2021 New Mexico Statutes
Article 10 - Public Money
Section 6-10-3 - Payment of state money into treasury; suspense funds.

All public money in the custody or under the control of any state official or agency obtained or received by any official or agency from any source, except as in Section 6-10-54 NMSA 1978 provided, shall be paid into the state treasury. It is the duty of every official or person in charge of any state agency receiving any money in cash or by check, draft or otherwise for or on behalf of the state or any agency thereof from any source, except as in Section 6-10-54 NMSA 1978 provided, to forthwith and before the close of the next succeeding business day after the receipt of the money to deliver or remit it to the state treasurer; provided, however, that:
A. the money collected by the state parks division of the energy, minerals and natural resources department and the state monuments division of the cultural affairs department shall be deposited into the state treasury no later than ten days following collection;
B. county treasurers shall remit all money received for taxes for state purposes or that are by law required to be remitted to the department on or before the tenth day of the next succeeding month following the receipt or collection thereof;
C. every official or person in charge of any state agency receiving any money, except as in Section 6-10-54 NMSA 1978 provided, in cash or by check or draft, on deposit, in escrow or in evidence of good faith to secure the performance of any contract or agreement with the state or with any department, institution or agency of the state, which money has not yet been earned so as to become the absolute property of the state, shall deliver or remit to the state treasury within the times and in the manner as in this section provided, which money shall be deposited in a suspense account to the credit of the proper official, person, board or bureau in charge of any state agency so receiving the money; and
D. all money held by the commissioner of public lands on deposit, in escrow or in evidence of good faith to secure the performance of any contract or agreement with the state shall be delivered or remitted to the state treasury within six months from the date this act is approved and at those times, in the amounts and from the various banks in which it is deposited as may be directed by the state board of finance.
History: Laws 1923, ch. 76, § 2; C.S. 1929, § 112-102; 1941 Comp., § 7-203; 1953 Comp., § 11-2-3; Laws 1987, ch. 295, § 1; 2003, ch. 281, § 1; 2011, ch. 88, § 2.
The 2011 amendment, effective July 1, 2011, modified references to the state department and divisions to reflect current usage and to the state treasury.
The 2003 amendment, effective June 20, 2003, deleted "Thirty days from the taking effect of Chapter 6, Article 10 NMSA 1978" at the beginning and, inserted "the energy, minerals and natural resources department and the state monuments of the museum division of the office of cultural affairs" in the third sentence.
The 1987 amendment, effective June 19, 1987, added the first proviso after the second sentence; deleted "of New Mexico, at the time this act takes effect" following "agreement with the state" near the end of the last sentence and "at the time this act is approved" following "deposit," also near the end of the last sentence; and made minor stylistic changes throughout the section.
Funds are not state property until deposited in state treasury. — Where purchase price of state land was not deposited in state treasury, the money did not become the property of the state and the purchaser did not acquire an interest in the land. Laguna Gatuna, Inc. v. U.S. 50 Fed.Cl. 336 (2001).
Public money. — If the Museum of New Mexico imposes a fee on portal program participants, the museum must deposit the funds so generated with the state treasurer because the money is public money within the meaning of this section. 1988 Op. Att'y Gen. No. 88-25.
Time for deposit of state funds with state treasurer. — This section means literally that all receipts of any state official or agency, other than a county treasurer, must be deposited with the state treasurer before the close of the next succeeding business day after the receipt of such moneys. 1959 Op. Att'y Gen. No. 59-193; 1954 Op. Att'y Gen. No. 54-6023.
Check paid in due course constitutes payment at time of delivery. — Under general rules of law, a check constitutes conditional payment only, but, if paid in due course, constitutes payment at the time of the delivery of the check. 1958 Op. Att'y Gen. No. 58-242.
Creation of a suspense fund by the investment council is in accordance with law. 1962 Op. Att'y Gen. No. 62-46.
Acceptance of federal matching funds for charitable, educational, etc., institutions. — New Mexico may accept federal matching funds even though they are eventually to be paid to charitable, educational or other benevolent institutions not under the absolute control of the state because this section allows the state treasurer to create suspense accounts where the state treasurer does not deposit the money in the treasury, thus not violating N.M. Const., art. IV, §§ 30 and 31. 1967 Op. Att'y Gen. No. 67-07.
Escrow funds in hands of insurance department (state insurance board) must be deposited with the state treasurer. 1923 Op. Att'y Gen. No. 23-3693.
Funds collected by state bar association to be kept in separate fund. — All moneys collected by the state bar association become public funds and should be paid into the state treasury to be kept in a separate fund as state bar fund. 1932 Op. Att'y Gen. No. 32-349.
State treasurer custodian of insurance proceeds belonging to vocational education division. — Proceeds of fire insurance on property of the department of vocational education (vocational education division) destroyed at state college (New Mexico state university) should go to state treasurer as custodian of the board's funds. 1937 Op. Att'y Gen. No. 37-1772.
Am. Jur. 2d, A.L.R. and C.J.S. references. — 63C Am. Jur. 2d Public Funds § 5.
81 C.J.S. States § 224.

Structure 2021 New Mexico Statutes

2021 New Mexico Statutes

Chapter 6 - Public Finances

Article 10 - Public Money

Section 6-10-1 - Fiscal year designated.

Section 6-10-1.1 - Definitions.

Section 6-10-1.2 - Payment methods authorized; fee.

Section 6-10-2 - Public money; cash books; daily balance; public record.

Section 6-10-2.1 - State treasurer; duty.

Section 6-10-3 - Payment of state money into treasury; suspense funds.

Section 6-10-4 - Payment of obligations of prior years from current year appropriations.

Section 6-10-5 - General fund deficiency; certificates of indebtedness.

Section 6-10-6 - Issuance of certificates.

Section 6-10-7 - Retirement of certificates.

Section 6-10-8 - County boards of finance.

Section 6-10-9 - Boards of finance for institutions.

Section 6-10-10 - Deposit and investment of funds.

Section 6-10-10.1 - Local government investment pool created; distribution of earnings; report of investments.

Section 6-10-10.2 - Statements of condition required to be transmitted to the state cash manager.

Section 6-10-11 - Approval of investment of state funds.

Section 6-10-12 - [Investment of special road fund balances over $10,000.]

Section 6-10-13 - [Limitation on investment of special road fund.]

Section 6-10-14 - [Securities eligible for special road fund investments.]

Section 6-10-15 - Surety for deposits.

Section 6-10-16 - Security for deposits of public money.

Section 6-10-16.1 - Security for public deposits.

Section 6-10-17 - Amount of security to be deposited.

Section 6-10-17.1 - Noncompliance with collateral requirements; withdrawal of public funds.

Section 6-10-18 - Assignment of securities; disposition.

Section 6-10-19 - Ineligible depository bonds.

Section 6-10-20 - Additional security.

Section 6-10-21 - Security for deposits; safekeeping; regulations of state board of finance.

Section 6-10-22 - Security for deposits; liability for loss.

Section 6-10-23 - Safekeeping of pledged securities; acceptance, release and substitution.

Section 6-10-24 - Deposit of public funds in federally insured banks, savings and loan associations and credit unions; conditions.

Section 6-10-24.1 - State funds; limitation.

Section 6-10-24.2 - Linked deposit program.

Section 6-10-25 - Declaration of policy.

Section 6-10-26 - Quarterly reports of funds on demand deposit; investment in interest-bearing deposits and securities.

Section 6-10-27 - Provisions inapplicable to permanent and certain other funds.

Section 6-10-28 - Investment of bond proceeds.

Section 6-10-29 - Banks, savings and loan associations and credit unions to furnish statement of deposits monthly; credit interest monthly; signature to checks.

Section 6-10-30 - Interest rates set by state board of finance.

Section 6-10-31 - Interest on time deposits.

Section 6-10-32 - Treatment of interest on land grant funds.

Section 6-10-33 - Interest limited to maximum permitted by federal law or regulation.

Section 6-10-34 - Withdrawal of time deposits subject to federal law or regulation.

Section 6-10-35 - Fiscal agent of New Mexico; state checking depositories; state depositories; designation by board of finance.

Section 6-10-36 - Public money deposits of certain governmental units; distribution; interest.

Section 6-10-36.1 - Receipts of public money; disposition by certain municipalities.

Section 6-10-37 - State treasurer to make deposits.

Section 6-10-38 - Bonds of state treasurer, municipal treasurers and treasurers of boards in control.

Section 6-10-39 - [Official bonds; payment of premiums; form.]

Section 6-10-40 - Officials receiving consideration for placing loan or deposit; misusing funds; failure to deposit; penalty.

Section 6-10-41 - Suspense account unearned money; transfer.

Section 6-10-42 - Authorizing fund transfers to address delays in revenue; restrictions.

Section 6-10-43 - Interest and sinking-fund balances.

Section 6-10-44 - Temporary investment of excess funds; federal bonds or treasury certificates eligible.

Section 6-10-44.1 - Deposits in credit unions.

Section 6-10-45 - [Deposit of local funds with state treasurer to match allotments.]

Section 6-10-46 - Disbursement of state funds; vouchers and warrants.

Section 6-10-47 - [Safekeeping and insurance of money and securities in state treasury; payment of cost.]

Section 6-10-48 - Insolvency of depository institution; profit and loss account.

Section 6-10-49 - [Insolvency of banks; state funds; right to recover deposits not impaired.]

Section 6-10-50 - Loss of money deposited in qualified banks, savings and loan associations or credit unions; treasurers relieved of liability.

Section 6-10-51 - To cover all moneys lawfully intrusted to treasurers.

Section 6-10-52 - [Failure to comply with specific requirements; penalty.]

Section 6-10-53 - [Bribery of public treasurers and employees; penalty.]

Section 6-10-54 - [Institutions exempted from paying over money to state treasurer; liability for failure to make authorized deposit.]

Section 6-10-55 - Short title.

Section 6-10-56 - Definitions.

Section 6-10-57 - Cancellation of warrants.

Section 6-10-58 - Signing checks for state funds.

Section 6-10-59 - Loss or destruction of state or political subdivision warrant or order for money; issue of duplicate.

Section 6-10-60 - Issuance of duplicate; affidavit; bond to save state or political subdivision harmless.

Section 6-10-61 - [Permanent fund investment laws not affected.]

Section 6-10-62 - Destruction of documentary evidence of extinguished debt; certificates of destruction; retention.

Section 6-10-63 - Electronic fund transfers.