2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 10 - Public Money
Section 6-10-52 - [Failure to comply with specific requirements; penalty.]

Any person who shall willfully or knowingly fail to perform any act required, and as required by Section 2 [6-10-3 NMSA 1978] or Section 25 [6-10-42 NMSA 1978] hereof, or who shall commit any act in violation of either of said sections, shall be guilty of a felony and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of not to exceed two thousand dollars ($2,000), or by imprisonment in the penitentiary for a term of not more than three years, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
History: Laws 1923, ch. 76, § 29; C.S. 1929, § 112-129; 1941 Comp., § 7-249; 1953 Comp., § 11-2-52.
Bracketed material. — The bracketed material was inserted by the compiler and is not part of the law.

Structure 2021 New Mexico Statutes

2021 New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 6 - Public Finances

Article 10 - Public Money

Section 6-10-1 - Fiscal year designated.

Section 6-10-1.1 - Definitions.

Section 6-10-1.2 - Payment methods authorized; fee.

Section 6-10-2 - Public money; cash books; daily balance; public record.

Section 6-10-2.1 - State treasurer; duty.

Section 6-10-3 - Payment of state money into treasury; suspense funds.

Section 6-10-4 - Payment of obligations of prior years from current year appropriations.

Section 6-10-5 - General fund deficiency; certificates of indebtedness.

Section 6-10-6 - Issuance of certificates.

Section 6-10-7 - Retirement of certificates.

Section 6-10-8 - County boards of finance.

Section 6-10-9 - Boards of finance for institutions.

Section 6-10-10 - Deposit and investment of funds.

Section 6-10-10.1 - Local government investment pool created; distribution of earnings; report of investments.

Section 6-10-10.2 - Statements of condition required to be transmitted to the state cash manager.

Section 6-10-11 - Approval of investment of state funds.

Section 6-10-12 - [Investment of special road fund balances over $10,000.]

Section 6-10-13 - [Limitation on investment of special road fund.]

Section 6-10-14 - [Securities eligible for special road fund investments.]

Section 6-10-15 - Surety for deposits.

Section 6-10-16 - Security for deposits of public money.

Section 6-10-16.1 - Security for public deposits.

Section 6-10-17 - Amount of security to be deposited.

Section 6-10-17.1 - Noncompliance with collateral requirements; withdrawal of public funds.

Section 6-10-18 - Assignment of securities; disposition.

Section 6-10-19 - Ineligible depository bonds.

Section 6-10-20 - Additional security.

Section 6-10-21 - Security for deposits; safekeeping; regulations of state board of finance.

Section 6-10-22 - Security for deposits; liability for loss.

Section 6-10-23 - Safekeeping of pledged securities; acceptance, release and substitution.

Section 6-10-24 - Deposit of public funds in federally insured banks, savings and loan associations and credit unions; conditions.

Section 6-10-24.1 - State funds; limitation.

Section 6-10-24.2 - Linked deposit program.

Section 6-10-25 - Declaration of policy.

Section 6-10-26 - Quarterly reports of funds on demand deposit; investment in interest-bearing deposits and securities.

Section 6-10-27 - Provisions inapplicable to permanent and certain other funds.

Section 6-10-28 - Investment of bond proceeds.

Section 6-10-29 - Banks, savings and loan associations and credit unions to furnish statement of deposits monthly; credit interest monthly; signature to checks.

Section 6-10-30 - Interest rates set by state board of finance.

Section 6-10-31 - Interest on time deposits.

Section 6-10-32 - Treatment of interest on land grant funds.

Section 6-10-33 - Interest limited to maximum permitted by federal law or regulation.

Section 6-10-34 - Withdrawal of time deposits subject to federal law or regulation.

Section 6-10-35 - Fiscal agent of New Mexico; state checking depositories; state depositories; designation by board of finance.

Section 6-10-36 - Public money deposits of certain governmental units; distribution; interest.

Section 6-10-36.1 - Receipts of public money; disposition by certain municipalities.

Section 6-10-37 - State treasurer to make deposits.

Section 6-10-38 - Bonds of state treasurer, municipal treasurers and treasurers of boards in control.

Section 6-10-39 - [Official bonds; payment of premiums; form.]

Section 6-10-40 - Officials receiving consideration for placing loan or deposit; misusing funds; failure to deposit; penalty.

Section 6-10-41 - Suspense account unearned money; transfer.

Section 6-10-42 - Authorizing fund transfers to address delays in revenue; restrictions.

Section 6-10-43 - Interest and sinking-fund balances.

Section 6-10-44 - Temporary investment of excess funds; federal bonds or treasury certificates eligible.

Section 6-10-44.1 - Deposits in credit unions.

Section 6-10-45 - [Deposit of local funds with state treasurer to match allotments.]

Section 6-10-46 - Disbursement of state funds; vouchers and warrants.

Section 6-10-47 - [Safekeeping and insurance of money and securities in state treasury; payment of cost.]

Section 6-10-48 - Insolvency of depository institution; profit and loss account.

Section 6-10-49 - [Insolvency of banks; state funds; right to recover deposits not impaired.]

Section 6-10-50 - Loss of money deposited in qualified banks, savings and loan associations or credit unions; treasurers relieved of liability.

Section 6-10-51 - To cover all moneys lawfully intrusted to treasurers.

Section 6-10-52 - [Failure to comply with specific requirements; penalty.]

Section 6-10-53 - [Bribery of public treasurers and employees; penalty.]

Section 6-10-54 - [Institutions exempted from paying over money to state treasurer; liability for failure to make authorized deposit.]

Section 6-10-55 - Short title.

Section 6-10-56 - Definitions.

Section 6-10-57 - Cancellation of warrants.

Section 6-10-58 - Signing checks for state funds.

Section 6-10-59 - Loss or destruction of state or political subdivision warrant or order for money; issue of duplicate.

Section 6-10-60 - Issuance of duplicate; affidavit; bond to save state or political subdivision harmless.

Section 6-10-61 - [Permanent fund investment laws not affected.]

Section 6-10-62 - Destruction of documentary evidence of extinguished debt; certificates of destruction; retention.

Section 6-10-63 - Electronic fund transfers.