of bonds.] - That said bonds may be sold at public or private...
Section 6-13-7 - [Proceeds from sale of bonds; building and improvement fund; expenditures.] - That the proceeds from the sale of said bonds shall...
Section 6-13-8 - [Interest and retirement fund; establishment; purpose.] - That the governing board issuing said bonds shall, at the...
Section 6-13-9 - [Pledge of income from permanent funds of state institutions.] - That for the faithful and prompt payment of all interest...
Section 6-13-10 - [Permanent funds from disposition of lands held in trust for state institutions; investment.] - That from and after the passage and approval of this...
Section 6-13-11 - Bond payment. - It is the duty of the secretary and treasurer of...
Section 6-13-12 - [Income from permanent funds of institutions; payment to interest and retirement fund; duties of state treasurer.] - That it is hereby made the duty of the state...
Section 6-13-13 - [Bonds issued in series.] - That in the event the board of any of the...
Section 6-13-14 - [Limitation on amount of issue.] - None of such boards of any state institution shall have...
Section 6-13-15 - [Exemption from taxation.] - That bonds issued under the provisions of this act [6-13-1...
Section 6-13-16 - [Funds derived from sale of bonds; restrictions on use.] - That none of the funds derived from the sale of...
Section 6-13-17 - [Issuance and sale of bonds; approval of state board of finance.] - That no bonds shall be finally issued and sold under...
Section 6-13-18 - Security; priority of liens. - A. All bonds of the same issue under the Institution...
Section 6-13-19 - Refunding; purposes. - Any bonds issued under the Institution Bond Act, or under...
Section 6-13-20 - Refunding; issuance of bonds. - A. Any bonds issued under the Institution Bond Act for...
Section 6-13-21 - Refunding; conditions of bonds. - Under the Institution Bond Act: A. no bonds may be...
Section 6-13-22 - Refunding; escrowed proceeds. - Under the Institution Bond Act, any escrowed proceeds may be...
Section 6-13-23 - Refunding; payment of bonds. - Refunding bonds issued under the Institution Bond Act may be...
Section 6-13-24 - Refunding; bonds retired. - Under the Institution Bond Act, outstanding bonds of more than...
Section 6-13-25 - Refunding; priority of liens. - Whenever bonds for refunding and bonds for any other purposes...
Section 6-13-26 - Refunding; procedures. - Except as changed or necessarily implied with reference to refunding,...
Appendix - Appendix to Article 13 - Appendix to Article 13. State Institution Bonds. The following laws...